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Everything posted by BillsDude

  1. Bellichick will be saying this soon: “Now our focus is on Buffalo. We have our hands full this week. By far, the best defense we will face this year. They got a quarterback I have a ton of respect for. Allen can do everything. I won’t be sleeping much this week. They got guys playing like all stars in all the right places. Every time we play Buffalo they make things hard for us. They are as dangerous as any team team in the league. If we do not play our A game, it will be a long night for us.” Check back in a few days to see how accurate I was.
  2. I was already already counting the chickens before they were hatched.
  3. Sort of. But I think Allen has more than a big gun. He’s got all the tools. I call him “Tool Time” Allen, as like that Tim Allen guy in that Home Improvement show, he has many hand and power tools in his arsenal. You never know what you will get; A sledgehammer from him in the form of a stiff arm to knock a defender out, or like when he without notice goes bombs away or throws a powerful rocket; a hand chisel if he decides to chip away at the other team with long marches of short passes: a coping or jig saw, as he will weave with ease and grace around that defense; a nail driver, as he seals and finishes off the other team with his final drives , a jack hammer as he bounces, leaps, hops or flies with strength over you; a circular saw as he rips you apart down the seams; a radial arm saw as he slices the other team away with his commands for his OL to pull, a mitre box saw as he measures and cuts with precision across the field and pushes down on the pedal; a dust mask when asked to remained poised when the other team stinks, and like a vice and Carpenters glue when he finds all those ways to get the team to stick together....
  4. Just walk in those Dollar stores. Find many there.
  5. Anyone here practice voodoo? Much appreciated.
  6. It’s not anyone else’s fault Rosen isn’t athletic. Allen not only survived the storm last year, but hurdled it, flew over it, weaved around it, and stiff armed through it. That is why Allen was picked over Rosen. The Chosen One was chosen by the powers to be the sacrificial lamb of the.NFL, so for any team that wants the number one pick this year, then next year, then the year after, Rosen will be that guy. On the bright side, I think his confidence will eventually turn to normal levels.
  7. Maybe should have changed the title to cannot dish Bid Red, as he is coming to town soon. Give him a key to city, some more money to his charity, a bucket of wings, or some praise. I do not care. Just do not be mean to him, as we may need him again this year.
  8. Cool. What type of spice? Baby, Sporty, Scary, or Posh?
  9. Agree. Others here who did not pick Allen as #1 I feel could be missing the boat on some other things too. Lets talk about personality and attitude, and which player could you see as the face of the franchise for 15+ years. Feel those tangibles and that leadership and stability fit for Buffalo is 50% of the reason I would take him over the rest. Yes, his exciting other skills account for the other 50%, but let’s be serious about the others. Nope, nope, nope, and maybe. Three have abrasive or annoying demeanors or personalities, or they could crack at any moment, because of either being too selfish, arrogant, thin skinned, stubborn or timid, from my analysis, whereas the other I rate as ho hum, ok, nothing to get excited about, but would take him over Everyone else since Kelly. I mean, some of the other four I see as flash in the pan, but with more risk than Allen, or lots less to offer once the league figures them out. Or brittle in some way. By no means do I see Allen as perfect, but he is perfect for this team, in terms of attitude, effort, willing to listen, exciting skills, intelligence, and leadership ability.
  10. First choice would be Buckingham Palace. I hear the Royal Family loves football. If that does not work, try Palace of Westminster. They have lots of rowdy people there. You could get into some scrums.after each play. Third choice. Wembley Stadium. They watch American Football on big screen TVs there I think, as their Monarch football team has been disbanded, over a few decades ago, and as they are hoping to see Wade this week on the practice field.
  11. Oops, you got the sent out too soon copy. Had revised it as some politician hacked into my account for the last few sentences, and sent it out before I was ready..
  12. And then the Bills sidelines came to life as their superhero captain and leader Joshua David Allen decided to show the Jets what real men were all about, as he flexed his bionic muscles, spoon fed Motor some spinach, and gave a pep to the defense that would make Lombardi proud. No sulking, no crying, no promises that he could not keep, and no praying to the Holy Ghost, when his team slipped and slopped, fumbled twice and threw unlucky picks. No calling Willy Wonka or the Oompa Loompa's for having laid forty minutes of rotten eggs. No, that was not what Buffalo’s fun loving, Mafia cheering, Wonferlic scholar and athletic strongman did. ( To be continued by someone else...)
  13. I do not know about you all, but I hear the game is in Buffalo next week against the Giants so I will there in my same seat rooting them on. I hope you will too. We need a big crowd there. See below if you do not believe me. “The Giants are going to have a problem on the defensive side, as a season-opening loss to the Cowboys exposed their insufficient talent. No pass rush. An inability for any cornerback other than Janoris Jenkinsto cover. No difference-makers or playmakers. The Giants were outclassed by the Cowboys, allowing almost 500 total yards despite Dallas shutting it down early in the fourth quarter. And now the Giants will travel to Buffalo next week to face a team that overcame a 16-0 deficit to beat Jets on Sunday. -- Jordan Raanan” https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/page/nfl_32for329819/week-1-nfl-takeaways-early-concern-browns-falcons
  14. Thought they had some heat chambers at that new training complex. Didn’t know English chaps would freeze until February.
  15. You are partially right. Nobody has detailed things about Allen’s leadership so I will take the time. This team will win big this year, as I feel the team is much better on paper this year, and as Allen is the biggest leader they have had in a long while. Let’s give some examples about Allen’s leadership: (1) Allen has never publicly said a bad word about any teammate, coach or fan. That shows maturity and leadership. (2) Allen blames himself for his faults, instead of blaming others. That shows maturity and leadership. (3) Allen continually tries to better those flaws. That shows maturity and leadership. (4) Allen works extremely hard in all ways, from all reports. That shows leadership. (5) Allen takes the time and effort to know and appreciate all of his teammates, no matter if rookie or 3rd string guy or not. That shows maturity and leadership. (6) Allen takes time out always for the fans, including special needs fans. That shows maturity and leadership. (7) Allen has showed he has embraced the city of Buffalo, in many ways. That shows leadership. (8) Allen is willing to do anything it takes to win, including risking his body jumping over people and diving into end zones and flying over cones. That shows maturity and leadership. (9) A win to Allen is more important than a other personal stats for him. That shows maturity and leadership. (10) Allen is loved by his teammates and coaches from what we hear. That shows his leadership. (11) Allen can see the positives through bad times. That shows maturity and leadership. (12) Allen reportedly acts like a leader in the huddle, through his confidence and taking command of the situation and when calling the play. That shows leadership. (13) Allen is not afraid of, nor disrespectful towards, supposed tough guy trash talking. That shows leadership. (14) Allen without complaint seems very fine with Dabols system at looking first for shorter and intermediate passes passes, and taking what they give, if it is there, before focusing on long throws. That growth mindset shows maturity and leadership. (15) Allen talks like a leader in press conferences and supposedly when he trains and practices. That is a leader. (16) The original poster provided no proof Allen is not an off field or on field leader. That does not sound like a leader. (17) The original poster may never admit he is wrong about Allen and his leadership. That does not sound like a leader.
  16. When I saw the title, I was hoping for the Pegulas to bring in some Buffaloes as Mascots.
  17. Bills will win the game easily 27-3. We will be winning the AFC East this year, so now is the time to jump on the Bills Bandwagon.
  18. This! The calm now. The storm is coming!
  19. You must be the Houston or Jets GM. We will not deal with you for one of our RB gems, unless you throw in your best DLman, along with your 2nd round pick next year. My sub sandwich delivery guy just said BeaneCoin told him just that.
  20. Yea, I can see him playing hard to get and being very savvy when others are asking him for his players about to be released. Like if the other GM says they want Yeldon, BeaneCoin says, “Anybody else, as his value is soaring right now. He has been off the charts from what we see.. He has been our best running back all training camp, by far, with excellent experience shown, hard and elusive running skills, superb ball catching ability, and bulldozer type blocking. The other day in practice he ran through our beefy guys and darted around our fast dudes. He makes Beast Mode look like Forrest Gump when he runs. He makes Singletary look like Charlie Brown running into PigPens dust. TJ really embarrassed Edmunds on one play the other day in practice. He made him look like Clumsy Curly. He stiffed armed our Horrible Harry so bad that now we call him Gentle Harry, and can out leaps Jumping Josh. If you think Allen is SuperMan running, and by flexing his guns and flying towards the cones, just wait til you see Yeldon. Sky is the limit for TJ. He is about to explode on the scene in value and price. But, since we have a glut of Hall of Fame and future Hall of Fame running backs on the team, we will consider a 2nd round pick for him, if you throw in a case of.Bud or a bucket of some Christy Kremes. Take it or leave it, as I have two other gms that are offering 3s for Yeldon. “
  21. “The Process: Team unity, hard work, and smiles That’s what I am talking about.”
  22. Great players and great coaches thrive under adversity and stressful situations. They do not melt. They learn more, work harder, become tougher and will find new pathways to succeed, when dangers lurk, bad things happen, and when unexpected curveballs come their way.
  23. Not sure I get the article title. If you’ve never heard of a player, he cannot be the best, as the best at each position will be talked about. I think the writer meant, “Levi is rarely heard of, yet is one of the best cornerbacks.” But, the media can embellish a bit, or want to be captivating or cute with their title sayings. Or sometimes, writers just are not the best at grammar. Regardless, the article title is a bit misleading, cheesy, cabaret and indulgent, something Simon Cowell might often say, when critiquing singers. (
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