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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. 💯 agreed. This cringey BS is polluting this place.
  2. There is no sanctity of the sport because nothing about football (especially pro football) is sacred. It’s a kids game for f’s sakes. In all honesty if you take this **** that seriously, you have problems.
  3. He’s like 4th in current odds, which is exactly where he should be imo. If they win out these last 5 games, Allen should walk away with it.
  4. Does Antonio come with a new set of 5 offensive linemen? If so yes get him up there.
  5. I know your type chief. And I’m not wrong
  6. I guarantee you would never call any Bills player or coach soft or tell them they lack balls to their face.
  7. Well, when the opposition’s rushing offense in ENTIRELY their whole offense obviously the numbers are not going to look great. But yes, I take your point because there was mucho sloppy tackling out there.
  8. And how many points did the defense give up again? Holy ***** the scapegoating has reached epic levels
  9. Exactly. Stop playing offense in the redzone like you have a Civic at QB when you have a Lambo.
  10. Yikes. Well that’s all Sully is at this point. He is a NE native btw I’m sure he took some sick joy in asking that.
  11. It absolutely was middling to poor. Im just putting it in light of comparison. Not making an excuse for it.
  12. I mean you don’t need to shadow mod to make your point
  13. they got thoroughly outcoached by the greatest to ever do it. It happens. But you’re right we should not be settling for “oh well it’s Belicheck” excuses.
  14. The first drop? In the 1st quarter? Looked like it hit him in both hands so not sure how it could have only been a “one-handed catch” as you put it. But if you want to be his apologist tonight go ahead I guess? He’s just another guy. I’m happy he’s improved this year but when you start out at an abysmal 19% drop rate, there’s really no where to go but up.
  15. very interesting thanks for this Logic - I have to admit I don’t know much at all about this Edj outfit, do they outline their methodology on the site anywhere?
  16. Imagine being this BIG mad about something the graphics dept at fox sports cooked up. How ridiculous.
  17. My answer is Jordan Poyer because he’s more often than not the MVP of the defense on a game-by-game basis.
  18. The dime store jay lenos on this site thinking a) they’re funny, or even worse b) they think we think they’re funny with their dumbass thread titles.
  19. I fear not making the playoffs.
  20. I think everyone needs to calm down with the rah-rah BS. Along with the “we are doomed” BS. This is unreadable.
  21. You talking about live win percentage probability? Yes that is completely useless. Made up by network graphics guys so can slap a line graph up on tv and look smart.
  22. He’s not remotely near any hot seat.
  23. I was trying to be diplomatic but yeah, Josh isn’t the same player in bad conditions.
  24. Many QBs try those gloves, few stick with them. Who’s to say he hasn’t already tested one out and said nah, not for me?
  25. I think the dome talk has much to do with the fact that Allen has seemed to struggle in some inclement conditions already early in his career. So I understand fans who want to advocate for a covered stadium to maximize Allen’s talent. Personally I don’t want a dome or roof, I prefer the outdoor atmosphere, but I get why some fans press for it.
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