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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. Apparently Real Sports (the HBO show) has a podcast and they get into even more gory detail. Snyder is a scumbag. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/real-sports-podcast/id1549749078?i=1000549837226
  2. please don’t get my hopes up. I’ve been wishing for this for a long time.
  3. That I certainly agree with sorry for misreading you. While Ross’s alleged activity doesn’t suggest any gambling ties or influences, the mere fact that the league is completely integrated with gambling now makes the bad optics of all this even worse.
  4. So you’d have to show me the motivations for such a grand, widespread fixing conspiracy. The alleged motivation of Ross is easy to see - he wanted the best possible draft position. But for multiple teams, refs, league officials and co-conspirators like gambling sites to be working something? What’s the impetus behind that scheme?
  5. who’s claiming he is a slam-dunk choice? I don’t even think Flores claims that. His issue is with the sham hiring processes that humiliate and waste the time of black candidates. His issue is the league hiding behind the letter of the Rooney Rule, when teams clearly don’t believe in the spirit of it.
  6. You can ask the multiple teams who set up HC interviews with him why.
  7. Uniforms are hilariously bad too. Yes. There’s no consistency across these. Very amateurish
  8. Definitely possible. And their past cases did garner publicity. I guess without knowing exactly what Flores’ goals are with this it’s hard to tell if how they’re going about is foolish or not. If he wants to embarrass the league at all costs, for example, going with these guys and their playbook makes some sense. I did see this morning that his lawyers are appearing on the Today show today, so there’s that.
  9. Agree I don’t know exactly what Flores’ motivations are either or if he went along with this strategy clear-headed. I just don’t see any evidence that Wigdor is purposely fireballing his career to maximize exposure to gain clout. They may honestly believe it’s the best strategy against entities like the NFL.
  10. In what way is that obvious? These guys represented Harvey Weinstein victims and sued Fox News for sexual harassment. What suggests that they take all these cases solely out of self-interest?
  11. Widgor isn’t some shady firm trying to make a name for themselves. They’re heavy hitters.
  12. Revisionist nonsense.
  13. So Flores was their 2nd (or 3rd) choice? After you just speculated he bombed his 1st interview. Again, makes perfect sense. You can stop now.
  14. So they set up a 2nd interview with a guy they weren’t impressed with after the first interview? Makes perfect sense.
  15. Another great look for the league.
  16. He’s well aware of what he’s doing and what it’ll likely cost him. He said as much today.
  17. Thanks yes I know where you’re going with that so you can stop now.
  18. I’m not interested in determining the correct number either, all I’m saying is 3% is a long way off from 58%. I’m sure Flores at least believes he has legitimate and persuasive proof. Also, he filed this as a class action - chances are he knows of other coaches with sufficient receipts to join and bolster his case.
  19. Bill’s got spies and friends spread across the whole league.
  20. Well 58% of the players in the league are black, so if we’re trying to figure out a number that might be a good place to start.
  21. That’s why I said one black coach, not 1 minority coach.
  22. Well I don’t know if Flores’ claims have any merit or to what extent he has evidence for any of them, beyond the BB texts. But hard for me to agree the system is working when there’s 1 current black head coach out of 32. We can play that game if you like.
  23. Nepotism? Far as I know Schoen and Daboll aren’t related.
  24. Yes. Martin and Edgar Bennett.
  25. from 3 weeks ago. Interesting. Any context as to what he was talking about? Flores?
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