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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. i believe the state, not the county, will be the landlord of the new stadium.
  2. Holy Cross huh? Right in the heart of Patriots country
  3. You’re really making excuses for this POS and making it sound like a witch hunt by politicians right now? Seriously?
  4. lol. Out of all the blatantly racist, sexist **** posted here on a pretty regular basis, you chime up about a godfather mafia joke and claim offense. Never change TBD.
  5. or Maryland. Basically whomever he can crook harder. Seems like those plans may be thrown out the window now though. Guy belongs in prison.
  6. if it does, then the league has only themselves to blame since they should have pushed this criminal out of the league years ago.
  7. I don’t think a lot of us (certainly not me) are siding with the outrage machine with regards to Schefter or Brandt. I’m just acknowledging that they exist and are going to do what they always do. And these guys (well, Schefter at least; no idea what’s going on inside Brandt’s head) as media professionals should know better and, basically, do their job better. I am not in media and I knew as soon as I read Schefter’s tweet people were going to have a problem with it. It was dumb, not evil.
  8. I agree, and that’s why I am just saying show some tact - allude to the guy’s failed career in Washington literally any other day other than the day of his death. Adam, glued to twitter 24/7 as per his job, should know better.
  9. Yikes buddy. Probably should’ve pocketed this reply because you just showed your whole a** (and not a particularly learned one.) That’s okay I think you’re improving.
  10. Totally agree but I think people are looking at that small subset of sensitive issues he’s tweeted on recently that have miss the mark badly. This and the recent Watson tweet reacting to the grand jury announcements rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. The GJ returning no bills on the charges in no way “proves innocence”
  11. It’s perfectly fine to engage in the type of analysis you’re talking about here. But when people start floating rationales like suicide, drug and/or alcohol use as factors in this based on absolutely no currently available evidence, then they just sound sensationalist and ignorant, on top of being incredibly disrespectful. Just have some tact when addressing these things. It’s not that hard.
  12. Long thread to review…the people that were advocating for a Diggs trade or other sort or separation just a few days ago seem to be absent from all pages… Funny to think even ONE of you would even entertain the possibility that Beane would trade multiple assets, including a 1st round pick, only to jettison the guy after 2 years of elite production cuz he was getting too expensive. Love this place, only for the unintended comedy if nothing else.
  13. Yes I too was thinking let’s get a maniac “enforcer” on defense to rack up penalties, give opponents extra downs and keep Josh Allen on the sidelines.
  14. Oh I completely understand why certain owners (or most/all of them) would find the rationale to defend Snyder, especially now with inquiries into the team’s finances - they don’t want to be next. But long before this week and that revelation, when it was only the rancid workplace cultural issues at issue, Goodell and the small cadre of owners that really pull the strings, decided to sweep this under the rug. Now we’re seeing the consequences of that, with congressional inquiries and congressmen floating the idea of revoking their antitrust exemption. It would have been easier for everyone involved to Sterling/Richardson Snyder long ago. Today, we now have team officials leaking that, despite what Goodell just said at owner meetings this past week, Snyder is actively involved in day-to-day operations. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/04/01/report-daniel-snyder-has-resumed-his-day-to-day-role-with-commanders/
  15. God I hope you’re right. Snyder’s allies in the league office and among the other owners better be kicking themselves right now. They could have been rid this scumbag a while back and decided to protect him.
  16. the Post in general is complete garbage.
  17. Lol. I love all these thin air numbers both the politicians and the league/team uses to justify this stuff. There’s independent research out there, all over the place, that shows the revenue impact is negligible.
  18. Agreed. Bills are 1 right now (and it’s early.) I also agree that although the Chiefs find themselves in an absolute beast of a division, they won’t fall as far as some think after the Hill trade. They’ll reload with someone in the draft and Mahomes will make it work I think.
  19. I don’t think any AFC teams are going to have a runaway great record and only lose 2, 3, or even 4 games. My guess is the Bills go 12-5 and still get the 1 seed.
  20. They look almost perfect. Like others said, not a fan of the shoulder logo.
  21. South of the Mason Dixon line.
  22. This probably plus apparently it was Washington that did not give him an offer before he agreed with the Bills. Then all of a sudden Wash was interested in matching. I chalk this up to Snyder and the Commanders being dunces more than anything. If he (all of a sudden) could stay put, not uproot his family, for the same money why not. Of course I question the judgment of anyone who wants to stay on that tire fire of a team.
  23. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. Kromer’s an excellent OL coach.
  24. Good for OP I guess. He was never very good anyways.
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