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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. mileage varies though - personally my experience has been the same as yours; everything I’ve ordered from there has turned out well. But I’ve had friends get some messed up things from there.
  2. because the napkins line was lame . Because when you ask for help you should give basic info like where you are located. And because “someone who sews” is a pretty obvious answer to the question.
  3. A seamstress would be a good place to start. You need us to google one for you too?
  4. Wonder if they both used the same sculptor. Never thought I’d see something as bad as Ronaldo’s.
  5. in addition to just skipping OTAs as a rookie, which is insane, apparently he wasn’t too motivated to learn the playbook, was a d*** in meetings, and some suspected him of being a malingerer with his various foot issues. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/04/22/report-giants-trying-to-trade-kadarius-toney/ edit: oh and he took a swing at a guy and got tossed last season against the cowboys.
  6. It’s a pretty nasty thing to do and yeah there are revenge porn laws on the books in most states but honestly this doesn’t move the needle much for me.
  7. Beane submits a card punter in the 1st? Oh well Allen still wins yo
  8. yeah I don’t think there’s a rule regarding the divisional placement games; the schedule makers probably use those 3 games more than any others to create some flexibility. edit: gunner has it right above as far as those off-division “placement” games go.
  9. well yes it’s certainly possible that Motor doesn’t get a 2nd contract, but that’s a stance reflective of a general opinion on RB’s worth that seems to be taking hold around the league. It has nothing to do with the cap - it’s easy to find money for a RB since, again, their position isn’t highly valued and an extension for Motor wouldn’t cost much. All this, of course, also goes against your opinion that drafting Hall in the 1st round is worth it. He’s not; no running back is. edit: probably already posted in this long rambling thread, but the draft network guys seem to agree: https://thedraftnetwork.com/player/breece-hall Also, how exactly is this guy a “bigger” Marshawn? He’s taller by a couple inches, sure (not always good for a RB.) They play at basically same weight.
  10. lol now it’s the “cap situation” why we need to draft this guy. Funny that wasn’t mentioned when you started this thread to brigade for Hall.
  11. 1. not all grades are subjective. Certain grade can be assigned based on measurable qualities. 2. if PFF made readily available the qualifications of their “graders” so we could make a better determination of their expertise, I’d be less inclined to criticize them. As it stands, that info doesn’t appear to be available.
  12. PFF grades are completely subjective, a fact they conveniently don’t highlight. Doesn’t even qualify as an analytic.
  13. wronged? Absent someone else on the plane attempting to kill her, there’s no excuse for endangering the other occupants of that plane like that.
  14. What the hell is wrong with all these people on planes? Hope she enjoys trains because she’ll be Amtraking it for quite a while if she’s gotta get somewhere.
  15. oh yes, please keep starting them!
  16. Can’t wait for the 3 more Hall threads next week pre-draft.
  17. simple solution then - extend them both. They’re both grossly underpaid.
  18. Yeah it seems like almost a standard play at this point - it’s guaranteed to get picked up on by the gossip generators on twitter and elsewhere and I think the players perceive it as creating pressure on the team. I doubt most teams care.
  19. that’s a hideous mock.
  20. FWIW, the draft network guys seem to think he’s a center-exclusive prospect.
  21. That is facing forward. You want one facing the flagpole? That’s backwards and it looks dumb. Put grommets in and figure it out.
  22. I always stop reading right there. it’s not irrational optimism, you just don’t know anything about football.
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