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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. We have no details about the woman, that I know of at least. Could’ve been his assistant which in that case would make perfect sense as to why she was in the car. don’t the additional reports that came out today qualify as some “knowledge of the situation?”
  2. so GB ticket holders were forming little cabals to buy up blocks of seats and gouge people on the secondary market? And what’s the problem with showing them the door exactly?
  3. 100% this. Always do your homework. And to add - there are already outfits selling knockoffs of these shirts who are not affiliated with the team (or any charity) so please be on the lookout.
  4. so is this a Taron appreciation thread or a “look at me I was right about this guy thread”? Cuz i can’t tell.
  5. If i had to guess i’d say Jets i suppose. Doesn’t matter the Bills outclass all 3 by miles.
  6. you know where this kid was from, right? You know where he went to high school? 12:1 student/teacher ratio.
  7. Absolutely. Which is sickening by the way. Even if he is suspended the whole season, he’ll still get pretty much all of that $230mil guaranteed.
  8. And suspensions usually result in forfeiture of salary, unless he got really favorable contract terms from the Browns.
  9. your slippery slope is noted. It is hard to define. That’s why, again, I think further outright bans can’t and won’t work. Doesn’t mean legislators should sit on their hands and not try to keep any type of firearm out of the hands of racist, loser kids.
  10. oh not downplaying, just attempting to deflect attention from the kid’s clear motivations for the crime. Which is what your ilk do whenever this happens, along with a heavy dose of whataboutism. Also, he’s a terrorist. Call it what it is. Ideologically motivated mass murder is terrorism.
  11. I’m not dismissing your stance at all - I think additional bans are borderline useless at this point anyways and I don’t support them. I was dismissing your particular line of argument talking about frisbees and s**t. Look, if state or fed lawmakers want to give it a go though they will define the weapons specifically. I’d assume they would go after AR-style rifles and the like.
  12. You know if/when “they” try to ban assault weapons there will have to be a bill that defines them with specificity, just like the original automatic ban you referenced. They don’t define it as “any weapon that could be used to commit assault.” You’re just playing baby games and semantics with this line youre on. 4chan level nonsense.
  13. it’s near Binghamton which is a “city” (~50,000 pop) but it’s basically the sticks. Close to PA border.
  14. You’re 100% right about Snyder but the stadium is a horrific pit as well and is a factor.
  15. So sorry but who the f* are you to presume we don’t care about this? I live 4 miles away I know people affected by this shooting. With all due respect, ***** off.
  16. from a journalistic pov there was no need for it, but you’re co-opting a far-left term to make a joke, so okay I guess. All this talk is just distraction from the facts the actual AP report relayed, regardless of capitalization. And yet this is what you glom onto. Says a lot.
  17. right so whenever one of these things happen everyone should “STFU”, disengage their brain, flip into mourning mode and shoot out those thoughts and prayers. Clearly that’s been working so far as a preventive measure. thank you for stating the f*ing obvious that this is (yet another) tragedy and that of course we all should (and are) mourning the victims of this.
  18. hey, I agree with all of this. There’s a lot of blame to go around beyond this F’d up kid. Whether or not any of those people see any kind of reckoning, well, we’ll see.
  19. well, he was at least a potential danger in the recent past if he made comments about shooting up his HS graduation, if that reporting is accurate. I’ve no issue with anything you said regarding NY gun regulation, but it should be noted that this kid lived a few miles from the PA border and it’s been reported (I will try to find a link) that at least one of his rifles was purchased there. Another was a gift from ma and pa.
  20. Sounds like you have a beef with the authors of their style guide then more than anything else. Doesn’t change the actual content of the reporting, as you already said was “probably” true. Fwiw, I’ve noticed the change too and don’t understand it at all.
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