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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. It’s about logistics and allocation of emergency resources. No one cares that Buff716 knows how to drive in the snow. Moving the game up arguably is more detrimental to the teams’ preparedness than postponing it. The league’s not going to make that call 72+ hours out either way.
  2. Sure whatever you say.
  3. “Playable” isn’t the issue. Not sure why so many of you don’t get this.
  4. Oh goodness! He didn’t make the popularity contest? He was a 2 time 1,000 yard receiver before he got here.
  5. Jesus homie this is way late
  6. 56? buddy based in how you write I thought you were 13. Yeesh. Maybe time to change your account name again. How many times have you done that this year? Like 3?
  7. Flights in are already being cancelled so yes keep an eye on that
  8. certainly but they won’t have a choice
  9. Lol yeah playoffs are no time to trust the HC. It’s the ramblings of know-nothing fans that should rule the day.
  10. There’s a very good reason - his name’s Taron Johnson.
  11. Who is “we” exactly? And McDermott doesn’t report to Beane, he reports directly to Terry. That’s been widely and repeatedly reported. So your little attempt to scold people is, on its face, incorrect.
  12. I’m sorry, who is “WE”? I find it more concerning that you generalize the entire fanbase based on reading a couple of the chronic complainers here.
  13. these are fans of the player not fans of the team @GunnerBill they infest this place and you have to constantly point them out. Doing god’s work.
  14. guess that’s just bad memory then. Because there are several.
  15. my goodness 🤦‍♂️ . There are teams blowing up Vrabel’s phone RIGHT NOW for HC interviews dude.
  16. @transplantbillsfan Still making excuses for Allen when he has bad games. 🤦 Allen is very good. i would not trade him for any other QB right now. He’s not the MVP this year sorry. His TD numbers and offensive production % are outstanding and push him into consideration yes, but that is absolutely not what “MVP” voters look at. It’s a glorified “QB on the best team” award.
  17. Right. The “point” if you want to call it that people here and elsewhere are now clinging to is things like the WWE and NFL are both classified as “entertainment” or some such similar definition. Except they’re not. Not nowhere in the various laws that govern legal sports gambling will you see the NFL and the WWE as equivalent or in the same class. They are distinct and what you can bet on is subject to various state laws, not one overarching federal law. basically some salty fan after the Eagles game went on truth social and scrolled around too much and this is what we get here now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. BUT BUT BUT he heard somewhere that football be the same as wrasslin’ so we need to really, REALLY look into this now that these refs be making all these bad calls, ALL OF A SUDDEN!
  19. I love how we are now being schooled in the nuance of US gambling laws here. “See actually, the NFL is this not that and blah, blah, blah…” This was examined and litigated to death in actual courts with actual lawyers and actual experts after the Murphy ruling. It’s legal. And the refs were terrible before it was legal. please find something else to cry about.
  20. Yeah I’m sure the NFL and Congress will get right on that. Thanks for sharing your diary entry.
  21. Well obviously the two of them have talked since the incident and this is what she’s saying now, but the police are required to file a report once responding to a call and seeing evidence (her bruises, etc.) of a possible crime. So she didn’t file anything, the cops did.
  22. Hopefully no one here
  23. A lot of people here deluding themselves into believing McDermott has “run his course” and “his time is over” are going to be very mad come end of season.
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