he certainly has appeared to dial up his hype man schtick even more.
As far as the run goes, I’d prefer JA lay that stiff arm on with his non-throwing hand, but that’s just a small quibble. Let Josh be Josh.
Been to many Bills away games unfortunately most during the drought era. If work wasn’t so nuts right now I’d be over there with you - I wish you all in LA good times and safe travels and go bills!
It won’t be “difficult” per se to get an Uber but it will take a long time and you’ll get surge pricing. If you’re going all the way back to niagara falls that’ll be pricey. I’d just rent a car.
what an awesome personality. Diggs is a real one.
why? Is he going to court?
No - he’s a (wildly successful) commentator on the NFL and professional wrestling.
Well this reveal has taken longer than expected…perhaps they show something next week prior to the opener to maximize on the hype of the season starting?