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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. seems like he should have learned the position already
  2. 31-10 Bills
  3. He’s been off to a roaring start here.
  4. that’s fine, but the pay isn’t indicative of anything but his draft status and the fact they picked up his option. So saying “he’s getting paid x so he should be playing at y level” is a bit disingenuous. Declining that and going after Wagner last year would have been a decent move, no argument there. Drafting a MLB is a option, with a completely unknown outcome.
  5. And that’s solely a function of his rookie contract and where he was drafted. Not a good argument. Or are you blaming him for his draft position too? Again: Who’s your alternative?
  6. He’s not highly paid at all (yet.) If he hasn’t impressed you, fine. What’s your alternative if he walks?
  7. Boger and his crew are one of the worst in the game. Just completely inconsistent every game they crew. Should’ve been fired years ago.
  8. he’s been playing out of his mind the last couple weeks. But yes, he’s a stud thank god they extended him.
  9. there’s a reason they play defense. Nit-pick all you want the balance of his play so far far outweighs that drop. Clown take.
  10. You know it’s just an alt account of an existing troll. I have guesses.
  11. 👆👆👆 can confirm.
  12. I swear when I listen to the morning show I always hear a couple that sound half in the bag. At 7:30am. On a Tuesday.
  13. shocking how many people did not get your sarcasm here.
  14. if people just gave to good causes they care about quietly with some dignity then there’d be nothing to criticize would there be? No we need to tell everybody we donated to join in on the fun. Post our receipt from the website to virtue signal.
  15. man throwing out some bad vibes my Italian friend.
  16. Yep. And like clockwork: reply after reply of people posting their donation confirmation in here. Exactly what I was saying earlier in the thread. It’s crass, insincere and embarrassing. And this account is probably the biggest promoter of these stunts.
  17. you’re not missing anything. You’re just cherry picking and exhibiting a false sense of superiority. You’re just as bad as them.
  18. there’s a contingent of bills fans that would act exactly the same way if it was Allen. Exactly.
  19. Misplaced trust also allows fraudsters to operate. And the non-profit sector is riddled with them. Again, do whatever you want with your money. But putting a little more effort into research and a little less faith in trust can help ensure your money is actually helping someone else.
  20. no one thinks that non-profits can exist and function with no overhead. But there’s a reason why organizations like CharityWatch exist - there’s a big difference between a charity that spends 45% of its income on admin cost vs. one that spends 15%. And Tua’s org isn’t even a direct charity. It basically collects money and hands out grants. To whom? Who knows. I hope you looked into it before you handed over your money.
  21. And Wawrow reported it. Pretty sure it’s legit.
  22. By all means, do whatever you wish with your money. But these “charity drives” are starting to smell like performative stunts led by these very online “leaders” of Bills Mafia that I see all over twitter. The ones interacting with Bills media personalities and the like. By and large, they seem like clout chasers and nothing will motivate me to donate to something less than seeing Del or one of the “Mafia Babes” signal boosting it on social media. But that’s just me. EDIT: This is exactly what I’m talking about. It’s not “negative” to suggest people do a little research and give responsibly. Do not just “give where your heart leads you.” Use your head a little bit too. Another Mafia guy virtue signaling online.
  23. What? Why not. It was 2nd and 11 after the replayed down as opposed to 2nd and 10
  24. Tua and his offense are not on the same page at all.
  25. Or maybe you can…
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