yes according to the Equity Rule that would be the case. Not sure if any media took the time to look at the Rams sideline to see if those heaters were there as well.
Also, it’s not clear if Miami even had them turned on. Staff may have just installed them in case it got colder.
Sorta on topic: the Dolphins had heaters in LA. It was 55 degrees:
Sounds like something that would fall under the Equity Rule: the equity rule%2C the,competitive factors on game day.”
Right. So we try to explain the nuances of the law to you and now we’re all pedos, is that it?
What a silly, simplistic person you are. Keep up with your virtue signaling, it’s clear that’s all you got.
Sure okay. A 21 year old had sex with a 17 year old. In 40 states that’s perfectly fine by the way. But in California you’re right he could have been charged with statutory rape. Doesn’t mean he’s automatically guilty of it though. Context matters in CA.
that’s simply not true according to California law but yet you keep pushing it.
i don’t know what happened, just like you don’t know. Yes, on one of the context calls he admitted to sexual contact with the accuser. Doesn’t mean he’s guilty of statutory rape in California.
comparing anyone, including Von to Reggie White is BS. Reggie was a complete freak of nature. Played at or near 300lbs. Still could murder tackles with speed.
Von had much more value that didn’t show up in basic stats that I don’t expect a smooth brain like you would ever notice. It’s a hard hit to the defense.