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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. plan is still mid-2023 for groundbreaking, as it always has been. We’ll see. So if that’s the case why are Tennessee and Washington planning on the same thing? Do they also have the cheapest seats in the league?
  2. I know they’re number 1 in the world in terms of revenue and it’s not particularly close: https://www.bdcnetwork.com/top-110-sports-facility-architecture-and-ae-firms-2022
  3. more seating is exactly what they do not want in order to command more $ per seat. Hence the reduced capacity from Highmark. Tennessee and Washington are planning the same thing. edit: https://www.fieldofschemes.com/2022/11/23/19390/heres-why-nfl-teams-want-smaller-stadiums-and-its-not-about-saving-fans-from-nosebleeds/
  4. and you’re discerning all this from a couple of wide angle pictures. this is getting a little ridiculous. These firms build billion dollar venues for a living. They know how to account for weather and drainage issues.
  5. It’s not going to slope inwards towards the seats below bud.
  6. A lot of different numbers have been thrown around but I suppose the easiest comparison would be Tennessee’s recently proposed enclosed stadium, since it will be constructed at the same time as the Bills’. It is reported to cost $2.2 billion. Compare that to the $1.4 billion for the Bills’. (Tennessee’s I believe is just enclosed, not retractable.)
  7. Not a he.
  8. maybe you get in there an hour before the game starts so you haven’t experienced it, but the concourse width and comfort @SoCal Deek mentioned are major, major issues at the current stadium. I’ve had season tickets since ‘07. The vast majority of tailgating fans are trying to cram in there 15-20 min before kickoff. Nothing puts a damper on the experience more than vast lines at the gates and gridlock within the sewer tunnel concourses before kickoff. Everyone I know has complained about it. The fact that you don’t think it’s an issue or never heard any complaints is, frankly, hard to believe.
  9. First it was “players” don’t care about upgraded concourses, now it’s “no one.” How many games in the past, oh, 15 years or so have been affected by severe lake effect snow events?
  10. I am not arguing it’s not a thing; I am saying it’s not a big a deal as you’re suggesting. Yes I think players consider Buffalo’s climate. They also consider its size, entertainment options, housing, schools, taxes, etc. all of which could negatively affect their decision. They’re still able to lure marquee players from the South from time to time. They’re able to re-sign their drafted players.
  11. good thing they rarely have 50% bad weather games in any given season. Demoralizing? They’re highly paid professionals.
  12. there are some players that would prefer to play in other cities besides Buffalo too, dome or no dome. And yet, they somehow remain good. You’re grossly exaggerating.
  13. Both teams play on the same field in the same weather. there is no “disadvantage” for one.
  14. I think communal areas like concourse bars and family zones are very possible in the new Bills stadium.
  15. if they sell the place out (which they will, at least for a while) who really cares? what exactly are these recent improvements to Rodgers Center that supposedly help draw casual fans? You mentioned new and expanded food offerings, which the Bills’ new stadium most certainly will also have. What are the others?
  16. I am certainly not defending the way stadiums are funded in this country. But the Bills were not getting another long term lease on the current stadium. The league made clear it was time for them to get something done on a new build. A roof would probably have helped the team’s offense as it’s currently constructed. But roof/no roof doesn’t mean much to me personally as a fan. I am outside for hours before the game anyways.
  17. We are getting a brand new building to watch the team in. We are getting a new long term lease, providing some security that the team stays put for at least a reasonable amount of years into the future. Not enough? Stay home.
  18. I am acting like not every detail about this place has not been released yet, because they haven’t. We have some artistic renderings and a couple of short blurbs in news coverage. A roof is certainly a practical upgrade, one they decided not to include. What I was asking is does that fact negate all the other potential new practical improvements and convenience features this new building may include? Because it sounds like it does for you.
  19. So it’s just about the no roof then.
  20. You think this new building will have nothing in the way of practical upgrades?
  21. I am on board with trying it. He has the measurables for the position.
  22. Again, it ain’t that serious. Study was the wrong word to use in the tweet. From an older report: ”BACtrack is a company which develops smartphone breathalyzers. The company used this technology to anonymously collect BAC data from users of BACtrack Mobileduring game days up until October 26.”
  23. BACtrack makes handheld consumer breathalyzers that use companion mobile apps. I cannot find a link to this past season’s “study” but a quick search shows they’ve been putting out these reports annually going back to 2015 at least. I’m 99% sure they just used their app and location data to make their determinations. It’s not a “study” in anything close to an academic sense, and I don’t think it’s meant to be taken all that seriously. most BACtrack devices cost less than $100.
  24. I hope this is parody.
  25. I think he just brought up Jones because it has been reported this past week Jones wants $45mil a year or something insane like that. I don’t think he was equating Jackson to DJ.
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