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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. For whatever reason he was a TD machine. Why not.
  2. Other GMs, other teams should absolutely not follow suit. That doesn’t mean Jackson or advocates for Jackson or similarly situated QB’s shouldn’t go for their absolute max value, which, sorry to say it, the Watson deal influences. Again, I don’t care who LJ eventually signs with or for what $$$. I just take pause at broke jagoffs on a message board trying to drag this kid for being “greedy” and save billionaires some money. Y’all ain’t getting a cut of the savings and it doesn’t affect the Bills at all. the market dictates what it dicates - the watson deal is part of that. “but..but..but…Cleveland shouldn’t count because their owners…[insert reasons here].” So what. Have you read what Dan Snyder has done? What Jerral Jones has been accused of? they’re all crooks. But let’s overlook this particular crookery, because I think this guy ain’t worth what he’s asking. Again, bootlickers. All of you.
  3. I can’t “prove” your opinions wrong bud. But if you think, if you actually think that what I bolded above from your post is in any way how that world of multimillion dollar negotiation works, then you don’t know **** sorry. The precedent is most certainly set with Herbert, Burrow, et al. And they will be asking for more than Jackson, more than Watson. All you’re doing is assuming the ownership position. “That Watson contract was BS.” You don’t even consider the retort. These previous deals, they matter. Everything’s a bargaining chip. Every good advocate uses them. And they certainly don’t care if they came from the most ######ed owner in the room.
  4. not at all buddy I’m just a nobody that does his research and knows what he’s talking about. U got anything to add of substance? didn’t think so.
  5. lol I love the nuts on you, claiming that you know better than Beane because why? Breece Hall was good for 7 games? And you “called it”? Honestly the level of delusion is borderline creepy.
  6. lol he won’t. And we’ll note these three you name and see how you did in a couple years.
  7. Because the draft is a crapshoot. Always has been. It ain’t that sinister. Sometimes you luck out and get Tom Brady in the 6th. Sometimes you draft Mike Williams.
  8. that’s not how it works and your ridiculous example doesn’t help your non-argument. I love how so many of you straight up nobodies are carrying water for these billionaire owners and trying to memory hole the Watson contract. Sorry but it happened. And Lamar Jackson, Joe Burrow et al. also know it happened and will continue to negotiate based off it. People far smarter than us are and will be fighting this out going forward because of the Watson deal and y’all taking the side of the other “aggrieved” billionaires because one of their own was stupid, filppant and, dare I say, ballsy enough to break their unspoken precedent. A precedent which has already been broken in the other big 3 professional US sports. Christ. I’d call you bootlickers, but that’d be too kind.
  9. Look if you can’t understand it at this point go read a book. Better yet, go read the NFL bylaws. And I don’t care if x number of fans or x number of NFL GMs recognize the Watson contract as folly. Of course it was. It doesn’t change the fact that it exists and can be (and will be) used as precedent in negotiations between QBs, their agents, and teams going forward. I am not saying teams/owners are actually colluding to keep Jackson’s contract/guaranteed money down. I have no idea. You asked “how is that collusion?” If teams, be their owners, GMs, or both, are speaking to each other and agreeing to not offer Jackson a certain amount of money or guaranteed money, or both, then that’s collusion. It hasn’t been proven. It’s been suggested. That’s how it could be collusion and thus a problem for the league. please learn how to read something without injecting your preconceived notions into everything. he asked how it could be collusion though. It’s not proven, for sure. But given what’s happened to jackson it certainly could be true. I have no opinion either way because how could I? Personally I don’t think the guy you’re responding to knows the definition of the word.
  10. Because their bylaws and their agreements with the players union say so.
  11. Sure I agree with all of that - it’s very hard to prove. Doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Only the absolute dumbest (see Stephen Ross) get caught.
  12. Sure if you say so. All I’m saying is Henry has a lot of miles from a volume standpoint entering his age-30 season (ave. 270 carries/season across 6.5 seasons.) If you acquire him, you either continue to run him at the same or similar usage (and take the ball out of the hands of your best player) or you drop his usage and volume down to a more reasonable rate and continue to keep the ball in Allen’s hands (and then it’s harder to justify Henry’s $$$ at his position and age.)
  13. The collusion theory put forth by some has to do with owners collectively behind the scenes agreeing not to pull what the Browns did with Watson and strengthen that precedent. It has little to do with Jackson specifically, but the focus is on him because he’s the 1st “high end” QB comparable to Watson to come up for his extension since Watson’s deal.
  14. On 350 more carries. And where’d that 4.4 ypc get the Titans exactly? And would you want to commit to anywhere close to that amount of volume to get less ypc than Singletary (or Cook)? Henry contributes virtually nothing from a receiving standpoint as well.
  15. so codes of conduct should not exist for schools, universities or employers?
  16. So this group of kids were just outside playing with Nerf guns and someone at Mixon’s house shoots at them?
  17. Jacksonville Allen Robinson is long gone. Hard pass.
  18. what’s your starting 5? Kinda BS you start the thread and ask for a specific prediction but don’t offer one of your own.
  19. I’m not saying it was all bad, but the string of misses at QB definitely contributed to his loss of power.
  20. probably the fact that Elway ended up pretty maligned and ended up giving up (or being stripped of) his personnel authority after his continuing failures to solve for QB post-Manning.
  21. Gunner who’s the projected guard in the draft that’s just monstrous in size and strength that might fall to us? Don’t mean to put you on the spot but you’re my go-to expert all things draft.
  22. wait what? How so?
  23. Well look at that, the dancing joke was wrong.
  24. Okay well 1: there is nothing suggesting this trip to the combine is interfering with his rehab schedule in any way and 2. I highly doubt Von considers this trip useless nonsense if he has an expressed desire to work in the front office after playing.
  25. good point. Where were the threads castigating Allen for playing in pro am tournaments and meeting Tiger Woods last month?
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