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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. I think he’s right at 6’4”, possibly a hair under. Very unofficially he’s somewhere in the 4.7-4.9sec 40 range.
  2. yes really - and I am not saying I agree with it but I am just trying to read the tea leaves - I do not think they use a day 2 pick on a tweener guy that would only play in sub packages. I think they knew they’d most likely lose a starting LB and really liked the guy. I’m not sure they’re right, I’m just saying I would not be surprised if they don’t pick a possible MLB replacement on day 2. They may try to dig up a diamond on Saturday.
  3. That’s fair - and if all those concerns continue to play out, 1) that’s not on Beane or the DK pick, and 2) Dorsey will be looking for a new job. I am willing to give Dorsey some rope for some of those deficiencies last year as it was his first year in that job. Nothing really left to do but wait and see though.
  4. I get those wants and needs absolutely. One of things you need to realize at mlb though is: they haven’t given up on Bernard, even if a lot of us have forgotten about him since he didn’t play. They have their bets on him hedged with bringing back dodson and klein but I think they think Bernard has a real chance to develop into something. They will absolutely give him a chance and I wouldn’t expect an early rd (day 2) pick for LB. More offensive line help? Absolutely throw it on me. They can take 3 OLs in a row if the value’s there go ahead.
  5. This one was especially amusing and gratifying.
  6. they had a high grade on DK. Possibly the last 1st rd grade that was still available, since Beane hinted they only had 1st rd grades on 18-20 players this year. Literally all the draft chatter and speculation was Dallas was on TEs since they just lost theirs. DK was pretty much the consensus top TE. Are you putting the math together yet? I’m sure Beane would love to play fantasy against you too - he would destroy you.
  7. So a million and one other people, all more relevant and visible than you liked Breece Hall last year too as the top RB but you’re gonna go ahead and claim that as a dub huh? Again, peak delusion.
  8. well clearly someone cares very deeply that you and I and everyone knows he was right (so far) about a couple of guys and he’s definitely right again and Beane was wrong, again.
  9. cool tag me in that so I’ll see it.
  10. yeah because that’s relevant. And how many ND washouts have their been in recent years? Couldn’t tell you because I lost count.
  11. he has only one - he’s always right.
  12. He knows more than the GM of a professional football team that makes the playoffs every year everyone. We’ve reached peak delusion with this one.
  13. you throw 100 darts at a board and crow about the 3 that hit the bull. You ain’t nobody despite this warped perception you have of yourself and you’re not fooling anyone.
  14. Oh the draft genius is here! And he’s disappointed. And a ND fan. Not surprised
  15. Keep hammering this same brain dead take you’re on a roll.
  16. Insane and true.
  17. Oh that’s what you “see” him doing? Based on what? The fact you’re a fan of some other team who comes here to troll? And you think Beane is anywhere close to a hotseat? Bad news bro.
  18. good call on your mock. Next time when you end up being wrong I hope you’re just as pissy on yourself as you were on those that had the gall to question you this time around.
  19. there’s no “we” here chief. Have another one.
  20. It’s certainly a fault in the system 😂
  21. 👍 for a passing-first team (which the Bills are and will always be while Allen is here) it’s not even close. They’re not in the same ballpark.
  22. nice take new guy
  23. They shouldn’t ask him to block much. This is a passing team full stop. It was a shame last year Knox had to stay in more because of the line issues. But even if those issues persist, this kid is a pass catcher, pure and simple. And I’d bet Beane had a higher grade on DK than some of the wideouts that went before him. Dan Jeremiah had him 9th overall.
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