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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. Agreed. He’s made several good picks, not just Josh Allen. I suppose an argument can be made that the most recent drafts have yielded diminishing returns, but overall I think Beane’s done a great job.
  2. correct, but how much value is there theorizing on the hypothetical results of an unnamed, hypothetical new staff?
  3. Probably pretty close to the truth. The deals for both of them have been done. Yeah they decided to announce them now, probably because it’s June and nothing else is going on.
  4. no one said “racism doesn’t exist.” But nice try. And, again, there are very credible reports out there, that I shared here and you ignored, that these extensions were worked out and agreed to a while ago. Before the public Diggs drama.
  5. I don’t keep a running tally of every bad opinion and insane prediction made here; that would require a significant amount of manpower. But you’re definitely south of the Mendoza line.
  6. Sure buddy. Got any more fan fiction for us? By the way, these extensions have been done for a while. They were just announced today. So your timing argument is just as invalid as the rest of these scribblings.
  7. I thought the same thing. However since Heavy are so terrible I went and listened to this Albright podcast they quoted - he definitely said what they quoted. Why some person at the Bills (anonymously, of course) would spill anything to a Broncos beat guy is beyond me though.
  8. Heavy is worse than the National Enquirer. Probably shouldn’t even be allowed to link to that trash here. Just a suggestion.
  9. the word “report” in your title is inaccurate, since Allbright flat out said himself he was not reporting anything. He was merely responding to a hypothetical. Maybe change that.
  10. well again, take that up with the designer of of the 60’s logo, who’s probably dead. This is a straight up throwback on top of a modern matte Honolulu blue helmet. Pretty ingenious design.
  11. There’s nothing stopping them from using them now. If they’re going to bust them out we’ll hear something soon.
  12. Didn’t read the whole thread so I assume someone else has already said it but Baltimore at #2 seems even crazier to me.
  13. well good luck with that New England. Ain’t gonna do anything to help their chances.
  14. it’s intentional - supposed to hearken back to the old Ford Mustang logo.
  15. Really? You’re really not sure what his issue is? He’s baiting you and you continue to put money in his pocket. Jesus.
  16. Welcome to the modern QB market.
  17. seems like a real POS !
  18. Honest answer it seems like. +1 point for Tua. He’s now at -9.
  19. Did you play a sport that made money or cost money?
  20. well that’s slightly better but not by much.
  21. Pretty sure Mikey is a Pats fan, so, you know, don’t sweat it.
  22. can’t wait till someone twists an ankle on the 1st day of camp, then we’re really ****ed.
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