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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. very little can or will change in six days under the interim guy. Wouldn’t worry
  2. I don’t think it’s wise for any fan to play doctor from their couch but you do you. If you want to stick to what we know, or at least surmise with a bit of evidence - he’s had a left hand injury. The hit that knocked him out briefly today could have been a head thing, he clearly hit it on the turf . The commentators did a little amateur lip reading and claimed Allen was indicating his chest was the issue. so that could be a thing as well.
  3. lol. You’ve been paying close attention I see.
  4. I mean, water is wet. They blow calls all the time. Every game, every week.
  5. damn i was under the impression that we won today. Guess not according to the guy with lunch meat hanging out of his maw.
  6. Extremely stupid but eh, it’s an ad who cares
  7. I believe we already know that project veritas is behind this, who are well known for undercover gotcha “journalism.” Personally they’re a repulsive outfit, but that’s neither here nor there. This guy was duped into saying these things on camera and he’ll be looking for different work soon. Edit: And no, he’s not “wrong” per se, but he’s making generalizations that make him look like an arrogant prick. Not all NFL players are dumb and homophobic. Not all fans are undereducated and alcoholic. And while Goodell certainly is a stooge, saying that on camera about the big boss is sure to get you canned.
  8. Eh, it’s becoming a bit of an obvious schtick with Brandt at this point. He knows firing up Bills fans is great for business and his own brand.
  9. Seems a mite hypocritical that ol’ Rael here is happily cashing Commanders’ checks when he has that much contempt for the game, its players and its fans.
  10. personally i would bring Hardy back if available I certainly don’t trust some jagoff from the Jets that’s shorter than me to be a great returner
  11. Def an upgrade
  12. except no they don’t. Not healthy at least
  13. yeah I mean Stevie had no business becoming a 1,000 yard receiver in the league but he did because the team at that time let him work. He would’ve been an immediate cut on some other teams prioritizing succinct route running and timing routes. More than one way to skin a cat.
  14. Froze him in a keeper league last round (18).
  15. Already have one underachiever in the WR room in Samuel
  16. That’s a decent deal already but yeah if you wait you’ll get better prices.
  17. godspeed major 🫡
  18. because posters here are miserable humans and want to make you miserable too. btw I hate you 😉
  19. Martin is mediocre sure. Let’s wait and see on al least a couple of actual games that count on Araiza before we start boohoo’ing about him like you’re doing about Mahomes though, maybe?
  20. Agreed - of course the DA looked into all possible charges including the statutory rape charge. They knew they had no shot of conviction on that either.
  21. Not to nitpick - an adult having sex with a 17 year old woman is illegal in CA (although he had defenses available to him.)
  22. It’s not a “look” good or bad. It’s a team living in the real world with real financial considerations that need to be balanced with image and PR concerns. As far as calculating the “fractions of outrage” I’ll leave that to you and this head canon you’ve concocted to fill us in on the numbers. You were originally implying some sort of bad precedent being set with MA’s release and now were swiftly on to something else entirely after people helpfully replied how you were dead wrong. How many more times are you planning on moving the goalposts here it’s getting difficult to keep up.
  23. Uh, plenty of media people and regular folks were saying the Bills should try to find a way out of Von’s contract after his arrest last year. The fact that you didn’t hear about that (or chose to ignore it) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
  24. No bad precedent was set. You yourself pointed out the Bills’ double standard with Von Miller’s arrest. Cameron Sutton was cut following DV charges and was unemployed a whole two months before getting a contract with the Steelers. Your slippery slope fear mongering has no basis in reality. Teams can and will examine these issues from a PR risk perspective on a case by case basis and take whatever action they deem best for the team. As they’ve been doing all along.
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