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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. That’s inside baseball we can’t know that…
  2. No kidding. When did I or anyone else criticize any particular player’s drive to win?
  3. But he expressed his frustration in the wrong way (or at least, the wrong way to some people) so he must be held over the coals some more. yeah well maybe just get rid of him then. Let’s see how they fare. Making an a** out of himself? How so? Personally your moralizing is getting annoying so I’ll just leave it there.
  4. I don’t doubt your source but I do not think they are privy to every single conversation that have occurred between Diggs and Allen/McDermott/Dorsey since January. And even if he didn’t apologize for, whatever, I didn’t have a problem with him in that game anyways. I was more concerned with Allen staring off into space on the bench (during the game) like he just had to put his dog down or something. So yeah - Diggs being expressive and emotional on the field, on the sidelines during games - that’s probably not going to change. I have no problem with it. Maybe you do and your “source” does but it’s pretty clear by now that’s who he is.
  5. Matt Ryan huh. Well I went to BC so I suppose I have to wish him well but I don’t think that’s going work out so great.
  6. He was publicly unapologetic. No matter what we think of his behavior during and after that last game, he doesn’t need to offer a public apology for anything.
  7. Well yeah. That’s why they did this they assume they have a little window here with Rodgers for 2 years so that’s what they’re going to do obviously.
  8. thanks - yeah I’m surprised a little that they did this already but it was inevitable.
  9. well he’s a rookie so see whatever you want to see but the fact he probably won’t start week 1 means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  10. thanks for the live updates!
  11. Burrow’s deal is going to be massive.
  12. I think the toolsets of the two are distinct enough that you can make a case for one over the other, and obviously you know which way I lean. And Mayer as a potential Gronk is plain silly.
  13. Cook’s not fast all of a sudden (4.42)? Harty (4.48)? Hell Sherfield ran a 4.45. What is “real speed”?
  14. figures the Pats’ fan would slobber over the ND prospect 🙄. Kincaid is the far better choice for what the Bills need.
  15. So the Buffalo News from earlier today: “The [standard NFL] contract stated those activities ‘shall include, but shall not be limited to skydiving, hang-gliding, mountain climbing, racing of any kind, use of motorcycles, use of any off-road vehicle, firearms, scuba diving and snow or water skiing.’ Those activities would find the player in "breach" of his contract.” obviously jet skiing isn’t specifically listed, but there is a catch-all clause in there, as well as “racing of any kind” and “any off-road vehicle” (not usually used to describe personal watercraft, but still.) So if the team wanted to, I’m sure they could make some sort of case for breach. I highly doubt they will. https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/in-wake-of-nyheim-hines-injury-heres-what-standard-nfl-contracts-say-about-banned-off/article_1baaff32-2a4d-11ee-9d04-23173a879dde.html#:~:text=The contract stated those activities,"breach" of his contract. (Paywalled)
  16. probably best not to just assume riding a jet ski is a prohibited activity. It’s not an inherently dangerous or extremely risky thing to do. That seems like incredibly stupid design.
  17. he changed his name.
  18. great you’re still here. they can’t release him by the way.
  19. I’m planning on keeping mine unless they try to pull some outrageous stuff, but yeah, it’s going to cause quite a fuss no matter what.
  20. that’ll be when, this fall probably? When they start the virtual tours?
  21. Just Pollard.
  22. Well that stinks.
  23. I mean if they're just going to cut the guy sure I'd take a look.
  24. A new owner will also vastly improve the chances of getting a new stadium deal done as well. The fans know that.
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