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Posts posted by JoPoy88

  1. 2 hours ago, BillsFan692 said:

    Bro every QB misses their share of plays throws and opportunities... McDermott plays wayyyy to conservative which tends to work about half the time -- more so against weaker opponents.

    sure McDermott does get conservative I already agreed with you. You can’t say it’s all coaching and then dismiss and explain away the obvious fact that he missed several open throws tonight (again) with “every QB misses throws bro”. That’s dishonest. Allen misses many. Many more than certain other QBs in the league. WHICH IS FINE. He’s continuing to improve. But don’t scapegoat the coaches as the cause of all his troubles. That’s all. I am excited to see what he does in the playoffs.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    People love to preach culture then say it’s okay to lose to the team that’s been curb stomping is for the last 2 decades? 

    it doesn’t matter if the Pats were unlikely to lose to the Dolphins. It’s about showing them that we’re not going to be pushovers happy with moral victories and we can go to their place and kick their ass. You want to change the culture for real and make some noise? Then how about shutting up NE in their house.

    All this. We already scored our moral victory when when played them close earlier this season. I didn’t need another one.

  3. 1 minute ago, Phil The Thrill said:

    This game is not important to win.  It will have no effect to this team moving forward or in then playoffs.  This loss was no more devastating than any other one this year.


    Thats the point of this thread.  Fans are reading too much into it

    I was joking.  Bills fans are ridiculous 

    so why’d they even play their starters today? Your whole screed to the virtues of loser mentality is based on a hypothetical future loss, and you’re criticizing others’ here? Adorable.

  4. Texans’ seeding scenarios:

    No. 2 AFC seed: A first-round bye is still in play for the Texans but it's a pretty huge long shot. Houston has to win out to get to 11-5. The Chiefs have to go to 1-1 to get to 11-5. The Patriots have to go 0-2 to get to 11-5. And the Bills have to go 1-1 to get to 11-5 as well. That would create a three-way tie for the second spot (Buffalo would be the fifth seed) and the Texans would have a head-to-head advantage over the Chiefs and Pats to get the second seed. 

    No. 3 AFC seed: If the Pats win out, the Chiefs go 1-1 and the Texans win out, Houston would get the No. 3 seed by virtue of its head-to-head win over Kansas City. 

    No. 4 AFC seed: If the Pats and Chiefs win out, the Texans can't get any higher than the No. 4 seed. They haven't won the AFC South yet, but they can do so this weekend by 1) beating the Buccaneers on Saturday, 2) tying the Bucs and having the Saints/Titans tie or 3) having the Titans lose to the Saints on Sunday. Any three of those scenarios would clinch no less than the fourth seed for Houston. If the Texans lose and the Titans win, Week 17's game would be a divisional title game. 

    No. 6 AFC seed: The Texans can actually sneak in as a wild card, if the Steelers lose one of their two remaining games. In this scenario, the Texans could beat the Buccaneers Saturday and lose to the Titans in Week 17. They would be 10-6 and the Steelers would finish 9-7 at best, which would put the Texans in as a wild card, while the Titans jumped up to the No. 4 seed.

  5. Just now, EmotionallyUnstable said:

    I think you’re being to generous here. The film  will likely show (IMO) that Allen missed 2-4 big throws. Those are the difference makers. 

    he missed 3 in the 1st half to kill 3 straight drives alone, plus the ball to knox at the end of the game, so yes he missed at least 4. 

    C+. Made 2 beautiful deep balls and gritted out another 4 and 1 conversion that was awesome. No turnovers. But something is off - the footwork looks baaad. Worse than earlier in the season. Double clutching all over the place. Not sure he’s trusting what he’s seeing (against NE’s defense, granted, so it may not turn out to be on ongoing thing.)

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jasovon said:

    It took every dirty trick from the officials including running time off the clock when we called timeout for the Pats to win. The torch has been passed, and if the league ever decides we should be allowed to win we will be unstoppable 

    that’s a nice story

  7. 1 minute ago, Jerboski said:

    What I just said Allen has been bad too but come on dude, how long have the Pat's had thr ball? How many third downs did they convert? They drove from the 1 yard line all the way to our 20 on 12 play 8 minute drive... but yes its Allen fault purely 



    And the Pats’ time of possession has everything to do with the defense and nothing to do with the offense not being able to maintain a drive or convert a 3rd down? Lol. Your myopia is showing quit now kid. allen ballwashers.

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