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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. The Bills are in the same position as 90% of the league, and that includes your Jets and NE - if they lose their starting QB for any significant length of time, they’re in big trouble. Bridgewater and NO last year notwithstanding, most backup QBs in this league are bad. And it’s comical that you think Flacco isn’t completely washed up after flaming out in Denver last year. I’d be more worried about your starter if I were you anyways. Him, and the fact that your best player is routinely talking trash online trying to get outta town. Worry about that.
  2. This is funny because Barkley beat the brakes off the Jets. Does Jetfan even revisit his own threads anymore? Or does he just drive-by troll us now?
  3. Goddell probably bent over backwards to accommodate Kraft in exchange for a promise not to appeal.
  4. that’s right - i was more talking about the popularity of the franchise, not JJ himself. In fact, i’d say Jerruh is not too popular among current players nowadays. But the cowboys “brand” is still immensely popular. I know, I hate it too.
  5. i was waiting for this from you. Can you explain why, exactly (using your words, this time little guy, not a sheep gif) you have such a distrust of people smarter than you? Do they threaten you? Frighten you even?
  6. he does know a lot, compared to some other owners but he also has a lot of aces in the hole when it comes to attracting free agents. He runs the most popular franchise, he’s in the south, where many of the best players come from nowadays, and he has past success. And yet, Jerruh hasn’t won squat in a long time. And as he’s gotten older, I’d argue Jerruh has hurt his team more than he’s helped it. That, combined with his antiquated beliefs say to me he’s probably hurting the franchise more than helping it at this point. Which is good! I hate the cowboys almost as much as I hate the Washington team. I hope JJ lives to 105 and runs the Cowboys into the ground.
  7. I get that. I suppose the fact that she decided to do it based on the recommendation of another employee makes it seem (to me at least) like she wasn’t really actively meddling.
  8. If that’s what you read into it, sure. Makes some sense. I saw nonsense about how SF is gonna “combust” and that their “going all in” without really saying much in terms of evidence to all that. you had a good point, Tipster (as usual) did not.
  9. Jet fans are climbing fast on my hate board just based on the few that poke around here alone.
  10. the BR article doesn’t state when training camps are scheduled to begin, which is the end of July. Allen and any other Bill has plenty of time to come back and, if necessary, quarantine for the 14 days and be ready to go when training camp begins. Thanks for the link, but I’m not sure what the problem is here.
  11. 1. Your question has been debated for years here; 2. Why didn’t you make this a poll?
  12. Please dont loop us into your interception machine guy.
  13. We don’t care Jet guy. We really don’t.
  14. Probably already said earlier in the thread but: Josh Allen is just okay.
  15. true, but just “good” gets you paid nowadays if you’re a QB. Look at tannehill or cousins.
  16. A thread over 3 years premature for a lump of concrete’s golden anniversary. I seriously hope there is actual football this year.
  17. that’s not really cool man. Then again, it’s you, so par for the course.
  18. and while that’s a bummer, pausing for a little bit longer and waiting for an effective vaccine seems to be the ethical thing to do, right? The answer seems obvious to me but then again I’m in Buffalo, that followed strict rules and now seems to have this under control (at least for now.)
  19. I’ll go with recency bias alex and say stefon diggs for whatever. What is stefon diggs for lottery tickets.
  20. Not going to go through all the units but I’m higher on the linebackers than a lot of you it seems. Going off the assumption that the bills are in 2LB nickel most of the time, i think edmunds/milano are B+ maybe A-.
  21. Probably because jets/raiders hasn’t been relevant in forever. do you not want to talk about bills/jets all time? I think i can guess why.
  22. It’s supposed to be a containment board. Admin relaxed the rules recently on political talk here because obviously. Ain’t anything wrong with it. Tell them why their wrong. Respectfully
  23. There’s a few regulars in PPP that know their stuff, even if I disagree with them ideologically. But whatever, you’re right for the most part it’s a pit and an echo chamber for the right wingers. That’s why it exists, it’s a “containment zone.”
  24. buffalo historically hates miami; more recently new england for obvious reasons. Personally I’m starting to hate the Jets more and more for some reason...
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