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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. not splitting hairs really - he never played in a regular season game so he wasn’t considered “active” by league standards. Still he definitely deserves credit. Sam was the 1st openly gay active player in the CFL.
  2. Pretty simple: because precedents usually are news.
  3. Then blame Beasley. And not everyone trying to educate you is a blowhard.
  4. Not necessarily. If they really are thinking about leveling the ECC lot to build it there, they can get a season in. It will be 1-2 years though i agree. People are gonna be pissed.
  5. “there are a lot of problems today” isn’t even close to an excuse for setting up and propping up a position that will hurt solving an extremely urgent health issue. But you’re right we should always try to the best version of ourselves - that includes actually learning about things we previously only thought we knew about.
  6. honestly if it takes a year playing home games in a remote location in order to finally get this new thing built and don’t have to worry about ever hearing about “needing” a new stadium again, I am down. Sign me up
  7. or at least “living free” thanks. But honestly, just checking a box to opt out is a part of the problem.
  8. i get you, but again, the primary factor in vaccine effectiveness is enough people getting it. Pushing against people pushing for more people getting vaccinated is ridiculous in my book. It’s what we have to do in order for all money, all those shots to mean something. I’m low risk but I got the shot asap. It wasn’t for me it was for the people around me.
  9. Good point. Tommy lost almost a year of development and ended up with a potentially serious complication because, ya know, god’s will. because saying “X number or states think this” is misleading. I’d rather see the number of people that ascribe to A (or B.) states have populations ranging from what 40+ million vs 700K? That’s all i’m saying
  10. Which is what I asked him as well. And citing X States vs. Y States means less than nothing to me. Show actual population polls then maybe I’d consider it.
  11. And that’s all good. Beasley is not trying affect beliefs, he’s trying to change policy to suit both his comforts and beliefs. He’s being selfish, bottom line.
  12. I need to see what “beasley-style livin” looks like now lol. Probably doesn’t involve too many trips to doctors. 😂 Framing that too.
  13. Heh is New York outside “the States” now? Maybe pick a different team then.
  14. Yes. I want to the the requirements for earning those exemptions. Cuz you don’t get them automatically
  15. it certainly is - a vaccine in the microcosm means nothing. It only accomplishes the goal it was created for if enough people get it.
  16. It’s extra funny because even among his teammates, Risto was the one singled out by media and others as always looking completely ripped and ready to go. In preseason.
  17. Except one side acknowledges your point I underlined and are trying to understand more and more to try to close that gap. And the other side thinks they know everything already.
  18. i get it but the connotation of side effect to a layman is very different given the rates of those complications. i can taste your exasperation with this guy. I feel the same way.
  19. There certainly are players that feel his way. The mode of expression is the problem. Yeah publicly embarrassing your union leadership has set whatever Cole’s goal behind this little tirade back about 6-12 months. Powerful people don’t like being called “jokes” in public. Doing god’s work sir.
  20. Pretty impressive. I thought it woulda happened in the first 7 pages.
  21. Funniest reply ever. For multiple reasons EDIT: good reasons
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