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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. here’s the thing though - putting hurt feelings completely aside, the name “Indian” is completely stupid, wrong, and anachronistic. We got the name indian because a 15th century European explorer made a geographical error. There’s a reason we don’t call Native Americans indians anymore - it doesn’t make any sense. They should change the name of Indiana too.
  2. Already taken by Rochester 😎
  3. doubt they want to pick a name that reminds people of the days of segregated leagues.
  4. It’s a meh from me - “G” logo is cool, font on the wordmark is bad. Glad they changed the name (and got Tom Hanks & The Black Keys to do the hype video) but probably could have done better.
  5. I’d rather hope and expect to see major improvement along the D line next season as opposed to expecting Allen to drastically improve off his excellent, MVP-level season last year. Outside of Hughes, who still posts elite pressure numbers, the team has spent a lot of capital to improve that line the past couple of years and it would be a disappointment to not see more production out of those guys.
  6. Our QB is gonna show up to camp so…pretty good! 😉
  7. Wonder if Vic was tired of the ongoing bs between the guild and TBN’s new ownership and decided now’s as good a time as any.
  8. nothing major - some “superfan” said something like Ford was his biggest disappointment on the team and Ford saw it and responded.
  9. honestly after reading the thread it actually does sound like some posters are enamored with hollister. To me, he seems like another replacement level TE of which we already have one.
  10. i was replying to two separate statements it’s my bad i didnt separate the quotes. edit: fact just remains no one should be reading into “bail denied” as meaning anything other than a procedural issue. A few posters keyed on that no bail issue and assumed the worst. All i am saying is that’s not necessarily the case.
  11. GPAs are weighted nowadays. He was not granted bail because he hasn’t made his initial court appearance yet. Bail will be set then. Has nothing to do with the nature of the charges.
  12. yes and McKenzie is also the primary guy they call on for those gadget sweeps around the LOS. He’s no longer a “bubble player” in my opinion.
  13. Ah I got you now sorry and yes you’re absolutely right sunday ticket is available on just about everything and everywhere.
  14. you’ll be fine in OP with a good OTA antenna we’ve used one quite a bit in suburban / rural areas. And congrats on the new house!
  15. people are trying to help you here and you bounce out of your own thread and don’t respond to replies. Cmon man. just don’t watch then.
  16. knowing snyder’s track record, he may be keeping the placeholder name for a few thinking that “this will all blow over” in a couple years and can just revert them back to the redskins. Sounds crazy, but nothing would surprise me from that scumbag. He shoulda been don sterling’ed out of the league for the BS they “investigated” instead he gets a timeout and a nominal fine. Pathetic work by the league. Of all of Goodell’s failures as a commissioner (and there are many), the report this week on everything that went on at that team over Snyder’s reign is the most disgusting to me. go bills i guess
  17. Based on the news that has come out in the last couple days, danny’s had more to worry about than just the new name. Of course the league covered his backside though. Big surprise 🙄
  18. For the burglary charge you mentioned are you talking about the laptop theft or something else? I believe in the laptop thing he pled down and got probation.
  19. I’m sorry, do you have some on-field NFL news to share in the middle of June that this thread is crowding out? Swear to god you’re insufferable. Anything you don’t want to hear about (or even think about, apparently) is just “off limits.” Your ostrich syndrome needs to end, or you need to go.
  20. wow how long it take you to come up with that one. So original
  21. League statement, for anyone who missed it - didn’t see it posted upthread.
  22. largely a semantic distinction you’re making here but I think I get what you’re saying. The thread is about this news though and it’s significance to the league, not about a broader statement on whether you or anyone else “don’t care if a person is gay, straight or somewhere in between.” So saying “who cares” or “WGAF” seems more of a dismissal of the story or a non-opinion. It certainly isn’t valuable or constructive in any way.
  23. Sure is a lotta people in this thread who “couldn’t give a ____” about this news yet decided to take the time to let everyone know how little they care instead of just moving along with their day. 🤔🤔🤔
  24. yeah because random shootings never ever happen in this country…
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