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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. Guess it’s still the offseason around here for some people.
  2. All the injury stuff is always posted in the game week thread pinned at the top of the board, including this.
  3. I don’t think it was very “confusing” Heyward was just in his face all game. I’d be confused as to how my o-line just laid an egg that bad at home on opening day.
  4. honestly if they want to preserve good flow through the gates and ensure everyone’s vaccinated just hit up Bill Gates for some hand scanners that can just scan the chip they injected in our shoulders. Anyone without the ✅, kick em to the pit
  5. If Zach Moss became Frank Gore, would anyone be mad besides you?🤔
  6. All the way this 100%. It’s not really that hard to comprehend (unless you’re purposefully trying to obfuscate the issue, @SCBills)
  7. The various vax requirements now apply to everyone in the stadium except players. Seems a bit unfair yes, but the players had their own negotiations and their union was able to successfully fight off a vaccination mandate. FYI, the same goes for the NBA players as far as I know. Everything I’ve read on them recently has said that a vaccine mandate for players is a non-starter. They will not agree to it. So I’m not sure how MSG or Barclay’s is going to attempt to enforce that, beyond cancelling games at those venues altogether. edit: link about the NBA (sorry for the google link): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/32208394/sources-nba-players-required-get-covid-19-vaccination%3Fplatform%3Damp
  8. I think I see what you’re saying - by cooperating with the county on this now the Bills are greasing the wheels on the studium funding a bit? I suppose that could be true. 2nd part though - I’m not so the the Bills could have unilaterally done this long ago - the county owns the place after all. And while the Bills could have suggested this to their lessors a while back I doubt they could have instituted it without Erie County’s approval.
  9. How do you mean? How does this connect to that, if I may ask?
  10. So this media member from Austonia (Austin-based local outlet) was responding specifically to the Wickersham rumor that Austin was a suitor. We’ve known for a while now that Austin was complete bs, since various members of the Austin local gov’t were asked about this immediately after the rumor broke and none of them knew anything about it.
  11. yes absolutely i was talking about the seemingly ever expanding “us”, which is fine, so long as bandwagoners aren’t co-opting anything.
  12. It’s still too early and warm to make chili, but in a month or so, make chili. It’s easy. Beans or beanless you cant go wrong.
  13. Agreed but over a long enough sample you can note some differences in “fan” attitude wouldn’t you agree?
  14. very cool nice work!
  15. I would say most of us are adjusting to the new normal of the Bills being actually good just fine. I am seeing and reading some bandwagoning from just the worst types of people online and whatever it’s destined to happen. Doesn’t mean i have to like those people. Don’’t get me started Gunny
  16. Honestly with some of the “bills mafia” and “bills babes” stuff i read on twitter I think we’re already half-way there. Guess the only difference is we haven’t won anything yet.
  17. That won’t begin until Nagy and Pace are fired imo but hells yes i am in on hicks
  18. Lol I love how the author of this cites a jagoff from Bleacher Report of all places as some sort of authority. My goodness🤡🤡🤡
  19. The drops by both teams’ receivers this game have been ridiculous.
  20. Note: Defector has a paywall, but you may be able to view a limited amount of articles for free still.
  21. Well I posted it on the 1st page of this thread, you sure?
  22. 100% agreed. CK was one of the most overrated and unfairly rewarded players of that entire era.
  23. He was a ST captain for the Bills in ‘18.
  24. Jones was a ST captain in 2018 as well. No surprise.
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