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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Going out to buy some lotto tickets 😀 Stars are aligned with that holding call.
  2. Good luck with that..! 😀
  3. Since 2000-2017 Belichick has had left footed punters. Can't say it's won them their SuperBowls, but he's been doing it for a long time.
  4. So when they asked him to Supersize he did? Good on him!
  5. You are correct! He is a master at picking his investments.
  6. Edmunds over Milano.... think about that. If they didn't pick either, I'm ok with that, but Edmunds over Milano?
  7. 716, I like what you did there! Area code anyone? Is that a sign from above?
  8. Thank you as always Virgil! Stay strong and diligent with your posts. Merry Christmas, even Merrier if the Bills win this Sunday and win out!!🤞
  9. My dad got me a Dan Manuuci autograph when he worked at a bank in NY when I was a kid. He's my favorite haha.
  10. Good research, great post! I love blow outs, this board is so much easier to deal with 🥳
  11. Buffalo's Going To The Superbowl..... Too Soon? 😀
  12. Starting to agree. Can't kick long, no problem, but you better have hang time or angles.
  13. Panthers in 5 down territory here. 4 downs + the refs. Yay NFL.
  14. They can have those 5yd PI's, its the 50+ ones that really hurt.
  15. I think Cam was "milking" the clock to keep Allen off the field Lol!
  16. Well, more time and 2 timeouts. Glass half full
  17. It was the safeties fault Gilmore
  18. About as old as Paula Abdullah 😉
  19. Put it in your report.... oh wait nevermind 😀
  20. I feel bad for these analysts. Trying to call the game with so many Panthers on both sides of the ball.Lol. 😀
  21. Umm.... I think Chandler#81 has the copyright to this lamp picture. He's not going to be happy about this without his approval Moderator going to moderate
  22. Are you "Khan" ing us with this thread? 😀
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