The simplicity of the graphics and lack of hype always amaze me about this era.
Bills vs. Rams 1980 was the 1st game I saw at stadium, 10-7 OT. The Phil Villapiano chorus line celebration after OT if I remember right.
What I recall most though was when we walked through the corridor to get to our cheap seats, which even then was all my Dad & I could afford. The amazing green glow of the field, how bright green it was. Like the original movie The Fog when the mist blew in.
I saw only sports highlights of the field at that point in my life. TV did not do justice how glowing that field was in person.
On a side note, it was the 1st time I ever heard my father use the F word. We parked, had our sandwiches, snack's, Harvey's Bristol Cream for nipping ( I was a gangly new teen at the time) etc... My father pats his coat pocket and says... " Don't forget the F ing tickets! ๐ First time I ever heard him say it.
For the record, about 1000X since that game ๐