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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Hey! I prefer to be called a poster, not a Flake! 😂
  2. I guess you just have to let him catch it 🤷‍♂️
  3. With the time difference isn't it Monday there now? Who wins? 🤣
  4. Ok, did we really think the Washington Generals were going to beat the Harlem Globetrotters?
  5. What they say in the barber shop... NEXT!!!!
  6. Kermit is such a Ms. Piggy!
  7. Is it just me or does 1pt lead seem like 21 pt lead?
  8. And the hits just keep on coming...
  9. What's your point? 😀 SSDD..
  10. And the Shield wonders why fans are such conspiracy theorists.... When you have to show a replay so many times to justify a flag...it isn't a penalty!
  11. Man...Buck looks like F*** even with all the pancake makeup on 😬
  12. Boy I wish they would show a few more camera shots of Mahomes and Reid during warmups. I'm not sure if I'll recognize them when the game starts... 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  13. Brady is dead to me now!!! Unless of course the Bills win tomorrow 😀
  14. Happy birthday! May the Bills give you a win & 2 more after that as your/ our gift 🙂🤞
  15. Well... being that I didn't need it for the Dolphin games this year, I will be having baked Pacific Cod, some Yukon gold smashed potatoes with olive oil drizzle and Broccoli, sliced, not chopped!
  16. Not quite the same, but! The statement: Nineteen letters long has 19 letters in it 🤔 N-i-n-e-t-e-e-n L-e-t-t-e-r-s L-o-n-g
  17. I see all the guesses & I'm going to bid $1 dollar Freddie... Ooops, my bad wrong show 😀 Bills 37 Ravens 24
  18. Who?????
  19. Seems longer than that, doesn't it?
  20. Dang, talk about in your face..
  21. McDermott really does look like Ron Howard.
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