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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Why do they always talk about Buffalo's weather as cold, crisp etc .. when many times it's decent, looking to be snarky. But Green Bay and the frozen tundra they make sound sexy? 🤷
  2. Edmunds could have did that
  3. Ironically GD stands for Gabe Davis and God Dam*
  4. Almost Freddie....
  5. There goes that good feeling 😀
  6. Don't forget to bring the pitch forks too!
  7. Watson looks tense.... He should try this
  8. Stanley Roper. Even got a spin off after Three's Company called "The Roper's"
  9. Love the comment by analyst " A flag for playing football" 😀 Bingo!
  10. AND! No real ammunition for battleship! 😀
  11. Bills - 19 Broncos - 11
  12. There's a saying " Life is like a shi* sandwich. The more bread you have the less shi* you have to eat". 😀
  13. Road game, do not adjust your set
  14. Billsy, Billsy, Billsy, Billsy, Billsy Billsy, Billsy, Billy, Billsy, Billsy, Billsy, Billsy!!!!!!!! Yep, I'm childish and pedantic! 😀
  15. That was what I would call Billsie...
  16. Yeah... But the taxes 😉 😄
  17. Yep! Been doing it for years BFFS still in me. Or the dreaded the previous play is under review too! 😀
  18. Intelligent posters, arm chair General managing strategies for draft, trades, FA signings. But mostly.....The wit and humor! There are some funny people who chime in here. Caustic, sarcastic, punny etc... There's no fan base in any sport in my opinion like the jilted Buffalo sports fans. One day hopefully all the angst gets relieved!
  19. The back of his right thigh looks about 7 months pregnant! Holy Moly!
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