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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Funny story. My young single neighbor guy Mike in CA. He was early 30's using a dating app. I'm in late 40's married for decades, but curious. Mike how do those apps work? In my day we went to bars, parks, malls etc.. asked them out face to face with fear of rejection. He said it's pretty much the same. You reply in a post, ask them out, they see your pic and profile & reject you. You just don't get used for the drinks. Lol!! Different world.
  2. No....What makes you ask that? 🀣
  3. He's still faster than Coleman... πŸ˜€ I jest!
  4. John Murphy stroke and Van Miller never calling a Bills SB win could be listed in the weird and bad maybe too. Good post by OP still though.
  5. Beers in the Coleman! Courtesy of Keon ☺️
  6. When I lived in Buffalo area I played in rec leagues with a couple of UB B ball players. I was in my mid 30's, hair graying rapidly, working full time, but playing in floor hockey & B ball leagues 4 nights a week, hitting gym in between. Played them zone, they killed us. I said screw it, let's play man to man. They laughed at me, called me Mr. Gray. Ok, I said, I got you. He laughed, oh, ok... I had no plans on scoring, but he wasn't going to even get a pass, let alone score. He didn't, crying like a B word after 2 games, guard someone else. Nope, I picked you! Mental toughness, athletic ability, attitude, I had ridiculous cardio at the time. Some people have it, some don't. Pro players included.
  7. Maybe he was asking for a friend? πŸ˜€
  8. We could talk about Coleman's lack of speed for X receiver if you want? 😏
  9. Beetleguise..Beetleguise ..Shhh 🀫! Don't get him started again please πŸ˜‘
  10. I actually would watch Oiler games just to see how many points Gretzky & goals Edmonton would get, not so much if they win, which was a lot! I watch McDavid now for same reason. Only 2 I've ever done that for. When I get too excited doing that I tune in to a Sabres game to tone it down πŸ˜€
  11. You Have to eat somewhere other than Dave & Busters to find the beautiful women in Buffalo Jake πŸ˜€ Tell em Marshawn sent you πŸ˜‰
  12. @Augie Seattle isn't the same people wise as it was 10+ years ago, but beautiful. Look up tours of the stadiums. I went in October a little bit back and we did Safeco & Football stadium walk through (Seahawks were away). Got to see the locker rooms the press boxes and we were allowed on the field/ dugouts in limited areas. Very cool! Space Needle is cool but extremely expensive to go up there. The tallest building in Seattle was called the Columbia building 70 stories way cheaper and you can look down on the entire city over everything else. Highly recommend. Of course the Pikes fish market you have to see in person. Hope you get to see it all if you go.
  13. There are college teams on here. So basically the Sabres don't even rank in that group either πŸ˜‘
  14. Oilers for sure. Islanders were good mention as well from the 80's, late 70's Candiens too. You didn't say Pro, so I would think UConn women's basketball under Geno is an top choice. Nebraska football had quite a run, the Miami Hurricanes way up there too with a bunch of future NFL pros and HOF'ers.
  15. Better than black, but don't care for too much. The purple is just so nice. Agree. It's going to take something much better for you to break open your wallet right? πŸ˜‰
  16. Or it might have been when the Bills beat Denver 10-7 in AFC Championship game. I think his prediction for the Bills in the Superbowl was large margin loss for the Bills. He was right... but screw him, Broncos lost. He was pretty smug about his prediction in that interview. Sour grapes.
  17. Too bad Frank Gore Jr didn't sport this coat during draft day. Keon would have had some coat competition πŸ˜€ Are there any players named Fur, Parka etc... in next years draft? Will give new meaning to the cause Coats for Kids πŸ™‚
  18. Great.... the injuries are starting already. Now the Bills have the Clapp!
  19. To quote the late great George Carlin...Behind every pessimist, there was once an optimist. Let's go Buffalo! I want it so bad for that region of crazy fans.
  20. Wasn't there, but watched it. Still get goose bumps. Crazy series of events. Best part, I was young, in my early 20's, single, my own apartment, new car, good job, hope for Buffalo sports teams wasn't completely crushed yet πŸ˜€ Man.....Good times!
  21. Anytime I hear obtuse, I think of this movie.
  22. My first Bills game was in 1979 too. Young pre-teen, 1st time I heard my dad use the F word. We parked the car far from the stadium to be the 1st ones out πŸ™„ He pats his coat pocket a few times and said " Don't forget the F ing tickets" πŸ˜€ He covered his mouth with a gasp & we laughed. Well....he broke his cherry, because I heard a couple of thousand from that moment on haha. Watch his You Tube highlights. He was fast even in slow motion. It's not old man hype, he was that good!
  23. My dad was a Bills fan, so.... I became a Bills fan. Same with the Sabres.
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