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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Fitting that a former basketball player made that TD this game 😀
  2. Actually UPS it, it's what Brown can you for for you 💩
  3. Now that's how you play Basketball!!!! 🏀
  4. You're post rubbed me the wrong way 😏
  5. Unleash the Flea Flicker!!!! 😀
  6. No wonder these refs suck! Don't even know what sport they're officiating.
  7. Except for the Cardinals against us 🫤
  8. Nothing pumps me up for the game more than the wife vacuuming in the family room when the game starts 🙄 Seriously?!!
  9. Who is the guy in the top left back row in both photos ?
  10. Should we start a I Hate Diggs thread today? Or does that fall under the Diggs Drama thread? Asking for a friend 😀
  11. @machine gun kelly Great reply, thank you. It was so much simpler back then. Thank God we had had good TV shows with so few channels. I shared a quote this week that I think sums up many of this on this board. " An old person talks about their past so much because they don't have much of a future. A young person talks about their future because they don't have much of a past " Go Bills!
  12. Are you new to this board???? It's over this season! Have you not read any posts this week???!!! 😂 We're doomed! Get with the program! 😉
  13. He's got nowhere else to go!!
  14. Well.. you didn't pay for it so what did you expect? Insert wallet joke here _________ 😀
  15. With Knox a few years and adding Kincaid, it seemed like with an awesome QB like Josh it would be like T Brady with Gronk & Hernandez (no murder jokes please). It doesn't seem like it's going to be anything like that combo for Josh. Still time, but not feeling it.
  16. Take Adams on the construction site of the new stadium. Maybe the winds will confuse him and he won't realize he just got traded to Buffalo.
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