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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Look at Coach Campbell for the Lions. They are good and he had to sell his secluded house recently due to fan BS.
  2. Lamb & then damn....
  3. Bills 34 San Fran 31 No punts, calling a redux! 😏 Happy Thanksgiving Freddie!
  4. I remember now, it was Magellan at QB actually. I was at that game 😂😉
  5. Same way you get to be an owner..
  6. 1999 or 1899? 😃
  7. You can't jump over a would be tackler... Ummm, nevermind 😏
  8. Showing my age here, but when I watch the Lions on Thanksgiving I think of that Eric Hipple game when they upset the Steelers & the KO return to start OT by the Bears to beat them. I think 1st time ever in ot.
  9. I remember that game! I couldn't see Shi* 😃
  10. Like that Beavis & Butthead episode where they went to sporting goods store to buy a jock strap and the owner only had an eye patch that fit their package??? Lol! Couldn't find the GIF, YouTube it if you haven't seen it!
  11. Horses ass maybe! 😂
  12. I like @HappyDays, @Robb Riddick@WotAGuy @Logic @DaBillsFanSince1973 @PromoTheRobot @Chandler#81 @Freddie's Dead @Draconator @Shaw66 @Big Turk @Warcodered Oh! and what about @Virgil !!! Pro Bowlers for sure or at least honorable mention. I'm sure I left a few out.
  13. It is! Hard to watch the game when the concourse overlooking Coronado is so freaking beautiful! I pull for them, not owned by Spanos family.
  14. Nothing crazy, a homemade supreme pizza and Hot BBQ Air Fried Chicken Strips....and my lucky Elephino Double IPA! 😋🍻
  15. Berman still has got some game left. The Lombardi clips were too funny!
  16. The weather could be a factor on this kick..... 😂
  17. Jackson getting some Flagaruskie
  18. Bogarting??? 😃 Haven't heard that term in about 45 years
  19. That seemed like interference on the safety.
  20. The yellow shoes make it look like "Flag" Football is what you're saying? 😏
  21. That stadium is ridiculous!!
  22. We could argue Jackson as MVP a bit in the past, but his #'s this year are ridiculous! However, if the Ravens end up with 6 or 7 losses, tough case to make for MVP.
  23. Carrying the baby kind of after TD was different.
  24. I was never so wrong about a QB in my life with Collins. I watched him quite a bit in college. He was calm, accurate made the sideline throws etc .. So pumped when we drafted him, so disappointed he was none of what I saw with Michigan. Nice career for him, but it started the Bills ineptness at drafting QB's until Josh Allen.
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