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Everything posted by PonyBoy

  1. Anyone else here switching over to the Sabre's march to infamy soon? C'mon who's with me? 😃
  2. Run it Pittsburgh, don't let Russell Wilson it with a pass 😃
  3. I thought Fox only did NFC games....
  4. Some soccer teams might disagree
  5. Way to unathletic baby! Nice! Seriously, he runs like an insurance salesman 😃
  6. Rob Ryan would like a say in this
  7. Haha! What kind of coach burns a timeout so early in the 2nd half 😏
  8. I wish one of these reporters had the balls or ovaries to ask Andy Reid " How did you feel about the officiating in the 1st half coach?"
  9. That call is probably my most pissed off one I've ever witnessed!
  10. Of course! Kind of like the Sabres game last night. Goal disallowed, 4 minute penalty 🤷‍♂️
  11. The Chiefs never get any calls....😢
  12. After the free kick this week...It can only be winning by the 1 pt. Safety of course!
  13. Mahomes will be fine unless the Chiefs are losing. Then..... bring out the Limp and the hero accolades will begin 🙄
  14. Hell yeah! Thank you! Go Boise St!!! Jeanty and the Broncos shock the world hopefully.
  15. Did Josh say Thank you, thank you vury much??!!!!
  16. Back in my day we would have yelled " Hey Nix! Here's a pack of crayons, why don't you color in that rainbow 🌈 arm of yours!" 😃
  17. Josh like for sure. I thought he was throwing it away.
  18. "Taking the team from San Diego to Los Angeles would be roughly like taking the Bills to Rochester. I'd be pissed off but I'm not sure I'd abandon the team... and if they still had Josh I'd still cheer for the team." Trust me, having lived in the area LA County, Orange County hates San Diego County and vice versa. I mean hate. LA thinks San Diego people are a bunch of bumpkins stereotypically. If Rochester had an NFL team and Buffalo did, it would be the same way. Same with Dodgers and Padres, close in proximity, but zero love lost for each city.
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