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Giuseppe Tognarelli

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Tognarelli

  1. PFT did a draft of best safety tandems last week and never mentioned BUF.
  2. Bills fans really need to get over this Patriots complex.
  3. I bet Morse will opt out.
  4. I actually think this is a factor.
  5. Why do we call Jackson, Prescott, Mayfield, and Taylor by their first names?
  6. There won't be a vaccine until a few months into 2021 at best
  7. Hopefully everyone who's going to get the virus will get it in training camp and get it over with. Herd immunity in a small community is probably the way to go.
  8. Is that really the best move to build a consistent Super Bowl caliber team? I'm just not sure paying a CB like a QB is something Beane and McDermott would do. From everything I know of Beane I'd be really surprised.
  9. Really think Beane will value him that highly in this system?
  10. Homers won't like this, but I think money trouble is on the way with Tre. This isn't the first time he's kind of hinted in that direction -- in this case, he's okay with what Adams did and supports Adams putting himself first and "getting his." He's also already thinking about state taxes.
  11. Awww, Bell is upset. Poor guy
  12. He has stayed in the league long enough to secure a pension. Good for him.
  13. You have to feel for career people though who put in 10 years and then get canned for being too successful. It's very cruel but a harsh reality. Success and longevity at a company brings a lot of risk. Same thing just happened at my company with mass firings of long-time employees while rookies stayed on. Just terrible.
  14. I just can't deal with the turd sticking out of the helmet.
  15. I went ahead and made a blog post about this (first time I've posted anything for 3 years, but...): https://billsblogbeta.wordpress.com/2020/07/13/its-time-for-the-nfl-team-from-buffalo-to-change-its-name/ The name of “my” team, the Buffalo Bills, should be changed, for many reasons: 1. Buffalo Bill slaughtered Native Americans. Other reasons: 2a. Many people reading this probably didn’t even know that the Buffalo Bills are named after Buffalo Bill (heck, you might not even know who Buffalo Bill was), because there’s literally nothing in the team’s branding that reflects the nickname. Not since the ’60s (pictured) has Buffalo Bill actually been used; instead, the team exclusively uses the city name in all of its branding. The nickname is not only confusing, it’s completely pointless and is arguably the weakest team name in all of sports. Can you think of another team that completely ignores its name? I would be willing to bet there are players on the team who don’t even know why their team is called the Bills. 2b. Because of the branding problem, many “football fans” have actually referred to the Bills as “the Buffalos” or “the Bulls” (and in the process revealed that they’re not actually football fans at all, but I digress). A change would eliminate this problem. 3. Buffalo Bill is called “Buffalo” Bill because he slaughtered buffalo! How is that a positive omen for the football team from Buffalo? Isn’t that kind of like beating ourselves? (Coincidentally or not, this *has* been the story of the Bills…) Lastly: 4. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. (Not really a reason, but I like to use this grammatically correct and complete sentence whenever I get the chance.) So, I propose that the NFL team from Buffalo change its name to: Buffalo Bison Buffalo Buffalo (a brilliant nod to the grammatically correct sentence above) or, simply: Buffalo. Using simply “Buffalo” is possible because the city is in the unique position of having its animal mascot in the name of the city itself, so no further nickname is needed. In fact, they’re already essentially doing this — the “Bills” part is completely superfluous and only confuses people. Or, they could keep the name and just change the entire brand to money. $$ Advertisements
  16. No, I'm saying there's no indication anywhere of what "Bills" means -- except old game programs from the '60s Did he really think that? Might as well be the Buffalo Bobs
  17. We need to bring Bill back in some capacity, as an alternate logo or something, so people understand the name.
  18. It won't happen. Most people don't even know what "Buffalo Bills" means, especially since the "Bill" part is so weirdly left out of absolutely every aspect of the branding. It's the only sports nickname I can think of that is not represented in any team branding or merchandise. Very strange
  19. I'm surprised how quick this was. I thought they would wait to announce until they had a logo and jerseys and everything. Who knows, maybe they got that done extremely fast as well.
  20. What happened to Josh? Article from June says he was going to participate.
  21. At least Jim's was before the game. Josh has to suck for a while in the game before he calms down.
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