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Everything posted by Element115

  1. No, I'm just wondering if you think this is going to make the team better? Because I'm pretty sure this kind of thing goes on with every NFL team, including past Bills teams etc.
  2. They did this when Rex was coach too though... I recall the vids with Incognito etc.
  3. It is a mistake to think McDermott, and his soon to be new GM Beane did not discuss Allen during the 2017 draft, they knew he'd be coming out. Maybe not to the point of them deciding it was Allen over Mahomes, but if they did not have a file on Allen and were already targeting him, even to a small degree, then that would be quite worrisome. I'm also confident McDermott wanted to fix the defense before addressing the offense and simply did not give a thought to drafting Mahomes, which could turn out to be a huge blunder for the Bills and McDermott's career. And it doesn't really matter if it is not exactly Allen being picked instead of Mahomes, the history is already written and that is how everyone sees it except a % of Bills fans... Terez basically said, Mahomes is generational, Allen has pro bowl potential (this is a back handed slap in the face to SB potential), and was throwing Bills fans a conciliatory bone by saying he thinks Allen can be good. So much is riding on Allen's performance this year.
  4. I would prefer that no starters play, like the Bears and the Colts are doing.
  5. The internet was supposed to bring everyone together, instead it has created many different bubbles of ignorance & arrogance.
  6. Ever work with a bunch of guys at say a garage etc? I have, we beat up on each other with pranks and stuff all the time, it was great. Can't do that anymore these days because it's rare to work at a place that is all male, an NFL team is an exception in that regard.
  7. I listened to that, and I think Terez was just trying to be nice to Bills fans, because he knows Mahomes is a generational talent and the Bills made the mistake of passing on him in favor of Allen, who is not a generational talent. Bills f'ed up and Terez didn't want to put salt in the wound is the way I took his interview.
  8. Nice way to insult a bunch of people from WNY who happen to like their show. Nice d-bag move if that's what you were going for.
  9. I listen every day on the drive home, have no issues with the show other than when they talk about Hockey too much.
  10. Not if they are sloppy seconds...
  11. I wonder why he didn't say anything nice about Allen.
  12. Texans are in a tough spot. Perfect time to be taken advantage of.
  13. This is so stupid. I want to watch FOOTBALL, not be told how to think!
  14. I was trying to make a processed cheese joke but it failed.
  15. Yeah, but sometimes it can be a bit cheesy.
  16. Consistent precision is a measure of accuracy. Accuracy is a major contributor to completion percentage. The main reason Allen's completion percentage is so low is because he is so inconsistent. See Aaron Rodgers for the opposite of Allen when it comes to consistency.
  17. On the Allen throw, square in the numbers is NOT where you want ball placement, on the Mayfield throw, it IS where you want it.
  18. Point your toes forward and look back to catch a football from a friend. Do the same thing with your toes pointing 90 degrees, and 0 degrees to the QB. Let me know if you feel a difference The Mayfield and Allen passes are not the same because the receivers' positions were not the same. Ball placement, a component of accuracy. It's an issue with Allen, it was an issue pre-draft with Allen, hence the reason it is still a point of discussion.
  19. I'm sorry but the debate here and around the NFL about this topic will not go away as much as you want it to. Modern day QB's can't have a 50% completion percentage, bottom line. Yes, it's not all on Allen, but a good majority of it is. If we want the Bills to win SuperBowl's, Allen cannot be a 50% passer, not even for this season.
  20. Look at the position of receivers' feet in both catches.
  21. Yes, media is biased, hope you're not just figuring that out! When you were in High School, were things biased towards the popular kids? Was everything done in High School accurate? How about politics, is there any media bias there, does popularity come into play? How accurate is media when it comes to reporting on politics? Sports is generally reported on by ex players and people with communications degrees, not astrophysicists or mathematicians.
  22. Do you think this happens to just the Buffalo Bills organization? Or other organizations who have not won for like 25 years?
  23. And how many times does it needed to be pointed out that accuracy is a component of completion percentage?
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