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Everything posted by Element115

  1. Oh GAWD they suck today.
  2. I think that happens to most bad teams.
  3. Stafford shows how to do it...
  4. Looks like Allen is going to be 50% today lol
  5. He's way too old to have any trade value...
  6. I think they will drop down to 3 games, or I hope they will...
  7. So I have DTV and will still get the game . When I log on to WIVB.com it says I won't. I'm confused... Exactly what DTV customers are not getting CBS? EDITT: NVM, I just checked and I get the NEXTAR notice. Damn, oh well. I never watch local channels and I made an assumption that sice I see it on the program guide I would get the game, lol nope.
  8. Sure hope McDermott sits all the starters.
  9. I'm most interested in the pre season being over with...
  10. Are you human?
  11. He first language is not English.
  12. Time for his lawyer to start working on the CTE plea deal.
  13. I don't like them tough either, but I can grill a rib eye to no pink and it's still tender and delicious. Can't do that with many cuts though, from my experience...
  14. My GF likes them dark red bleeding, turns my stomach. No pink for me. Just the way it is...
  15. Yeah, for me it is Joe Rogan at work, Schopp & Bulldog on the ride home, later at night it's Tim Pool on Youtube. I don't watch much TV anymore.
  16. What if he's not as good as Sweeney? This board will explode.
  17. He left his feet, total cheapshot, d-bag move.
  18. I get home before the show ends so I switch to listening on my PC when I get home.
  19. It actually would be nice to get data on % of how many local Bills fans listen to the show. I assume the vast majority of them would be driving.
  20. I don't like blood on the plate, no red, juice needs to be clear light brown for me. I remember Jim Kelly taking his linemen out for dinners, c'mon man! This is nothing new or McDermott special etc!
  21. Yes, I agree. But the issue of players going out to eat = culture, what kind of culture, culture that equates to wins, how to quantify etc?
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