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Posts posted by Element115

  1. 7 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    Element 115 is Moscovium, so you are definitely a Russian bot. It quickly decays into Nihonium. After that it decays into Whocaresium.


    It was a joint American-Russian venture to synthesize Element 115. It bears the Moscovium moniker only because of where it was synthesized.

  2. 1 minute ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    Image result for charlie brown wah wah


    1 minute ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    opposing views. get the ***** out of here. now, the former homer up there, I can tolerate his bs but you on the other hand, your eyes must be brown because your full of *****!


    And these responses are very predictable tbh.  Just jump on twitter and see for yourself.

  3. 21 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:

    He always comes off as superior than you and he just tolerates us lowly peasants. When he said he was disgusted by fan reaction of Luck retiring  i was disgusted with him. Trust me Aaron you or anybody else would get booed off the field if you screwed  your team over 2 weeks before the season. This isnt the only incident of Rodgers coming off as a dick but just another in a long string of "eliteness" . 




    Did Luck screw over his team or did his team screw him over by failing to protect the QB?

  4. 1 minute ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    I don't need to be anything outside of myself to see that you are just being a troll.  Regardless of what you "see".  No need to be pompous about anything, you are no better that us lowly Americans.


    You view me as a such because I don't agree with you on the state of the Bills, there are socio-political parallels with the current state of our American discourse with many blinded by a certain form of derangement but I guess we won't get into that on a football forum.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, teef said:

    my point is why keep harping on it?  what's done is done.


    Because the FO and coaching are continually evaluated, just like players.  Their past decisions add to the database used by fans and others to form opinions on the state of their favorite team(s).

    6 minutes ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    You have crossed over into the troll department at this point.  You are just trying to get a rise out of people.  Just give it a rest


    Sorry, I should have said online fandom. Might have to be a European football fan to see it IRL.

  6. Just now, teef said:

    i would think it would bother you more that the bills passed on tom brady multiple times.  do you think about that a lot too?


    No, because that is not comparable, like at all. Brady was basically a non-existent prospect.  And I do remember watching that draft and the Brady pick.

  7. Just now, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:


    I hope they weren't. If they acted with that little professional ethics I would not want them running this team.  However, their behavior since taking over tells me that is not their M.O. It would be highly improper if they communicated before the move (especially in light of the Rooney rule, which I think also applies to GMs), and I have a difficult time believing they did.  


    I don't recall the Bills interviewing a black GM candidate before hiring Beane, maybe they did.  However, I think it makes sense that McDermott was going to bring along Beane wherever he went.

  8. 1 minute ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

    Fine, lets say he wasn't raw.  He still was not the sure fire prospect you are pretending he was. MOREOVER, we did not have a GM! Do you recommend teams draft the player that will define the next 3 years without a GM or executive staff?  


    That's one point I have to concede, I am assuming Bean and McDermott were talking prior to the 2017 draft.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    No they didn’t.  You want to continue to make a point that is not necessarily valid.  You assume Allen will not be as good as Mahomes based on one season.  And you continue to indict our guys but ignore that every other team in the league could have drafted Mahomes.  Do you indict them all as well?


    My stance is based on available data (how else do yo do it other than "Bill-ief"), this season will add to that data and I suspect will close the book on this issue.

  10. 8 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

    Mahomes was not a better prospect. You are looking at it in hindsight.  In any event, even if that weren't true, drafting a QB without your GM and the staff you trust is farrrrrr more dangerous.  That is more so a recipe for failure.  


    He was most definitely a better prospect.  Much better college career, much less "raw".  I hate that term, raw usually means more likely to fail in the NFL.

    8 minutes ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    you need to get lost. you are not contributing anything to this board and have been doing nothing but inciting. the sooner you are gone the better.


    I'm sorry that all you want is positive contribution instead of objectivity.

  11. 24 minutes ago, teef said:

    does it keep you awake at night?


    No, not really.

    1 minute ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:


    McD is a coach, not a QB elevator. The guy they planned to hire and trust to evaluate the position wasn't with the team. We are not talking about a guarantee. Drafting your franchise QB is always a gamble. Even the best prospects fail half the time, and Mahomes was farrrrr from the best prospect.  It would be insane to make that gamble under those circumstances.  


    Mahomes was a much better prospect out of college than Allen. The Bills wound up paying more for a lesser prospect the following draft. These are the types of things that contribute to franchises being perennial losers.

  12. 9 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Your take also shows inconsistency in judgement.  You seem to dismiss Allen based on his rookie season, and at the same time you want to anoint Mahomes as savior because of one really  great year.   What if Allen steps up this season , and Mahomes regresses?  I do a lot of research and statistical work; an N of 1 is hardly enough on which to base conclusions.


    Not really, I said the data to this point does not point to Allen being anywhere near as good as Mahomes, key terminology being "to this point".  This season will add valuable data and solidify a comparison (I suspect Allen will be nowhere near as good as Mahomes, but that is projection based on what I have seen). I expect Mahomes' numbers to decrease, simply because his numbers last season will be hard to duplicate.  However, I expect Allens numbers to be around half of what Mahomes' were last season.

    9 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    McDermott and Beane have done a good job drafting talent thus far. 


    But "they" (people assume Bean and McDermott were conversing before that draft but that's just conjecture) missed on the most important position on the roster, right out of the gate... (and then spent significantly more draft capital the following year to address the position with what looks like to be inferior talent).

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    all you have done in your short tenure here is put down the bills and prop up other teams and their players and coaches. not a good look for a supposed bills fan but a sure sign of an inciting troll, such as you are.






    I'm questioning how fans can have a discussion about their teams' past drafts and not look at them objectively.  Talent evaluation/team needs has been a problem with this franchise for a very long time.  QB's win SB's not DB's.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 1 minute ago, H2o said:

    Ahhhh, the good ole thread hijacking. I suggest you go join Jeffismagic/Zero(whatever) over on the Chiefs' message board. 


    I thought this thread was about how good a job MeDermott did at drafting before Beane arrived?  How is discussing the elephant in the room hijacking the thread?  

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  15. 2 minutes ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:


    what is this faith you speak of? do you deserve an explanation? the biggest blunder was unfortunately the day you joined this board. you do noting but incite here. sure you do it in your little intellectual way but it's inciting none the less.


    Mahomes was the NFL MVP in his second year, and he barely played in his rookie season.  I'm wondering how "so far so good" can be applied to a QB who had a poor TD:INT ratio and a 52% completion percentage. It has to be faith that Allen will be good, because there is not yet enough data to suggest Allen is comparable to Mahomes, on any level.

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