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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. Brown is the only WR on the team with half an argument to be considered at "#1", but hes more of a Peerless Price type or maybe Lee Evans, good but not truly great, can be shut down. He's obviously safe. Beasley is going to have a field day working the soft middle of the field. Jones hasn't shown *****. I was a huge fan of the pick, he's been a general bust in comparison to his draft position... might be time to consider moving on. Ray ray and Mckenzie are very similar, I see more production from McKenzie, I'd keep him. Duke Williams offers crazy physical attributes and looks to have hands, I dont know why we haven't seen him against better competitors nor heard anything about him from camp. I reserve judgement, but I'd like to see him get some starting reps. Foster, where ya been?! Has #1 measurables, put some numbers up late last year, but it could all be a fluke, watch for him to be traded if he's on the bubble, somebody will take a flyer on him. I'd keep him over Zay just purely out of showing promise in real action last year. Sills.. sorry, maybe PS Roberts is in, return ability can't be ignored and he can do a little work at WR. As of today, if it were my call, you keep Brown Beasley Roberts Foster After that, I'm evaluating Mckenzie (who is automatically in if Roberts weren't here) McCloud, Jones, Williams for 2 spots. Based on what I have seen, today thise spots would go to McKenzie and I'd take Williams, trade Zay. McCloud would be cut, he'll probably get a shot somewhere.
  2. I did call a lot of it foolish when they were signed. I'm not going digging back through BBMB and the Range to find them, because I dont have anything to prove to you. My job is not knowing pro personnel and I didn't blow it, but Beane had a horrible reault in FA last year and you seem far more interested in ignorning that. For the record, I said they over paid by a lot for Ivory wjen he signed. I didn't like and still dont like the Murphy signing and thought Davis might be a decent stop gap. I wasn't one that hated the Darius trade, was a little surprised how the run D was after him leaving. Star was a signing I initially liked, when it was first reported as a 5 year 25M dollar deal, once it came out they paid almost as much as Dareus, I said then it was a horrible deal.
  3. Except when you look at real dollars and then you are incorrect, but fight it anyway you want.. Dareues WAS an All Pro, which is why he was signed to a big time deal. Thats one a blind man can see. Chris Ivory hadn't been productive in years and they hand him 3m+ in guaranteed money, Murphy was hurt and took home 7m in his first season, Mccarron cost 2.1m for training camp, then got traded leaving zero experience in the qb room, STUPID and it burned them. Davis was signed to a 5M deal, only collected 2.1m, you got me on that one. Climb on the Beane pole all you want, he sucked last year.
  4. What you forget was Dareus was an All Pro and the scrubs we are talking about from Beane aren't even top 100 players. That said: Morse if he can't play again. 20.4 M dead cap right now. McCarron, Davis ate 7.6M in cap space for nothing. Ivory took 3.2M last year Murphy took 7.87M last year So go ahead and tell me 4 sacks and 385 yards were worth 18.7M last season.. I'll wait.
  5. Yeah, DW wasnt great. Beane has made some bad ones too, Morse was a really terrible signing it appears. He takes way too many risks on injured players and gives out a lot of guaranteed money to pretty mediocre players. Last year, McCarron, Murphy, Star, Ivory, Vonte Davis... pretty awful. Traded McCarron before the year starts, also a horrible move. Murphy was useless, Star got double what he's worth, Ivory they way over paid with no competition and Davis..c'mon man! I hope Morse makes a smart choice, he shouldn't risk his long term health for the game, but ultimately, its his call.
  6. Oh boy, that is most likely his season *****, look at all the WRs who had one.
  7. I'm with you, going to be interesting to see how the Lines hold up. If they can win in the trenches, they should be good to go.
  8. In terms of talent for McD, I was refering to the fact he has brought in guys as coaches who have failed in their past NFL stints. Daboll is no exception, but given a QB its a different story, so lets see where that goes. I agree its on Beane to get the right players in here. I'd say he has done a pretty good job, but he needs somebody to slap him when he gets excited over nobodies like Chris Ivory and hands them exorbanent amounts of guaranteed money.
  9. I want to see Oliver really make an impact. Wade needs more touches somehow, thats just fun to watch. Really want to see Foster and Zay show up. Would love to see Singletary get some open field, i want to know if this guy can really break one or if hes just too slow.
  10. Ok, I agree, for years the Browns were just a shooting range for coaching careers, I assume that's what you mean. As for McD being in any danger, I highly doubt it, but if the D struggles, the record is bad and the time management doesn't improve, I don't think it's out of the question. We know Beane didn't choose him and the roster is supposed to be greatly improved. If they fall flat on their face AND the terrible in game decisions/ lack of in game adjustments continue ( he was better, but still bad last year), then I could see him hitting the hot seat. Let's not forget this is an offensive based league and McD doesn't offer anything in that department and thus far has not shown the ability to recruit top talent to run the show. I again reiterate, I think its highly unlikely, but if they fail, then its possible.
  11. I have to disagree. There are only 32 NFL Head Coach Jobs, generally only bad teams have an opening. If you get the shot, you better take it. Hopefully, you go to a place with some talent and are able to draft a QB. Thinking out loud here, there may be openings with the Giants, Cowboys (probably not, but should be), depending on how things go, Atlanta, Washington, Denver, Sand Diego.. umm maybe Buffalo.., possibly New England in Billy hangs it up, Seattle.. who knows, but if you get a shot, you gotta go. You dont wanna be a Jim Bob Cooter who was red hot and then fell off the map.
  12. I really thought this was going to be a "do you fire them" thread. I would not be shocked if the Offense does well and Daboll gets opportunities. However, I have been pretty adamant in my previous posts, this offense is not going ro be good without Josh Allen painting an S on his chest and going nuts. Unfortunately, the OL and WR positions have been greatly improved and still have low level starters at their core. TE is unproven at best and the RBs are antiques or unproven. If Daboll gets a good result, he deserves a shot at a HC position or at least a huge pay increase. Frazier should have been fired this off season, when you can't make the play calls as coordinator, you should go. He won't be hired away, but I wont be surprised if he's let go.
  13. I'm actually not at all in disagreement with what you are saying, to stay organized, I'll tackle the numbers. 1) The defense has been shredded too much, gotta stop that to be elite, enough said. 2) I agree 9 wins was nice, but it was an overachievment and ultimately seemed more like a fluke to me than a deserving year of playoffs. From here down, please understand, I'm answering based on the OP, what's the discourse. 3) The media/national audience sees no swing and a miss in the draft before on a QB amd now taking a boom or bust guy, giving up a TON to do so. Easy to see why it's not a good look. 4) Why pay Shady so much and sign Gore and Yeldon prior to the draft, only to spend a high pick on a RB who is "too small and too slow" for the NFL. The gyys you named in your post, I would argue all have better measurables and therefore projections in the NFL. 5) If you are looking at draft value charts, they gave up far more value than they got back.. Nothing more, nothing less to this point. So in context of why does nobody else see the Bills as a decent team, I think it's relatively easy to see it. As Bills fans we see it in Rose colored glasses and assume the best, the rest of the world sees the surface facts. The Bills have sucked for 20 years and their decisions look slightly suspect.
  14. It's not out of the realm of possibility for a guy to develop from the PS, but certainly the odds are against it. After watching Tyree, I have my doubts he will be in the league much longer. He's an athlete, but if he wants to stick, he may need to take up route running.
  15. I think they are making a mistake not letting him get in real action. I won't be shocked if he coughs one up on a good hit. Hopefully, its beneficial to the Bills, he could absolutely run us over.
  16. I have to disagree on the "elite" defense. They are fine, but they got SHREDDED in multiple games last year. Make all the excuses we want about them having to play too many minutes (cough no depth cough) or whatever we want to hear, but shutting down rookie QBs and the Dolphins isn't elite. They got it handed to them in many games, you NEVER saw that with Baltimore, who is the truly last Elite D I recall. The playoff appearance was a complete fluke. Sorry, but 9 wins and Andy Dalton saving you doesn't make you a real team. The drafting does look pretty good, but there are a lot of head scratchers in there, especially from the outside looking in. For the average observer, the Bills traded the Maholmes pick and didn't get Watson either, then gave up a boat load to come up for the most polorizing prospect in recent history in Allen, who really didn't do anything different than what he did in college so far. So they just look really dumb, regardless of new regime etc. Also, why did they "waste" a pick on a RB this year with Shady, Gore, Yeldon on board? Looks silly, in all reality, I still dont like that pick, hoping im wrong. They then gave up a bunch to come back up for Knox, who I like, but the pundits say they over paid a lot to get there, which is true. Its a wait and see game here.. So overall, I'd say nothing has been proven and especially in the eyes of the media who saw McVay come in and take a dumpster fire and turn them in to SB contenders in a year. That makes this whole "process" look pretty weak. What's never mentioned is the Rams had built a solid team and McVay got the benefit of it, but shhhh, that's not fun to talk about.
  17. I think he was a guy that shouldn't have been taken in the first round, but he's not terrible. For the position where you took him, probably a fair grade. I wanted Jack that year, couldn't believe he fell and then we got Whaley'd
  18. Thank you for completely proving my point in your own words. There is zero proof that anything has actually been fixed! They threw a lot of crap at the wall and hope it sticks. Most of the signings they had in the off season were guys who couldnt hold a starting job where they were, but instead if signing one starter for real money the Bills signed 3 for more money total. They then signed the big ticket guy in Morse who has a severe injury history, boom he's injured. They signed Kroft, who had one good half of a season to his credit a and an injury history, boom he's out. They signed Lee Smith to the roster for ST and blocking, not to be a 7th rounder's back up, Sweeney wasn't a factor at all until injuries to 3 guys in front of him. You are honestly grasping at straws to prove your idea. Now on to the point the Bills have no problem attracting talent. Antonio Brown flat out said no, not that I think anybody wants him now, but thats a top 5 WR in the league saying no. They signed nobody in the free agency that was anywhere near a top 15 player at their postion, arguably they didnt sign a player thats even a starter elsewhere outside of 2 guys which they paid excessive money for who have huge injury histories (Morse and Kroft). So you threw them the most guaranteed money and they took it. They signed 2 WR who are historically #3 options on their prior teams and expect that its going to work with no number one. One of those guys, Beasley, played in that type of non-sense before after the Boys lost Bryant and they floundered. Brown was ultimately shut down in Baltimore, even before the Flacco injury, because he's basically a poor man's Lee Evans... but again with a big injury history. It's not that I'm being negative here, but to say this team has been improved is not proven, much less, you dont know where they could possibly spend the money to get better. That's a joke. Clowney would be a nice player to have, but I'll take more offensive weapons in a big hurry over a guy that's not going to change the outcome of the season. He's not Mack, he doesn't change the whole game. He's going to get over 20M when he signs and I don't want to be the team that pays that, because as Coach says AVAILABILITY is a huge part of value to the team. He's been injured and out a lot too. Thanks, but no thanks. Sorry if the truth dosen't go over well. I like what the team has done in a lot of ways, but much of what we assume to be improved is just taking other team's borderline starters and put them over players that should be street free agents that were playing important roles here last year. To say the depth at TE is great because we have a gifted athlete they took in the third round and a bunch of other guys who haven't done much, call me skeptical.
  19. Come on now, that is SERIOUS Homerism. I'm fine for getting Clowney, but there's plenty of room for improvement with this roster. TE has exactly zero proven talent outside of Lee Smith, you are assuming two rookies and a guy with half a good season are "the best in years" The depth behind Zo is weak and young, so you are going to need to draft one to start, ie 2nd round next year or you are signing one. On to the cap space, you are still not attracting superstars to Buffalo NY without the potential of winning a SB. This team can't beat the Pats, nor likely even manage to get to a WC game.. so who cares what cap space you have? It's shown already, your signings here are injury riddled guys who are still getting over paid to come. Unless Allen makes a HUGE leap, this team is going no where. Thats going to be difficult with no body of real talent to throw to. Yeah it says they are smart enough to realize they gave Watt a huge deal and still cant win ***** because offense wins in this league and they're not dumping 22M a year into it again.
  20. That's a giant if to start with. Secondly, this is AT BEST a wild card team, if they get lucky (again). The defense is good, but its essentially the same one that couldn't handle playing 40 minutes a game last year, so pump the brakes, nothing happens unless the offense can do their part. So you would purpose not getting better because there isnt a roster without a lot of holes on it?
  21. You are kidding, right? No holes? WR is a giant one, DE, jury is still out, but just because the OL is better than the puddle it was, doesn't mean its good. TE is a question mark, LBs are weak for depth.. this isn't a playoff team and you dont know where they are going to spend money?
  22. One worked, the other didn't. Mayfield also can do no wrong in the eyes of ths media. Hell it was celebrated when he ripped a beer can open with his teeth and chugged it on the jumbotron.. That would have gotten him shamed for days if he were virtually anyone else.
  23. But you can Franchise him next year, so theres pretty solid leverage to hold on him.
  24. Not only that, the Patriots don't take on guys with less than All-Pro talent if they cause trouble. Its kinda awesome to watch... except they continue to curb stomp the Bills. Im with you, I'd send Lawson and a 4th for him. Nothing against Shaq, but I doubt hes here next year anyway, or maybe I should say, it doesn't matter if he is.
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