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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. To be fair, there's not 3 top 10 teams there in scoring and that's what you are talking about. You have the 24th, 25th and 27th teams in scoring allowed. The Pats and Titans are good, but this team has not exactly scored a lot.
  2. Is it hard to see? If Josh gets any kind of season ending injury, Eli is superior to Barkley in every way, you want to know what it costs to try to save a season where you should be playoff bound and potentially more. You don't want to pay him for less than that, so its just kicking the tires in case something happens.
  3. I honestly don't see the point, Drake is a minor upgrade, if any at all. Gordon is a top 10RB, so at least theres a question of it being worth it.
  4. Yet if you actually look, there are guys running open, Josh is not seeing them or affraid to throw to them. Flat out, the biggest problem right now is NOBODY is scared of our giant armed QB throwing deep. He has not showed the ability to put a deep ball even in catchable range the entire year. He's certainly improved in the short to mid range balls, but his deep accuracy is worse than a Hail Mary percentage and that's absolutely no hyperbole. Right now the game plan is pretty simple, stop the run, cover short, the line won't protect Allen long enough to get his feet set to rip a long ball and even when it has, he's been God awful, so let them have it, play under. Thats a huge simplification of it, but pretty much the recipe. If Josh starts hitting some long shots, the offense becomes really tough to defend, right now, you have to execute, but it can be defended. Look at what the Colts did to KC when they took away the long shots (injuries helped them, no doubt), but without that element, its hard to score a lot.
  5. Who says Drake can be had to a division rival for a low pick and who on earth thinks he's in Gordon's stratosphere?
  6. For a half season rental, you wouldn't trade Yeldon, that's nuts.? Basically you know you are getting a 3rd back for him, assuming you don't sign a ton of guys, which is where the big issue with this comes to play. IF, you don't sign a lot of players, Gordon will get you a 3rd back. If you go slap happy and sign a lot of FA, the 3rd rounder is gone. Risk v Reward here. I'd love to have him, but hes also not worth what he thinks he is.
  7. I'd say its more like Mariota = Tannehill and I'd say there were more highs with Tannehill. Mariota is similar to Tyrod in that he is a mediocre starter that will move to a bridge/bench role sooner than later.
  8. Again with no facts behind your opinions that you hold as self evident truths. There are goid discussions and blind homers who argue every fact based post they dont like, I'm not into the " grandpa knows best" attitude carried by a lot of the group.
  9. Oh, we hide behind, "I have been on this site for longer than you, I know more." Cool strategy. If you get credit for "knowledge" like yours, I don't need it.
  10. Oh my goodness a whole 2 extra TDs, one being from less than a half a yard away, who else on the planet could possibly do that?! I'm sorry, but if you are so blinded by the fact the TEAM won, despite having to overcome multiple dumb, careless turnovers and multiple missed opportunities by a mediocre QB who happens to be a great athlete, there is no use in pointing out the truth. I'd bet you think Lamar Jackson sucks too, right? If you watch as an unbaised observer, Jackson has been a FAR better QB and I think he is a running back who happens to throw. Allen has been trash this season outside of maybe 6 drives and here we see the BuffaloBills Beer goggles on, telling us all that 2x more turnovers to TDs is just a stat. No, its a fact and you are a fool. Not to mention thise stats come against 4 teams with a combined 6 wins and the PATS have 4 of them. You are embarrassing yourself.
  11. Insightful. If I told you another team thought they had their franchise QB because he's thrown for 900 yards, 3 TD, 6 INT, 5 Fumbles and a passer rating of 69, how hard would you be laughing at them? 900 yards, 3 TD, 6 INT, 5 Fumbles and a passer rating of 69... If you call this an improvement, that's fine, but it also shows you why they have had to come back. He hasn't played well.
  12. Thing is, he hasn't had a good game all year. Yeah he's had flashes and led comebacks that he created the need for with sloppy ball handling, but overall, he's not much better than last year and thats not good.
  13. The Pats did exactly what I said they would do, fill the box, make it hard to run (numbers wise) and take the short middle away.. instantly, Allen is in his worst spot and he has to do what he doesn't like or he starts making stupid decisions. He chose the latter.
  14. He should be playing at JuJu level of play and he cant hold JuJus jock without dropping it. Hes no better than 20 various street FA that could take his place and not miss a beat. Andre Roberts has never been looked at as a good WR and HE out did Zay for the season in one game.. c'mon man. Its time, bring in Duke or trade for a real WR. Whatever, just get it over.
  15. Go ahead and list the QBs Daboll has worked with in all those stints as well.. then see if your argument holds water. I'm not big on Daboll, but you cant deny he's never had a real qb to work with.
  16. BS, hes a penalty machine and has been everywhere he's played. The fact McClappy keeps running him out there is killing us.
  17. Right here saying the Bills won inspite of him. Hes sloppy with the ball, has been all year. Hes a slinger enough to make some crap happen late, but all three games would have been blow out wins without his garbage mistakes.
  18. Allen can move, use his legs. Outside of that, I think he showed me everything I needed to see today, I'd be looking for a new QB.
  19. The problem, you have to scheme to something Allen can do, if you can't, you can't move the ball. If your line can't block a deep route isn't going to cut it, that's just dumb.
  20. Smith should not be on the field, hes been a penalty machine his whole career, today showed it more. Get Knox and Sweeney more reps!
  21. Hes been a failure in every other opportunity in the NFL, not sure why he was ever looked at as something he isn't.
  22. Time to draft a QB, then get a WR to go with him.
  23. And stats are everything, right? I suppose you would argue Tyrod was a top 10 qb when he was here and his QBR said so.
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