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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I hope they consider increasing the inheritance for the Pegula family vs spending anymore on players
  2. I was going to pose this question to the group at one point as I don't have a firm opinion. On one hand if the player work out you benefit. On the other hand you're making decisions early and with less information available. Any mistakes seem to be more impactful then the cumulative gain from savings. Ultimately it would be hard to say what approach is best.
  3. They also got ahead of Tre White, Diggs, and Knox. Unfortunately the biggest reason we have no franchise tenures is the talent level. Reason two is how early we extend, which has also worked out very negatively in some examples.
  4. If we never reach a Super Bowl, I don't think it happens. Part of the reason those early 90's teams got so many in is the sustained deep playoff success. That group is considered more of a dynasty than say the current Allen led group. From the current Allen led group, Dion is probably the next closest to Josh, but that doesn't mean he's a lock. A lot of it will boil down to winning a title or not. If we do get one I would say it swings to him being closer to a lock.
  5. He was much worse the same season with Brady. Very obvious. He can be declining, but still much worse in that decline with Brady which is clearly what happened. Again, I never posted one time that Diggs didn’t decline (now will be off major knee surgery). I posted that two separate players in back to back year experienced career lows with our OC and as such, it shouldn’t be assumed he can properly utilize a #1. Your multiple responses to that are to just say Diggs declined. Got it. Diggs declined. Thank you for pointing that out.
  6. Diggs had 868 yards and 7 TD’s in 10 games with Dorsey in 2023. He had 496 yards and 3 TD’s in 8 starts with the Texans. He had 388 and 1 TD in 9 games with Brady. It’s pretty wild to assume you can chalk all this up to Diggs just declining. Then an entirely separate player went thru the same thing.
  7. I get that you want to side step the entire conversation by suggesting any of it has to do with just Diggs and if he declined at all, but you’re the only one debating that. Nobody is suggesting Diggs hasn’t declined. Just like nobody has tried to effectively debate that Brady can actually use a #1 WR.
  8. So because Diggs is declining it justifies two separate players hitting career lows in production? With both players having current samples with different teams that far exceed the production with Brady and the Bills? I have plenty of data that will pretty much destroy this perspective. Happy to share.
  9. Diggs and Cooper had career lows in 3 game rolling samples in which they were active for the Bills under Brady. Two different players, back to back years with career lows for WR’s that have played a very long time and it occurred multiple times. Both hit near career lows on every category. No way you can just chalk that up to Cooper and Diggs declining. Diggs was well on his way with the Texans and Cooper had about as much production in Cleveland over 6 games with Watson as he did here. If we went for a big investment in WR I just want to make sure we plan on using it.
  10. If all of your options are stars that tells us what exactly about my comments?
  11. I think thats just insane. His departure is what allowed Josh to feel more comfortable as the undisputed leader of this team. You don’t risk messing with that for an old WR off a major injury. Who knows if he’s ever close to the version he once was.
  12. Great Scott! Are you saying you can actually show strength without having to show strength?!?! I thought only the yellers and pointers were strong 😂
  13. So in your eyes if a guy wants to find a new friend group the best was to do that is punch all his current friends in the face? We can shift more towards not being the world police while not pooping all over everybody and leaving plenty of enemies in the process.
  14. Can you imagine if a country invaded and occupied the US over several years. Then a foreign leader tried to resolve it by seemingly siding with our invaders, accusing the US of starting it, and calling our president a dictator. Asking for damages for war support in the form of minerals and basically shaming our leaders in public demanding they say thank you and bow like children. I don’t care what you think of Ukraine, but to think of the same thing happening to us and how people would respond just shows how disconnected Americans are with this situation and what they feel is acceptable.
  15. Do you really think his supporters would be capable of discussing when he’s making clear mistakes? I like how he’s throwing a wrench in the system. I’m not a very big supporter of the political status quo. But how abruptly this is all happening and the alliances he is forming or choosing not to form will have impacts on the future. He doesn’t know what those are, neither do I, neither do you. But one thing that seems beneficial in the world of global positioning and politics is stabilization. All of it seems like it will become destabilized at the pace we are on. Maybe some feel that is something that had to happen. Careful what you wish for I would say.
  16. What’s funny or not so funny, about this whole thing…. If you knew nothing of any of the countries and only evaluated the United States behavior post Trump you would believe Russia is our closest allies, Ukraine, Canada, Mexico, and China were our greatest enemies and we just felt complete indifference to all of Europe. I guess all in the name of America first?
  17. Maybe I missed his masculinity as his voice was cracking trying to defend his views from TV shows.
  18. Pillow soft, just because somebody was a news journalist and went they training at a young age doesn’t mean the 40 year old version of him isn’t a marshmallow.
  19. It was humorous seeing Vance stammering trying to defend his opinions with things he saw on TV. He’s one of those guys that will act tough if he’s hanging out with his friends but he would just shrink alone under any marginal threat.
  20. The Iranian government can barely tie its shoes correctly. They’re dated, shrinking in allies, and not supported by the people. I don’t see something like you’re describing happening, but if for any reason the US supported a conflict in that region and it gave the people hope of getting rid of Khameneh I’m sure they would support it (as much as one can under the threat of retaliation). I know a decent amount of them and it’s truly sad what those people have to deal with. It seems like most of the western world just chalks them up as extremist and it’s just so far from reality. The regime are extremist, most the people are midwestern nice and very pro US.
  21. I have serious concerns Brady doesn't know how to use a true #1. If he does, I wonder how much more + the offense can be? Certainly they can get much better with a resource like Metcalf, but they already were near league high's in multiple categories. How many historic offensive teams tend to win it all? Maybe the Rams long ago? Some degree of balance seems to part of the formula. We really need a better defense. It was the worst iteration of any of the playoff teams we had and was almost completely dependent on turnovers to make it work (I think they were ranked in the 30's in EPA excluding turnovers). It was dreadful. Obviously I have concerns over if a defensive investment can pay off given my less than stellar feelings on McD, but with that said, I know to a certainty it won't work if he doesn't have more horses. Where I know Allen and company will still be a threat any game to drop 30 on a defense even with who we have now. No perfect answer to this, but that's my feelings at the moment.
  22. Here you go again, bizarre, illogical, dare I say preposterous! You’re out of order sir! These posts are like a cartoon character. You do realize that was probably the best defensive team of that decade? Not even probably, undeniably, most certainly, undoubtedly, bla bla bla. I don’t even know why I try sometimes.
  23. Get it out Hermie
  24. The non extremist Muslims which is a huge part of Iran are pro America and very liberal. But they don’t typically teach that on TV or in 10 page books.
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