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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Well I just set up a league, I really don't think we will have a lack of intrest to fill both your league and my league.
  2. Haha......I seriously did not even see your thread, well are you going to se it up then? I obviously would be in for sure...
  3. I'm already in one league but I would much rather be in two like last season. I was wondering how many people would be interested in joining an all Two Bills Drive fantasy league. I would set it up threw yahoo, the amount of teams would be dictated by how many are interested. Let me know ASAP, with the season starting soon we would need to get on the ball if we want to do this.
  4. When I was visiting Jersey in Toms River they had a bar with the most incredible food ever. Damn the name escapes me, it was a pretty big sports bar, I'm sure they would carry all the games. I'll try and get the name for ya.
  5. I would be up for joining it....PM me if thats ok. By the way I am a very active owner.....let me know
  6. We did a snake draft, so my first pick was #7 followed by #10. I was pretty shocked to get Alexander and McAlister even if it is only a 8 team league. In the past few years lack of RB's has been my downfall, players getting hurt, underperforming...etc. So my goal for this season was to get as many "sure things" at RB and then focus on possible RB sleepers in the later rounds. I neglected the WR position in doing this but I still think Mason, Johnson, Porter, and Robinson can give me decent value. Even if they don't I have enough Running Backs to possibly look for a trade down the road. Tony G. is the best tight end available so I have an advantage at the tight end position almost every week. Plus I have Trent Green throwing him the passes so that could either be a very good thing or a very bad thing (double points or nothing). Bottom line I think I have the best talent in my league this year, however knowing fantasy who knows if that will hold up or not.
  7. The league I'm in conisists of 8 teams, I had the 7th pick in the draft, the starting lineups include....... QB RB RB RB/WR WR WR TE D K Your bench can then have any combination of 7 more players. Also keep in mind that in my league special teams yardage counts towards defence. My draft went as follows QB Trent Green Brad Johnson RB S. Alexander D. McAlister B. Westbrook C. Brown T. Jones WR D. Mason Andre Johnson J. Porter Koren Robinson TE T. Gonzalez Jason Witten K Janokowski D KC Bills I think I'm a little weak at WR, however I have a great set of RB's and think that should make up for it.
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