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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. At least to offset your girlfriends/wifes Colin Farrel comments we get to look at Angelina Jolie's DSL's for a couple hours. Probably won't see it anyway.
  2. I think if Reggy Bush declares he could go #1, he's got a a nice combination of size, insane speed, and hands. USC doesn't use him as a every down back but I certainly think he could be capable of filling that role. Maybe #1 overall is a stretch but one could argue top 5 with the talent he has.
  3. I wasn't trying to compare Buffalo to Detroit, IMO Detroit is the biggest stevestojan hole in the United States. As for comparing Detroit suburbs each city varies so much that I don't think you could compare one to the other. Some are extremely dirty, some very affluent, just like every other place it just depends on the city. But the reasons you enjoy Buffalo were what I was looking for, keep them coming.
  4. I have never been to Buffalo so the extent of my knowledge comes from the posts I read on here. Whether its people talking about the high taxes, crap politicians, or shot economy it seems like I rarely read anything positive about the city. I grew up about 20 minutes outside Detroit in a very nice city called Livonia. I would often refer to Detroit as a peace of crap, and when compared to suburban Livonia the two really have nothing in common. I'm wondering if that comparison is similar to many of the wallers on here. Do most you locals live in the suburbs and look at Buffalo like I would look at Detroit? Basically as a city so shot and different from your suburban town that its easy to say crappy thing about it. Or do most of you actually live in Buffalo and are dealing with the issues brought up on here on daily basis? As an observer of the material on this board I guess I'm just curious as to why anyone would want to live in Buffalo. It really sounds like it is a dieing city with a world of problems. Maybe a few of you could help me better understand some of these issues in your responses.
  5. I second that, I thought Any Given Sunday was a very good film.
  6. Who Are You- The Who
  7. 17-10 Buffalo
  8. Not to familiar with Bass Pro but I did watch the special on it tonight on empire. Reminds me a place we have in Michigan called Cabelas. Cabelas is located in a very small town called Dundee here in Michigan. Previous to Cabellas arrival it was economically shot, since then it has flourished. The place is busy 24/7 and people come from all over the United States to go their. It really is crazy just how much Cabelas sparked the Dundee economy, hopefully Bass Pro can do the same for Buffalo and WNY.
  9. I agree with that Simon. Sometimes on hear its hard to tell if somebody is agreeing or disagreeing by the way they word things. To get right down to the point I think Schobel is a very good player and expect him to keep improving. Like you said our views of him are probably much closer then this thread would indicate. Cue the sentimental wall music
  10. I don't think its a left-handed compliment at all. He is a improving good DE, the problem is he just got a contract that demands that he is not just a good DE but that he is a top notch DE. Your saying that he played well against those OT's and I'm not going to refute that statement because at times he has. What he has also done since he became a Bill is disappear for long stretches at a time. In his fourth season he still has not found a way to beat OT's to the inside and until he does that he won't warrant consistent double teams. Schobel is a very good to great edge pass rusher but until he can come inside and show some power he won't be a top notch player. I don't know about you but when I don't hear Schobels name called for long periods at a time it does not come as a surprise. He has a couple of monster stat inflating games per year and then is a shadow the rest of the way. Do it with some consistency, do it threw double teams like the elite DE's in this league, he does that and I will jump on the wagon. Until then he is just a good DE.
  11. Kidding aside I really like Kelsey's run support, and Schobel plays well against average OT's. For Schobel to become a complete player he needs to work on his power moves. To often Schobel takes himself out of plays by trying to loop around OT's. Even taking that into account he is still a very good DE against the pass and the run.
  12. I think Tim Anderson was drafted by TD as part of his project to build the NFL's first 100% high motor defensive line. We are one more white guy away from having the most dominant group of down field tacklers the league has ever seen.
  13. Nobody fuc*ks with the jesus.
  14. The contract is structured in a way that could make Willis a top paid RB if he performs at that level. He had a unique situation coming out of the draft and in order to protect the Bills TD gave Willis a incentive laden deal. I don't see him holding out, if he wants more money than he will have to earn it. IMO most drafted players should receive this type of contract, it's not like any of them are guaranteed to do well anyway.
  15. I was screaming when it happened to challenge the play. That said I was still convinced the refs would say the whistle was blown before he crossed the goaline. Considering It was obvious from watching it live that Henry crossed at the end of the play you would expect a replay from CBS. That replay never came which I thought was pretty weird at the time. Oh well, whats done is done.
  16. I thought this part was great
  17. Looks like I was being a floozie
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. I'm also trying to get to the Detroit area but the West Michigan area is getting hit with some heavy snow and winds. I tried hitting the freeway earlier but it was a pointless effort, I had to turn around and will try again tomorrow morning. If your flying hopefully you won't get delayed, if your driving good luck and be safe.
  19. I'm making a suggestion that we also reinstate these words..... The clap- Even for a STD Gonorrhea sounds way to dirty Floozy- Damn it (insert womens name) stop being such a floozy. Has a much better ring to it then slut.
  20. I hope Mularkey can get Matthews to accept the switch, don't want to do anything to ruin team chemistry at this point.
  21. Thats why I stayed away from the thread.
  22. I agree. I bought the regional sports pack almost solely because I heard the name Empire thrown around so much on here. I thought how sweet would it be to get the local coverage of the Bills instead of the 30 second once a month stories you can count on from ESPN. I enjoyed Simoncast but once you take that away from the Empire lineup you have about 23 hours a day of paid programming or some rebroadcast of a arm wrestling championship. Empire is hands down one of the most poorly programed channels on the entire DTV lineup. The founder of Empire is probably the same guy that switched all the good classic rock stations into country channels.
  23. Really sweet!!! My house came in good
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