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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. The F'in goal posts could have been across the entire field and he would have missed
  2. Damn it Lindell, we can't make any mistakes if were going to have a chance!!!
  3. It's early, bet I'm very pleased that it's still tied, I really expected the Patriots to jump on us. Keep hanging in guys!!
  4. As I understand it First down are not succussful plays, Josh Reed has morphed into Ryan Nuefield, and the Bills wan't Bruschi to play well.
  5. ESPN = MTV Teddy's a freaking football player that makes millions of dollars to play a game. CHRIST!!!
  6. Teddy Bruschi love affair is already making me puke. Look at Teddy breathing!! Have you ever seen a player breath so effortlessly!! Now look at Bruschi in the breakdown position, does any player in the NFL breakdown better then Teddy Bruschi? Now look at Bruschi tie his shoe, 2 seconds with one hand and his eyes closed. Bruschi is truly special.
  7. My girlfriend and I also hated Sideways, unfortunately for us we bought it without watching it first (almost always recipe for disaster). This movie got such great reviews, but I was just sitting at the end thinking how pissed I was that I spent 15$ and wasted 2 hours of my life on this colostomy bag. If cracking a half smile once or twice is worth 2 hours of your life then by all means give it a look, but I would rather listen to Maguire say "Let me tell you something" 400 times then watch this movie again.
  8. Haha, was thinking the same thing.
  9. Big time college football programs measure success in conference championships, Texas has a big fat zero in that category since Mac Brown, that’s a fact. If a 1 point Rose Bowl win against a team coming off a 16 point thrashing at the hands of a 6-4 team makes up for the lack of conference titles so be it. As for your SOS who in the Big 12 is good? You'll probably say Texas Tech, but again please look who they've won against. The rest of the Big 12 is like a round robin for the mediocre, of course somebody has to win in that conference if they keep playing each other. Outside of conference play none of the Big 12 teams has beaten anybody worth a crap. Texas is not any better this year then the teams that could never get past Oklahoma, it's just that Oklahoma isn't Oklahoma this year, and everybody else in the Big 12 is playing like they have the last few years. We could go back and fourth all night with this, but after Texas beat Ohio State my prediction got delayed until the Bowl games. Not one real contender existed on the Longhorns schedule past Ohio State, and the pollsters will see that sooner or later. If VTECH wins out, which they will, Texas will not be going to the National Title game. Regardless things will work themselves out because they will be exposed in the bowl game no matter who they play. Let’s just kill this debate for now, let the season play out, and talk about this at the end of the year. If I'm wrong I'll eat crow, if not you can have a peace, either way all were doing is arguing opinions. and as Lee Corso says in NCAA 2006, opinions are like --- holes.
  10. Texas has gone to two conference championship games under Mack Brown, losing both. They have yet to win a conference championship game, or conference title since Mack Brown has taken over. Texas is a preseason national champion and have been for many years, unfortunately that’s all they have to show for. Now in a year in which the Big 12 is far and away the weakest major conference in the nation the Texas fans are screaming how good they're. Ohio State was a great win, but it lost its original luster when the Nittany Lions defeated them for the second time. As for the all mighty scoring machine known as Texas Tech, the only game they won worth a crap was Nebraska, and that’s saying the Bill Callahan led Cornhuskers are a quality team. Outside of Nebraska Texas Tech beat 3 division 2 schools, Kansas, Kansas State, and let those mighty Baylor Bears take them into the 4th only trailing by 6, and oh by the way Baylor also completly shut down Texas Techs passing attack. It took a complete BS offensive pass interference call, and a 4 and 16 conversion last year for Texas to squeeze one out against Kansas. Then today they let a team that has been beat by an average score of 44 to 11 against Iowa State, Colorado, and Texas AM take a 16 point lead into half time. A Texas a player said this week the only thing that can stop them is the plague. Well that plague almost came today, and had it not been against the bottom feeders of the Big 12 they would have lost. I'm sure today's performance compares to a USC team that has won 30 straight and had a bull’s eye on them for the better part of three years. Unlike USC, Texas hasn't been able to win a conference championship, let alone a national title. Now the bull’s eye is on them, and over the last 7 years they never passed the test. They SHOULD win the Big 12 this year, but if both them and VT win out VT should go. Texas will cry foul, and probably end up losing the bowl game anyway. That is of course if you follow Texas under Mack Brown, which you obviously are not.
  11. I don't hate Texas, but the arrogant attitude they've shown the last few weeks makes me hope Oklahoma State wins. USC has had more pressure on them then any other team in a long time, and despite that they keep winning by 20+ in every game besides the ND game. Texas is handling its success by getting beat by 9 at the 5 minute mark in the third, against what is arguably the worst team in the Big 12. Regardless if they win or not USC is #1 , and after 20+ wins it shouldn't even be debatable. Mack Brown doesn’t know how to check his players, he’s almost as big a cheerleader as the players themselves. It almost screwed them last year against Kansas in a game they should have lost, and it’s happening again. Texas is is always one of the best but they just can’t handle success, and that will always be their MO under Mack.
  12. DJ plays Georgia wins, injuries suck, as us Bills fans know to well at this point.
  13. Oklahoma State is now up 28-9, Oklahoma States only wins this year are against Arkansas State, Florida International, and Montana State.
  14. This would be the biggest upset in college football the last decade. Oklahoma State is horrible, only mounting wins against some division 2 schools. Texas probably comes back but I'm sure the slow start will be enough to vote USC #1, and after 20+ straight wins they certainly deserve it.
  15. It's been 49 games since Buffalo has had a 4th quarter comeback of 7 points or more, or a comeback at any point of the game when trailing by 14 or more, and won the game. The last time it was accomplished was in week 6 of the 2002 season when Buffalo trailed Houston by 14 in the second quarter, and by 7 in the 4th, they ended up winning 31-24.
  16. Did the fact that he was a white guy putting up those numbers add to the media attention/draft hype? I think that's a definite yes, but white or black a guy that is 6'6 240 running that fast and jumping that high is rare for ANY player, and would be a first round pick in almost any year.
  17. Like I said whites play those positions in high school just because plenty of primarily white areas exist in this country. At college your right, I imagine it is very hard for a white player to play a speed position. You feel that the stereotype that whites have gotten at the speed positions is what keeps them out of the pro and college game. I just feel that the pro and college game is past stereotypes, that winning is far too important. That is ultimately what led to the rise of the black QB, the demand of winning, and if explosive white athletes were common place we would see them at these positions. Perhaps we can just agree to disagree on this one.
  18. People did think black QB's were to dumb then, and they simply didn't get developed into QB's because they never played the position. That was obviously way of base, but in no way does that further justify what’s happening to white players at the speed positions today. Plenty of white athletes play the speed positions in high school, its simply impossible for that not to happen with the population difference. I was a CB in high school, and we had two African American players on my team, and throughout my conference 1 African American started at CB out of 15 teams. The disparity comes at the college level when for the first time a coach can actively recruit a certain quality at an each position. Each position becomes ultra specialized, and in the competitive fabric of the game coaches realized certain position were better filled by fast explosive athletes. Oppression and stereo types held back the African American QB, but that’s not what’s holding back today’s white players from playing speed positions. In football today millions is at stake in boosters, revenue, and merchandise sales. Only the best players play, and if a white kid posted a monster combine day like we routinely see African Americans do they will play the speed positions. It’s not like a bunch of white 20 year olds are just walking the streets with a sub 4.4 forty, and 40 inch vertical.
  19. 1. Pressure Brady 2. Don't allow 150 yards rushing 3. Don't allow 250 Yards passing 4. Don't let the Patriots convert 75% on third down. 5. Complete a pass over 20 yards more then once 6. Get over 120 yards on the ground with Willis. Sadly I don't think we do anyone of those things, and that is being a realist because that’s exactly what the stats, and history indicate.
  20. Obviously we have no way of knowing what football would be like if it had global appeal, but I still think we have a fairly accurate test group as is. You have 216 million Caucasians in America, and most of them have multiple lineages which should capture the overall world fairly well. In comparison African Americans make up around 35 million people. So your test group consists of a nearly 6 to 1 ratio in favor of Caucasians, and that’s not even counting the fact the African Americans got a very late start in football because of persecution. Considering year after year talent scouts draft fast, explosive players at RB, CB, and WR and over 95% of those players are African American, that’s not enough evidence to suggest they have stronger likelihood of running faster, and jumping higher? Sure a European interest in American football would increase the amount of Caucasians at these positions, but that’s only because the pools 6 to 1 ratio would increase even more.
  21. Just so I understand your position correctly answer this question for me. In your opinion if you randomly selected 2000 African American males, and 2000 Caucasian males and every one of them was the same height, weight, and age, do you feel the African Americans would post as higher 100 meter time, and vertical jump then Caucasians would? I'm not saying that white males don't excel at certain sports, or are always going to be slow. I just think enough evidence exists in American sports to indicate those 2000 African Americans would be more likely to post higher 100 meter times, and vertical jumps on average. DB' in the NFL have got to be around 98% black, RB's (excluding FB's) are 100% black, WR are well over 90% black. All these positions require jumping ability, agility, and speed, and blacks simply dominate these positions despite the huge contrast in population.
  22. Cox's way of thinking on this issue compared to Myers fill in really reminds me of the Chappelle show debate. Some think the guy is a racist but he's not, he makes mockery of every race, even his own. Some people get it while others view his show as racist and offensive. The problem is the people that find it offensive think they should stand up and protect all those people from the hateful skits, but in reality the people they try and protect enjoy the show, and probably have a much healthier outlook on race then a oversensitive PC freak would ever hope to have.
  23. I remember praying as a kid before the first Super Bowl, the second Super Bowl, the third Super Bowl, and the Fourth Super Bowl. Something tells me god doesn't give a rats ass about football and if he does he sure doesn’t care for our Bills that much.
  24. So the Air Force coach made a comment after the game with TCU that basically said TCU was a much faster team, largely because they have more African American players, and in his experience African American players tend to be much faster then other players. Here is the link to the story ESPN Story Today he was forced to apologize for the comments, and of course the media onslaught followed. I ask why? Have we become so sensitive about race that we can't even discuss a widely accepted finding by the scientific community? It's not a coincidence that the speed positions in football are dominated by African Americans, along with the 100 meter race, and the Kenyans complete dominance in long distance running. We talk about Jewish people being more susceptible to Tay-Sachs, or Asians being shorter on average then Europeans, but why is it so taboo to point out what seems to be a very obvious result of evolution? How else can you explain the drastic disparity between African Americans in the general population, and the % of "speed" positions they fill in American sports? This whole PC crap is getting a little out of hand.
  25. Two tight ends I like are Vernon Davis of Maryland, and Dominique Byrd of USC. Davis is one of those freak types players, breaking all of Marylands weight records, running a 4.4, and having 3% body fat. The guy will likely be this years Boss Bailey, or Matt Jones if he decides to pass up his senior year. Byrd is not as freakish as Davis but is a very athletic receiver, and is something we just don't have at TE right now. Of course this is all dependent on Kevin Everett, but I would hate to see management hold out hope on a guy off a blown knee without a NFL snap. The TE is becoming a big weapon in the NFL and we need a guy that can stretch defenses. If we can get either of these guys in the second we should consider them, as for the first we should go OT, either Marcus McNeill of Auburn or the D from Virginia.
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