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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I tried to forget. That wasn't the year we had Watson starting was it?
  2. I agree that a big factor is how well your scouting department can grade players, but at the same time the cap is only going to continue to get slanted. Even when the FA market falls in line with the cap values how can we expect the Bills to max out this massive new cap with such a huge revenue disparity. We need to find a way's to stay competitive in the new NFL. Take Buffalo's drafts from 2000-2004, a 5 year sample. 1st Round Picks- Eric Flower, Nate Clements, Mike Williams, Willis McGahee, JP Losman, Lee Evans 2nd/3rd Round Picks- Travares Tillman, Corey Moore, Aaron Schobel, Travis Henry, Ron Edwards, Jonas Jennings, Josh Reed, Ryan Denney, Coy Wire, Chris Kelsey, Angelo Crowell, Tim Anderson Over this span we've had six 1st round draft picks, and twelve picks in rounds 2/3. Out of those picks we fielded these players that have started games. 1st round starters- Clements, MaGahee, Evans, Williams, Losman 2nd/3rd round starters- Schobel, Henry, Jennings, Crowell, Edwards, Kelsey, Anderson, Denney, Reed While this reflects the poor quality of our drafts from this span, it also shows why coaches like Jimmy Johnson favored such a high ratio of 2/3 round picks. Not only did we field a similar amount of starters in rounds 2/3, but we also added twice the amount of depth, with twice the allotment of draft picks. In the future these picks will come at a fraction of the cost when compared to the massive contracts 1st rounders will sign. If the Bills love a guy in round 1 I'm not suggestion we bail, but trading down should become a much more viable option in the future.
  3. The contracts rookies signed for this year are insane. Take Vernon Davis for example. Here is a player that never played a down yet he's compensated more then Antonio Gates. What's scary is the cap will only continue to rise. Teams like Buffalo will have the cap room to stay in the first round, but eventually the contracts these players sign might exceed the risk/reward ratio. Imagine if last years draft class got paid what this years did? Practically no value would have existed in the first round. Eventually you might see some of the smaller market teams turn to the Jimmy Johnson strategy. If a guy they love is available in round 1 they might take the chance, but it could be common place for Buffalo's of the world to make trading down the priority. In years like the previous one I certainly wouldn't mind.
  4. Good to see he's a "new person". Whatever happened to the days of driving drunk and not trying to get caught?
  5. If the question is who would you rather have, I would have to go with Quinn. He plays for Weiss in a pro style offense, and at times can look very similar to Tom Brady. I look at him as a Palmer/Manning type QB. Leak could be good but I have to look down on the way he transitioned last year in Urban Meyers offense. I don't exactly think Florida’s offense is tailored to Leak, but I just don't see him catching on to the speed of the NFL very quickly. Another potential guy to look out for is Drew Stanton, he reminds me of a more mobile Drew Brees, or Chad Pennington. He's a very accurate, smart player whose draft position will be determined by his senior year.
  6. Have people really gotten that sour towards Moulds to compare him to Aiken? No disrespect for Aiken, but over the last 3 years Moulds has 2639 Yards, 233 receptions, and 10 TD. Sam Aiken has gone for 240 yards, 18 receptions, and 0 TD. Do the math and Moulds has 11 times more yards, 13 times the receptions, and 10 times the TD's. Moulds wasn't staying a Bill, and ended his tenure under some tumultuous conditions. But let's not forget that he was one of the best WR's in Buffalo history, during a time when we never had a consistent QB. Even on the downside of this, to think his loss won't be felt in any way is a clear case of Pat Williams syndrome.
  7. he was a TD machine before that.
  8. Profiting from the demise of any human being isn't exactly a heart warming thought, but unless you’re related to Forrest Gump you probably didn't see Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, or the Perfect Storm in person, or on television. When very few can visualize a tragedy, and a movie comes along that heightens awareness and empathy, I can justify making a movie about it. Some people just don't see any justification in this movie regardless of how well done, or heart warming it is. As you point out it's up to them if they want to see it or not.
  9. Potential, but I can't see him ever staying healthy enough to reach it. He's been getting banged up since his days at VT.
  10. Williams is a 5th round pick, which over the last few years has meant he's off the team in a year. In his very first game, he outplays Tim Anderson ten fold, a player who has started several NFL games, and was drafted a couple rounds before him. Sure he's a high motor player, which is a mockable quality with our front, but the difference is he has big time talent. His strength at the point is impressive, and his acceleration and relentlessness give him a dimension few NT have. It's perfect for the cover 2, and at a position of critical need. If Williams really turns out to be a steal, and the secondary picks develop into starters this could be the most successful draft class since the early 90's.
  11. So I finally had a chance to watch the game, I recorded it on Tivo and watched most plays a couple times last night. After awhile I began to focus my attention to one guy who was clearly standing out on defense, Kyle Williams. This wouldn't be such a big deal if his performance was against third stringers but he faced the same players Anderson was facing at times early in the game. While Anderson looked like he was playing on roller skates Williams looked like his feet got buried in cement. He refused to give up any ground, and relentlessly pursued the ball. The term high motor is an understatement to describe the way Williams plays. It's a truly relentless style, and he showed enough quickness to apply pressure from the interior. I not only think he will supplant Anderson by week 1, but he could end up making a big difference in our run support this year and in the future.
  12. Giving offenses 5 to 10 extra minutes a game with the ball doesn't sound like something we should do.
  13. After one more year he will be entering year 4. Regardless of the circumstances last year, the only thing that warrants us giving him more time to develop is his draft status and physical tools. For the time being thats enough, but If he doesn't show improvement by the end of this year that card will be wearing thin, and a good chance exists that we will go in a different direction. We all want this to work out but at some point we need to eliminate his draft position and physical tools as qualifiers, and judge him in the same light as every other QB, and player on this team. That means we judge his performance by what he does on the field.
  14. I would blame the onset of a hangover but that would be a lie. I learned to spell my name three weeks ago, I'm 24.
  15. I started watching a few months ago and really like the show. Some of the plots are just awesome, and the style of humor is like a Seinfeld on steroids. Great show.
  16. JP's exhibited some problems with accuracy, and reading coverage. Right now these problems take enough away from his great physical tools to make him a below average QB. Other factors contributing to his problems in the first preseason game, and last year have been poor line play, and no run game. I'm of the opinion that a great QB will instantly give those two areas boost, but at this point in his development I don't think JP can make great strides under these type of conditions. The possibility is strong that JP doesn't "breakthrew" this year. If this happens, without the managemnet that drafted him in office his future might be on shaky ground. So what would you do if JP doesn't breakthrew this year? My choice would either be (B) so long as he shows improvement, and outside factors are clearly slowing him down (ala David Carr), or (C The draft is a QB crapshoot, and with the increased cap the risk is higher then ever. I prefer paying for a known commodity, either trade for a prospect, or pick up a FA.
  17. Or even worse the dreaded double name. Pete Peters, Mike Michaelson, Jack Jackoff.... Worst name I've ever seen, Ronald Raymond Randlet
  18. Pressure will kill a number of our plays, but I don't see it paralyzing us. Even a heavily sacked team is only sacked a fraction of its passing plays. As for your other comments I'm going to refrain from calling, or expecting this offensive line to be improved. How many players like Reyes have we brought in over the years expecting results and getting nowhere? I expect us to improve more because Holcomb and our short passing game last season invited so many 8 man fronts. With some downfield success that won't happen, It will however continue to happen when things get cramped up, and that’s when this team will bog down.
  19. I'll be at the Detroit game for the regular season, originally from Livonia.
  20. We could sign Clements but everything seems to be shaping up like we won't. Our new defense asks your corners to be zone defenders, no way do we shell out top 5 corner money for a zone defender. That’s why the Bill promised Nate they won't franchise him next year, and drafted Youboty.
  21. Fairchild is installing a vertical/power attack that tries to keep team from stacking the box by going downfield. The WR's seem to fit this system, but most importantly it plays to what JP does best, and that's throw the deep ball. Due to this I expect the offense to improve in a lot of ways. JP's will be effective going downfield, and an energized Willis MaGahee should benefit from the additional space. We should be very effective from the 20 to the 20, racking up yards in big chunks. While exciting I also see some obvious problems that will hurt us this season. In situations when space gets limited our roster is far from ideal. JP has not been accurate in these situations, and he has really struggled with poise and intermediate throws. Throw in some undersized WR's, and Royal won't be enough to overcome low Red Zone and 3rd Down %. Sacks will also once again be a problem. Even if the line play improves a vertical passing game forces your lineman to block longer. Nine times out of ten that means more sacks, especially when you’re coming from a more conservative offense.
  22. Obviously I have a choice whether or not to see the movie. That's not my point. My point is while every person has the choice, some of the victim’s families who don't want this, will have it forced on them. They don't have to see it, but they will have to hear about it threw previews, the news, the radio etc. It's out of respect for those people that I think they should have waited, not because of me.
  23. I'm not sure yet. A part of me wants to see it, but the other side is pretty disgusted at the amount of money this movie will pull in. It doesn't seem right for Hollywood to profit from a tragedy still fresh on the minds of these grief stricken families. Other tragedies have been placed on the big screen, but none as recently and widespread as this.
  24. I don't think he is being disingenuous, I think he truly doesn't know. It is a bit scary for your GM to not know exactly how much a player recently signed for, But Marv doesn't have to know these things in the untraditional set up we have. Marv's the don of the Buffalo franchise right now. Unlike a traditional GM he's not involved very heavily in the actual running of the franchise. He trusts various experts within the organization to handle that. What he does is take all the information from those experts, and comes to decisions he thinks will better this team. In some regards I Imagine he is more involved. It would make sense for him to be more involved with things he has been involved with before. But when it comes to concepts he is not an expert on I trust Marv is smart enough to let more qualified people handle things. These are the people that I worry the most about, because some of the big players are TD carry overs. Even at his age I would trust few people more then Levy to be the Don.
  25. I expect this movie to be a monster, but that doesn’t mean they should have made the movie this soon. It was probably only a matter of time, but regardless of how it turns out I just feel they should’ve waited longer, especially considering only 5% of the box will go to charity.
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