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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. For somebody that basis a player's performance on nothing else but statistics I'm surprised you have not looked at this years stats. I will put in bold multi colored font just how you like it. Travis Henry: 87 rushes 300 yards 3.4 average 0 TD's 8 receptions 35 yards 4.4 average 0 TD's Willis McGahee: 61 rushes 239 yards 3.9 average 0 TD's 6 receptions 46 yards 7.7 average 0 TD's From stats alone who has played better so far this season? A much more important intangible that you fail to even bring up is a players performance in other non statistical areas. Blitz pickups, assignment pick ups, patience, broken tackles....etc. If you have watched every game Willis has been head and shoulders above Henry in the intangibles. I'm just going to throwout some names here and no matter what method you use to rank RB's these players far exceed Travis Henry's past production and current production. L. Tomlinson P. Holmes J. Lewis S. Alexander E. James C. Dillion C. Portis F. Taylor T. Barber A. Green D. McAlister S. Davis M. Faulk How are you judging Henry as a top 5 back? All the evidence you provided was a partial statistical analysis (you failed to include Henry's fumbling problem) of the past two years. Well you might find one or two guys on this list who did not supersede Henry's stats the last two seasons, but since you value a players past performance so much those players more then make up for it in that area. I apologize if I don't grasp how illogical we are being, I will go in the corner now and put on my dunce cap.
  2. What have you done for me lately? Thats the way the NFL works today. We are six games into the season and thus far Willis has outplayed Travis. With your "logical" way of thinking we let our #1 draft choice from two seasons ago rot on the bench one more season. I also must be said that Willis is not injured anymore. He may not be 100% but he is not injured, that extra 5-10% he still needs is the hardest part to overcome. That part is more about getting over the mental aspects of his injury then the physical ones. As for Travis he is injured, I refuse to believe that his skill level has declined so rapidly this season. He does not look like the running back he was the last couple of seasons, if he returns to that level then yes he should be starting. So you have to look at Travis in one of two ways right now when trying to understand his recent play, both dictate that Willis should be starting right now. 1. He is injured 2. He is not injured but for whatever reason is not performing like he did in the past If it's scenario one then I expect Travis to return to the back he previously was when he is 100% and be the starter again. If it's scenario two then you must start the guy who is playing better right now, and right now that guy is Willis.
  3. I would say with about 98% certainty that this is Drew Bledsoe's last year as the starting QB of the Buffalo Bills. If this happens do you think Drew would accept a pay cut and the back up roll for this team? He has been a total team guy threw out his tenure here but for the first time this week he is starting to point the finger. I don't blame him for that, in fact it's surprising he could hold out so long with the negative publicity he is getting. So the question is if Bledsoe is not a Bill next year will he start for another team, possibly back-up for another team, or back up for us? I could see scenario one and two happening but I just don't see him taking a back up role with the Bills. Either a team weak at QB gives him a chance to start or he backs up for another team. Keep in mind he is still fairly young, despite that I don't think he is very highly valued in the league anymore. I say he signs on and starts for a QB depleted team next season, I believe this because he is still a name brand QB who can put people in the stadium (or force them away in our case). I'm sure a few teams will give him the benefit of the doubt ala Buffalo three years ago.
  4. People may have spouted off about the Patriots last year but this is a Bills message board, don't you think people are going to say stuff like that? I'm sorry if I don't think it was a very classy move last year to rub in the Patriots success. Whether it was provoked or not you can't expect to be a fan of one team, switch teams, then taunt your previous teams fans about your new teams success. Just like this year we were down on our luck, had a crap season and were obviously upset about it. Apparently their are some people who are still pissed off about last year and because of that they won't give you your props now. Personally I really don't care anymore about last year, from reading your posts its obvious you have and always will be a Red Sox fan. I'm not going to piss on your parade, congrats to your Sox on a well deserved championship.
  5. T-Bone switched from the Bills to the Patriots mid season last year, he then had the nerve to brag on here about his team winning the championship after he made the switch. Gracious in winning? Look at yourself hypocrite..... I will say though that T-Bones baseball team has always been the Bo Sox, that said I don't think he should be surprised that people won't give him props after the stevestojan he pulled last year.
  6. Rudy you remind me of a non trusting wife/girlfriend sometimes, only they can make the kind of mental leap you are making right now. For example.... Say you tell your wife/girlfriend you will fix the closet or something, you forget to do so. They then say you lied about not fixing the closet and that if you could lie about that you could lie about anything. Sometimes A can lead to B, but I certainly never saw A lead to Z. For the sake of humanity please never go into the fortune telling business.
  7. As long as you try and remain impartial I think many people here have watched enough of these players to do a review similar to yours. As part of my TD review I included the drafts, when I analyzed those drafts I certainly accounted for statistics. Whether your a Monday morning QB or TD himself, until enough time has progressed all draft reviews are is opinions. 2001- I agree with your opinion that this was the most successful of the TD drafts. As I stated in my TD summary the major problem I have with this draft is the uncertainty of Jonas Jennings and Travis Henry. Both could likely be gone after this season, if thats the case then what we have to show for in this draft is Schobel and Clements. Players obviously come and go in this league but if after four seasons all we have is Clements and Schobel from this draft I won't be able to look at it in the same light. My argument is of course based on a hypothetical situation. 2002- Agree, however I feel that the trends are strong enough to make a valid assessment on these players 2003- Like you said to early to tell, my infant staged analysis of this draft is as follows. Willis could be a very special talent and if thats the case he would make this draft good all by himself. While I think Magee will be an above average player I don't see greatness, lets hope your right on this one. Aiken and Kelsey are still developing, I think a realistic expectation from that pair is that one might emerge as a every down player, 2004- Agree
  8. I think when people say we should stick with Henry it is more of a result of his past success then this year. The fact is that Henry is not performing at a level we have seen in the past this season. It could be injuries, lack of motivation from the Willis situation, or a host of several different reasons. You play the guy that gives you the best chance at winning and it's pretty obvious to me right now that that guy is Willis MaGahee
  9. I can't argue with that assessment, certainly our lack of a running game in the red zone this year has been devastating. I cited the blitz as the reason because in the past we could run in the red zone. I look at this offense over the past few years and its the same thing all the time. Plenty of sacks that kills drives before they start, multiple turnovers, and plenty of holding calls. I think those things are a result of the blitz more then anything else.
  10. I posted plenty of stuff around the start of the spiked crusade saying Bledsoe was not the answer. Since then I have only posted a few things, I really can't see how anyone could still be a apologist anymore. If they still are then they will always be so their is no reason to try and change their mind. Coming to the wall Sunday October 31..... People that think those _________ (INT's, Sacks, Fumbles) were Bledsoes fault are crazy. If the _________ (WR,TE,OL,RB, OC,HC, REF) would have done their job it never would have happened. It really is a sad cycle
  11. With Sunday ticket I get a chance to watch just about every NFL game. Week in and week out the one thing that I notice most about Bills games is the amount of times we get blitzed. When you watch 95% of the other games you will notice about half the amount of blitzes you would see in one Bills game. The NFL is a game of percentages and the reason we get blitzed the way we do is that the success rate is astronomical. Until we can learn to beat the blitz I don't ever see this offense ever getting to where it needs to be. In my mind their is three main reasons why blitzing is to attractive to opposing defensive coordinators. 1. We have announced to the world that we are going to be a running team, passive blitzing in running situations is a great way to stop a play from starting. 2. In order to make a defensive coordinator's scared to blitz you need to beat the blitz. In order to beat the blitz you need to have enough time to exploit the one on one match ups. WE WLL NEVER HAVE THE TIME TO EXPLOIT MATCHUPS WITH A AVERAGE OFFENSIVE LINE (point #3) AND QUARTERBACK WHO CAN'T GET OUT OF THE POCKET. 3. We have a offensive line that is very average at blitz pick-ups, however I feel that their ineptitude is more a result of reason #2 then just bad line play. Yes they are not that good, but only a handful of offensive lines in this league could handle the amount of blitzes they see each Sunday. When you look at how other teams successfully handle the blitz you either have three combinations, neither of which the Bills fit under. 1. Scrambling QB/Any type of line 2. Pocket shifty QB/Average line 3. Pocket QB/Excellent line The fact is we have average O-Line and a Pocket QB, that combination has not been able to beat the blitz in 2 1/2 seasons. The talented skilled position players we have don't have the time to win their individual match ups. If we can beat the blitz this whole offense improves, we won't see as many run blitzes, our receivers will be able to win their match-ups, and we will get better pass protection as a result of fewer blitzes. While Bledsoe may be able to run many parts of this offensive more effectively JP will have a better chance at beating the blitz. When healthy I say give the kid a shot.
  12. I don't know what game you were watching but we had several rushing attempts in the red zone. Just like every other game in which we had several red zone rushing attempt we got nowhere. As for your savior Drew's performance 2 of his picks were not his fault, two were. The screen pass pick to the house should have never been thrown and the pick in the end zone by Deon was simply a horrible decision. Despite failing in every category a quarterbacks success is measured upon game after game I agree that Drew is still the savior of this team. All we need next year is couple more lineman to get him some better protection. Maybe we can add some weapons, a TE or another receiver. To think Drew is not the answer really is a crazy assumption isn't it? I mean after 3 years of not showing any progress Bills fans are crazy not to think Drew will lead us to the promised land.
  13. I echo that sentiment Bill, times have been rough the last few years and it has been even more difficult considering the success we had in the 90's. It hard to deal with being out of the race so early in what was a very anticipated season for myself and other fans. Despite the performance of this season I won't turn my back on this team, I don't feel like I could even if I wanted to. The Bills will always be my team no matter what they put me threw. That said I see some reasons to be hopefull for the future with Losman, Willis, and Lee. My only request for the rest of the season is that we get some experience for JP when he is 100%. It will be another wasted season next year if we just throw JP into the fire with no experience, get him some time this year so he can have a running start in 2005.
  14. Field Goal pulls us within 8, unreal, watching this team is like being strapped in a chair while they show wide right or throwback over and over and over.
  15. I think you can get a simliar quote on one of those Vince Lombardi motivational pictures. "Achievement" "When a team is supposed to win and does that is the most glorious thing of all"
  16. Thats the key to your statement right their, no Offensive line is fundamentally sound enough to not hold when you blitz that often. We probably blitzed 80% of the time in that game yet not one call? BS plain and simple. The Pats are a great team but its been pretty obvious over the past few years that Bob Kraft and the commish are in bed together.
  17. I hope sooner rather then later, I think we have a better chance at having a complete secondary with McGee and Clements at corners, Malloy at strong, and Vincent at Free. That gives us 3 turnover capable players in the secondary, a far cry from the last couple of years.
  18. I saw a story on that guy not to long ago, pretty incredible if ya ask me. He may be the only player ever to retire from College football, I was holding out hope a few years back that Chris Weinke would have that honor.
  19. I'm pro Kerry only because I'm so anti-Bush (In a political sence only) However that was some pretty funny stevestojan Darin
  20. I'm not a fan of either Boston or the Yankees but I just want to let their fans know that no matter what happens tomorrow this was one of the most enjoyable series I have ever seen. Unfortunately for Boston I see disaster on the horizon, everything is pointing in their favor right now and for that reason I think the Yanks win game 7. It really would be fitting for a team so cursed to have this miraculous comeback halted one game shy. Their fans have been threw hell and back and I hope they pull it off tomorrow but for the time being I have 86 cursed years to back up my prediction. Good luck to both teams in what is surely to be one of the most anticipated games in baseball history.
  21. My bet for this week is a two team Parlay, I like the Bills and Chargers on the money line, 8/1 odds for that bet. I usually stay away from the Bills games but I really think its a coin flip this weekend in Baltimore, I also like the very underrated Chargers against the injury depleted Panthers.
  22. As much as this team has dooped me in the past I think we will go into the Jets game at 3-4.
  23. Hence the reason not to continue arguing, in the long run we are all Bills fans and thats all that really matters to me.
  24. I don't think anybody deserves the onslaught your receiving right now but at the same time I'm sure you can understand some of the posts. I'm done now so good luck to your Cards in the rest of the NLCS.
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