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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Probably my favorite weather game in recent memory was the Raiders divisional playoff game in 94. It was absolutely bitter cold out, the Raiders held up pretty well considering the conditions but Kelly rallied the troops at the end. Tasker made an incredible play on a kickoff or punt, forget which one at the moment. I just remember him snatching the ball out of the air and returning inside the ten. I just looked up the temperature on that game, 0 degrees and a -32 degree windchill, coldest game in Buffalo Bills history. That kind of weather would even make Ron Jeremy self conscious.
  2. Wasn't it Antonio Brown last year? In any event I have desperately wanted a solid return man here for years, now it looks like we might have one of the best. MaGee has a great combination of patience, burst, agility, and speed, and it certainly would not surprise me if he took a couple more back the rest of the way.
  3. IMO he is deserving of the AFC Pro Bowl kick returner
  4. I'm with you BF but a win is still a win. While the excitement of a playoff push may be gone I still enjoy watching the younger players develop. It is also critical that this team starts to make strides as the season continues to help build confidence for next season. A win now may not be as sweet as it would be if we were in contention but it still beats the hell out of a lose. It would also be nice to see the draft pick Dallas is getting be in the mid teens rather then the top ten.
  5. In related news the entire Buffalo Bills football team will take next week off to attend seminars at the Betty Ford clinic.
  6. Show me how many 1-5 teams sell out their games. I watched the game on DTV, at the start and while the outcome was still in doubt the stadium was pretty packed. What we deserve is a better product then the one we have been watching for the last 4 years. Put other NFL city's in our current situation and they would bring in half the fans. I'm glad it was not a sell out, eventually the fans need to stand up and let TD know they won't keep paying for the same crappy reruns year after year.
  7. I'm hungover and lacking in common sense Last time I ever try and make a difference
  8. That was one of several phantom calls all of which could have drastically changed the outcome of this game. Euhus holding on the Willis TD, Magee holding on the sack before the end of the first half, and the Sam Adams BS roughing the passer. The Bills did a excellent job of playing threw those poor calls but if we didn't this game could have been 10-15 points different. It is simply unacceptable to call phantom penalty's in critical situations, what makes it worse is it's been happening to us all year.
  9. People have just been throwing the word around every five seconds lately. It's not just that but the fashion in which it is being used is almost always to attack other posters. It's really starting to get annoying considering 99% of the time people say another poster is ignorant simply because they have a different opinion. Do these people who so loosely use the word actually believe their is a 0% chance their opinion may be wrong? Since "ignorant" is almost exclusively used on here as a word to attack or incite posters I say we utilize the filter feature. I nominate that every time somebody says Ignorant the filter changes it to "I'm a dusch bag". Hopefully this post does not take a similar path as the stevestojan incident.
  10. I actually thought FFS post was very accurate. As a brief summary I imagine he feels we have no other options right now, because of this we are stuck with Drew at least until JP gets healthy. During that time it is still possible for us to notch a couple of wins but like today we have to take advantage of our opportunity's, run the ball well, and play good defense. Furthermore I don't understand how we can say beyond a reasonable doubt that JP can save our season. He is a rookie and rookies by nature tend to have very different learning curves. Times will tell if JP's is on the short end of the spectrum ala big Ben or on the longer end like a Joey Harrington. For the record when JP is healthy I think he should be the starter. I felt the need to clarify FFS post because your response was a tad on the aggressive side for what I thought was a very logical summary of our current situation. The fact that your opinion may not be the same as other posters does not make their opinion ignorant. What is ignorant is blasting another poster simply because they have a different opinion then your own.
  11. Agreed, to all the party pissers :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: This was the best all around effort from the Bills since week two of last season, I fully intend on enjoying it.
  12. I raise my glass to the resilience shown by both teams. Cliche to say their are no losers but this game was a perfect example of that.
  13. This has been one of the best games in recent memory. This rivalry may not be as well known nationally as Ohio State/Michigan but within the state it is just as big if not bigger, thats what makes this game so special.
  14. Early prediction, Mike Hart will win a Heisman. He is only a freshman and no matter how talented he is his size will force him to stay for atleast three out of the four years. If he's doing this as a true freshman I can't even fathom what he will be capable of in a couple years.
  15. comeback, OT, fugly cheerleaders, Yes on Kerry Depending on the kind of hot pocket your eating I may or may not be jealous.
  16. JP wasn't smoking any of that sticky ricky was he?
  17. Great points about TD's past RB theory, makes even more sense when you consider the players on that list. Foster, Morris, and Means, all power backs in the mold of Travis Henry, the only difference is they were all about 40 pounds heavier then Travis is. The rate of deterioration on a power back is much quicker then backs that have multiple skill sets.
  18. Wasn't he from the WNY area? Being from Michigan I have watched him play every game this year, he is going to be a special player. It's incredible that a player that small has the kind of power that he does. He's very shifty in a Thurman type way, not jaw dropping agility but he never gets hit straight on and thats how he breaks his tackles.
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