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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Isn't this response a little uncalled for ICE? You may not agree with FFS but his intentions were simply to honor the people that have served (like yourself).
  2. I agree.... Plenty of my friends don't share my opinion about cheating, and just because I think its wrong doesn't mean I will judge somebody if they do it. People get raised in different environments and as a result have different views on the subject.
  3. How funny is it that the Patriots use a picture on the front page that clearly shows Fletcher being held. http://www.patriots.com/
  4. http://www.tech-sol.net/humor/one-liner128.htm After reading Poojers story I remembered this link, if it has been posted before I apologize, if not enjoy.
  5. I almost recreated what happened to you after reading that line... Funniest thing I read in awhile Poojer.
  6. She kinda looks like a lion....A hot lion of course
  7. "I would rather have the opportunity and fail then not have the opportunity at all" -KzooMike- November 10, 2004
  8. If you would have talked to me a few months ago this would have been a major disappointment. About that time I was sick of not being able to see my Bills so I got Direct TV and couldn't be happier with the service. With the amount of money they had to shell out to the NFL I definitely expect a rate increase from DTV next season for the ticket. If you were to compare that increase with what cable would have implemented I'm sure it will be relatively small.
  9. I wouldn't count on it Of course I'm kidding, joking aside I'm over any past arguments. Now would be a good time to cue the wall's sentimental make up riff
  10. I agree that their is some poor tackling being displayed, however that tape has several different teams in it. Given that I would be more inclined to believe the poor tackling is a result of the kids talent then the defenses inadequacy. When you have to face somebody with the speed and agility that kid has you tend to become more reactive. When a defender becomes complacent and reactive out of the fear of losing his jock it makes the RB’s job that much easier
  11. This post is going south faster then a porno in fast forward
  12. I bet I could beat Gregg Williams in a wet t-shirt contest
  13. Don't you think this was addressed enough already? Christ give the woman a break
  14. I love it Sue, my past girlfriends were more interested in avoiding me on Sundays. This one took that route for awhile then she got sick of it and pried her way into my sacred day. Now she is talking about players on the team, asking questions, even if she doesn't really care about the Bills it's nice to see her make such a effort to enjoy something that I love so much. Let's hope the good luck charm works two weeks in a row
  15. I'll start Any ladies want a free mustache ride?
  16. Bills 17- Willis, Moulds get TD's Jets 13- Baker TD I allowed my girlfriend to watch the Bills with me last Sunday for the first time ever. I planed on it being a one time occurrence because I like to watch the games by myself. After last week I invited her to watch it again this Sunday, hopefully I'm onto something. By the way her favorite player is Sam Adams
  17. I have a quick question for you Sue, just out of curiosity do you have broadband or dial up? I certainly don't agree with the amount of stevestojan your getting for just asking a question. At the same time some posters might have a point about you needing to be capable of doing this research on your own. Why they they went about saying that in such a rude way is beyond me. Maybe I'm off base here but I know I hate doing Internet searches on a dial up connection. Not only does it take forever to load the page but it is even worse when you have to search several pages and qualify what is a good site and what isn't one. If the reason you asked the question was to bypass the tedious qualifying stage on a dial up connection then it makes perfect sense. If not then perhaps you should make more of a effort to do your own research and use this website as a last resort. If you take this approach it will only help you more in the future at your profession and everyday life.
  18. I agree, I was going to post something similar as I read the post Sue had but my train of thought got derailed when my cell went off.
  19. Now he is, that video was from his freshman year in high school playing on varsity.
  20. Pete the article says it is 20.8 Campy he is a man among boys, the incredible thing is he's 15 playing against a bunch of 17/18 year olds at the varsity level.
  21. http://filebox.vt.edu:8080/c/chgraha1/DevineESPN.wmv http://www.pennlive.com/forums/hsfootball/...sf?artid=103732 The first link contains the highlight video in WMV format, the second link has a little write up about this kid. Even though it is only high school some of his runs are among the most spectacular I have ever seen. You think this kid will be heavily recruited the next few years?
  22. Your entitled to your own opinions but can you honestly say a combination of Lee, Reed, and Aiken is better then Moulds, Lee, and Reed/Aiken? I just don't understand how you can say Moulds is such a slouch, their is no way on earth this team would be more productive if we benched him. Remember the two incredible TD catches he had against the Jets and Cardinals? Or how about that absolute circus catch he had in the Baltimore game? Name one receiver on this team who can make those plays. Let me also add that Moulds is in contention for another pro bowl appearance. In the AFC he is 9th in receptions, 11th in yards, and 5th in TD's, all that accomplished in one less game then many of the other WR's. Finally he is only a couple catches and about 50 yards from being top 5 in every category. So please explain again why we should get rid of Moulds?
  23. That was in college, he's up to 425 now according to yesterdays announcers.
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