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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. The contract is structured in a way that could make Willis a top paid RB if he performs at that level. He had a unique situation coming out of the draft and in order to protect the Bills TD gave Willis a incentive laden deal. I don't see him holding out, if he wants more money than he will have to earn it. IMO most drafted players should receive this type of contract, it's not like any of them are guaranteed to do well anyway.
  2. I was screaming when it happened to challenge the play. That said I was still convinced the refs would say the whistle was blown before he crossed the goaline. Considering It was obvious from watching it live that Henry crossed at the end of the play you would expect a replay from CBS. That replay never came which I thought was pretty weird at the time. Oh well, whats done is done.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. I'm also trying to get to the Detroit area but the West Michigan area is getting hit with some heavy snow and winds. I tried hitting the freeway earlier but it was a pointless effort, I had to turn around and will try again tomorrow morning. If your flying hopefully you won't get delayed, if your driving good luck and be safe.
  4. I'm making a suggestion that we also reinstate these words..... The clap- Even for a STD Gonorrhea sounds way to dirty Floozy- Damn it (insert womens name) stop being such a floozy. Has a much better ring to it then slut.
  5. I hope Mularkey can get Matthews to accept the switch, don't want to do anything to ruin team chemistry at this point.
  6. I agree. I bought the regional sports pack almost solely because I heard the name Empire thrown around so much on here. I thought how sweet would it be to get the local coverage of the Bills instead of the 30 second once a month stories you can count on from ESPN. I enjoyed Simoncast but once you take that away from the Empire lineup you have about 23 hours a day of paid programming or some rebroadcast of a arm wrestling championship. Empire is hands down one of the most poorly programed channels on the entire DTV lineup. The founder of Empire is probably the same guy that switched all the good classic rock stations into country channels.
  7. Really sweet!!! My house came in good
  8. I'm gonna go on a little rant here.... First of all I totally agree with you. I'm only 22 and I have realized their are 3 versions of all ended relationships since I was 19. I certainly don't condone cheating but who knows what really happened in this situation. The fact is nobody outside of the couple will ever know the truth because the truth will always be somewhere between each persons biased version. Another thing that pisses me off is when people attempt to ruin somebody's financial lives as a form of retaliation. I'm not saying that they don't deserve some money from a divorce. For example when my parents split I thought my Mom deserved x amount of dollars because she spent a large part of her possible working years raising my brother and I. The last part of my rant is the part I hate the most, man haters. Look ladies I'll be the first one to admit their are a lot of ass holes in the world. But believe it or not their are men out their that are honest, caring, and genuine. We can't help that you went threw bad experiences before, so just because we are men it doesn't give you the right to pre judge us. I'm done now
  9. Sympathy for the Devil is my all time favorite
  10. You need to earn it first, but that might be hard to do now considering all Stern does is conjure up ways he can screw the Pacers. Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds?
  11. I don't know if you played before but that pass in the end zone was almost an impossible play to make. Moulds was looking over his right shoulder and the ball was over his left shoulder. On top of that Bledsoe lead him pretty far on the throw. Making that adjustment is just about the hardest thing a receiver can do and I suspect the reason he did not stick his arms out is because he never found the ball in the air.
  12. I agree that we look like a different team on the road. One big thing to keep in mind though is in the last few years we really did not play that well at home. The first step is dominating at home, the second step is carrying that over in away games. It will take some time but at least we seem to be taking care of the first part of that equation the last few weeks. The Ralph is once again a place teams don't want to play at.
  13. I sure hope he goes, he really is unstoppable when he plays 100%. His quickness is incredible for such a large man but what really sets him apart is his hands. If you focus in on him he has some of the quickest hands in the NFL. Nearly impossible for a lineman to block him when he wins the hand battle right after the snap.
  14. It was, clearly showed it on the replay, amazing none the less
  15. D got torched early but has come on in the 2nd half, ST have been amazing, Drew has hit Cambell for 3 TD's. Best performance so far this year
  16. I was probably going to beat it later, now I think I might just go to sleep.
  17. I all depends on the wheather, if winds are blowing 30+mph I don't see the Rams offense being able to do much.
  18. I just got mine from here.. http://www.tigerdirect.com/. I would highly recommend it to anybody looking for computers and any accessories. The staff is very helpful, the shipping is quick, and the prices are unbeatable. I built a top notch system for 1,400$, I'm a tech freak though so I'm sure you can get a great system for under 1,000$. Good Luck
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