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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Without making the playoffs the lowest spot in the draft a team can get is #20. That honor is currently held by Denver, #19 is Jacksonville, and then us at #18. We get a lower pick based on a reverse strength of schedule. Basically a team that is tied with us but plays a weaker schedule gets the higher draft spot. If we don't make the playoffs we should still finish no worse then 8-8. Obviously thats not a guarantee either but with the games we have left 8-8 is very achievable. With that record we could expect to be slated no higher then 15 or so. If you asked me what would I rather have, the 15-20# pick in what looks to be a weak draft or JP I would take JP in a second. Seems like TD can't miss of late. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/draft/update
  2. Maybe the prank was to get everybody to believe the prank happened.
  3. Ever notice it's hard to get some decent looking Bills pants? I used to rock out the zubos as a youngster but I was looking for something a little more stylish this time around. Found these at champs, if they are anything like my other pair of Reebok pants they should be very comfy. Pricey I know but that is a sacrifice one must make to be pimpin. http://www.champssports.com/catalog/produc...75&sku=90762041
  4. Thats pretty much how I feel about the QB situation. I'm sure their are plenty of people that think Drew will be gone next season for sure. I just don't see it happening if we finish strong.
  5. My question is what do you think the Bills will do next season at quarterback? I don't want your opinion on what they should do, I want your opinion on what they will do. I think it's much more cut and dry then many would like to think. The fact is we are 5-2 in the last 7 games and we finish off with the NFL's second easiest schedule. If we go 9-7 or 10-6 to close out the year I don't think their is any question Drew will start again next year. If either one of those records end up being our final record that would mean the Bills went 9-3, or 10-2 in their final 12 games. That is some serious momentum going into next year, and if you think their is no chance the coaching staff would stick with Bledsoe after that run then your probably setting yourself up for disappointment. I know many of you want Drew out of here no matter what the cost. Maybe it's because you don't think he is capable of taking us to the next level. Maybe it's because he tends to throw rookie type picks, or crap himself in prime time. Even the Bledsoe apologists can recognize his poor decisions at times. But what matters much more to a NFL coach then QB rating is cohesiveness, unity, and improvement. If we finish the year with those three areas showing major progress Mularkey will not make a switch at the QB position. While I'm sick of Drew a lot of the time I care more about winning then anything else. I'm also pretty sure that winning is priority #1 on Mularkeys list. Bottom line is if we finish the year on a roll like that I certainly won't be shocked if they stick with Drew next season.
  6. Not sure on Euhus but I know it was Brian Billick who made that comment about the TE position.
  7. 1) Former Basketball player at Kent State, played Power Forward. Think Tony G. with more athletic ability, they guy is a pure freak. Runs like a WR, Jumps like a WR, and catches like a WR all in a 6-4 260 pound frame. Went un-drafted and picked up by the Chargers last year so this is his second season as a pro. In case you have not followed the Chargers this year Gates has become Drew Brees favorite Red Zone player, hence the 11 TD's. IMO he is currently the best TE in the NFL. 2) They use him like KC uses Tony G. He gets 15 throws or so a game and most of them he simply posts up DB's and plays catch with Brees. Sounds like I'm part of the Antonio Gates fan club but he really is fun to watch. A Dominating player in only his second year after going un-drafted, pretty incredible if you ask me.
  8. That was a huge day by Moulds. Unfortunately I can still remember his opening drive fumble in that game. Flutie bombs to Moulds Moulds running down field, looks like he might score!! Moulds Fumbles the ball
  9. One last thing.. I looked up the mighty Jets and to my surprise they have played the fourth easiest schedule in the NFL. J-E-T-S FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD
  10. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/playoffrace/notes Opponents winning percentage is .579 for Buffalo tied with Oakland in third place. Only Kansas City at .595 and Cleveland at .612 have a more difficult schedule right now.
  11. I almost started to tear up after reading that
  12. I loved that call, it was a by product of the quick pitch we run occasionally on third downs to Willis. Obviously Seattle was looking for that play and we got enough pursuit toward it to get Lee some space on the other side. I loved the play calls this week, best in recent Bills memory. Some of my highlights include.... 1. The Fake sneak backward pass was genius 2. End around to Lee on the play we were talking about 3. Onside Kick was executed to perfection 3. Perfect use of draws/screens 4. Great balance, soften them early with the pass which opened it up for the run in the second half.
  13. I'm certainly not predicting we make the playoffs, all I'm doing is giving the update for the two wild card spots. So here it goes for all you dreamers Wild Card #1- New York Jets (8-3) Remaining Schedule: Houston, @ Pittsburgh, Seattle, New England, @ St. Louis Wild Card #2- Denver (7-3) Remaining Schedule: Oakland, @ San Diego, Miami, @ Kansas City, @ Tennessee, Indianapolis Playoff Contenders 1. Baltimore (7-4) Remaining Schedule: Cincinnati, NY Giants, @ Indianapolis, @ Pittsburgh, Miami 2. Jacksonville (6-5) Remaining Schdule: Pittsburgh, Chicago, @ Green Bay, Houston, @ Oakland 3. Houston (5-6) Remaining Schedule: @ Jets, Indianapolis, @ Chicago, @ Jacksonville, Cleveland 4. Buffalo (5-6) Remaining Schedule: @ Miami, Cleveland, @ Cincinnati, @ San Fransisco, Pittsburgh I left out Cincinnati at 5-6 because in order for Buffalo to have a chance they need to run the table. By playing Cincinnati and winning they would hold that tie breaker. I left out tie breakers because we lose them all and in order for us to get in we need to be 10-6 with 4/5 of the listed teams being no better then 9-7. My analysis New York Jets- Huge game next week against Houston, if they lose that game 9-7 becomes a very probable record for them. They have a very difficult schedule and IMO they finish 9-7 Denver- A loss tonight against Oakland makes 9-7 a very good possibility for this team as well. Again refer to their schedule. A win tonight and they probably finish 10-6. Baltimore- Has to lose one out of these three games, Cincinnati, Giants, or Miami. If they lose one of these they have to beat either the Colts or Pittsburgh at their place. I also think they finish 9-7. Jacksonville- Having to win 4/5 with that schedule won't happen. Jacksonville finishes 9-7 at the very best. Lets face it guys and gals in order to have a chance we need to win out. Out of all the scenarios listed I still believe that will be the most difficult thing to accomplish. Either way I really believe a 9-7 team makes the playoffs this year in the AFC, so if we win out we have more then a legitimate chance at making it. Homer away I go!!
  14. MM is really starting to make me believe again, I think we got ourselves a winner!!!
  15. It's a great feeling to be winning again, that said I can't help but wonder what might have been if we win one or two out of the first four. I really think we are a much better all around team then the Jets, and Baltimore for that matter.
  16. Your right about the offense, they seem to be complacent now which my be good considering the INT's Drew has thrown. With the way the D is playing I really can't see Seattle putting up 21 points. I say throw JP in with under 8 minutes in the 4th.
  17. Great game so far by the Bills, great play calling by the staff to. Can we please get JP in at the end of this thing?
  18. It was the right call, it is BS rule though. like you said, I'll take it
  19. If this team wasn't playing so lights out we would be in serious trouble with the INT's...Why the hell can't JP be doing these things right now? 3 rookie type picks, at least if it was being done by a rookie I could justify it a bit.
  20. Ugh...Evans was wide up top on the pass to Euhus...Scratch that EVANS TD!!!! Guy is Bad!!
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