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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I thought he returned punts? Why can't he be a PR.
  2. JP only cares about getting his name in the paper
  3. My character meter just went off.
  4. When Buffalo trusts this team they will sell out again.
  5. Maybe it's something about having kids?
  6. Ya what's with that? I love the grille, so much easier then anything else. I think something about the gas and a possible explosion freaks them out
  7. I moved away from Livonia 6 years ago. Still go back a few times a year, I heard it was horrible. I used to take M-14 to 94 every time I went back and fourth from Kalamazoo. I'm glad I didn't have to deal that BS.
  8. 75 or 475 are less littered with cops, but horrible in there own ways. If I'm going anywhere it's usually N back to Michigan so I’m on those freeways. Your point about the merging is so true. That's the problem with the road system, everything's set up to make you think. People are not overly bright. Bad things happen.
  9. I like vaginas, so should I pretend to be gay
  10. I have no connections to Buffalo, but when you take the city from the team and the history from the team, you just don't have the same team. I couldn't follow them anymore, and don't ever see myself caring about another team as much, or even at all.
  11. Greek with enough Irish to have the last name McClain.
  12. What I'm asking for is the split in cooking duties. Problem is most the women I've met can't hold up that end of the bargain. I've seen several couples and friends, who have shared my experiences. This all leads me to believe this trend is stronger then it should be. Gender changes in society have played a roll in the amount of women that know how to cook. But to me that's not an excuse. It's a fundamental part of life that everybody should at least have some knowledge about. Your group of friends appears different which is what I'm looking for. Maybe it's just the people I know more then it actually being true.
  13. I'm trying to cut back on my GD's from 50 a day to 25. So how about please?
  14. People this is serious. I need to know if any young women in this country can cook.
  15. My guess would be no, if so she has the patience of a saint. I've tried showing her a few things and it was no different then when she brought home math from college. My Mom did the same thing with me that's how I learned.
  16. Funny thing is her Mom's a great cook. The type that practically force feeds you, real old school. I think in my girls case she might have gotten it so overdone she never felt the need to learn. But still this shouldn't change the rest of the young women in this country.
  17. I cook like a crazy person, and usually love doing it so long as it's on my terms. But when I have to do it all the time because my significant other doesn't know how to. Well it's frustrating. Sometimes you wan’t to be cooked a meal you know? Just to be clear it's not just her, I see it with former friends and other people I've dated. I really can’t think of more then two or three women I’ve met that actually know how to cook.
  18. I'm 24, fairly traditional background. My Mom handled most of the cooking duties which probably could be said for most in my demographic. I'm not one to think it's a woman's job to cook, but I'm just shocked at how few actually can. I'm talking complete cooking incompetence. In my last two relationships hot pockets would have been a challenge to what were otherwise intelligent women. You would think some degree of competency would be important for survival. It is after all, eating.
  19. We had a whole new national fan base spawn itself from the Super Bowl years. It didn't happen to the degree in which it's happening with the Patriots, or other national types, but it happened.
  20. It's difficult to comprehend a place worse then Toledo, Ohio. Traffic wise I'm sure many places exist. But what place actually has a merging lane for the merging lane before you merge onto the freeway? We also have 5 MPH reduced speed on about 75% of the roads and freeways (compared to Michigan). Old people and the ghetto children turn that into about a 15mph reduction. Marijuana turns that into about a 20mph reduction because everybody in this city is high. Am I approaching complete insanity yet?
  21. Why is it every week a Bills fan has to write about not getting enough attention? I get it, nobody picked us first in the preseason polls, and we have a hard on about not getting respect. We just come off as a pretty pathetic bunch when we so desperately need Mort's approval every week.
  22. People are going to drive like shi* your whole life, what can you really do? I'm in the Mecca of retarded drivers in OHIO. I used to get pissed when people would cut me off. Last year some guy got me so bad I ended up hanging half outside my window dropping F bombs. I pointed to the parking lot, and the driver showed me the handle to his pistol threw the window. What was he going to do shoot me? What was I going to do beat some sense into him for cutting me off? Neither would changed the fact that people in OHIO can't drive worth shi*.
  23. It's all about winning. If we win we will create new fans from the TV exposure. Some will be bastardized bandwagon jumpers, and some will stay for the long term. I became a fan under those circumstances following the 1989 season.
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