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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Anybody else see this happening? Greise led the comeback against Detroit. After the game Lovie said he just wanted to look at a few guys. Grossman said he had no idea he was coming out. Sounds a little fishy. I expect it to really start stinking if Greise plays well week 17. Grossman just doesn't seem like a good fit for that team, especially compared to Greise. They need an efficient manager, not a turnover prone gunslinger. Even though it goes against conventional thinking I feel the switch gives them the best chance at winning the NFC. As it stands one blow up game from Rex against a decent playoff team and they could be done.
  2. Only one way to pull of such a daring maneuver. Start talking about wanting to work out. Make it sound like you want to do it for yourself not her. Make sure she never suspects your real intentions. Eventually suggest that you should workout together (atleast at the same time). It won't make her feel so alienated and if she's like most women she will be happy to share another activity with her man. After a few months the added self esteem should be enough for her to want to do it herself.
  3. Exactly. If the poster who mentioned Minnesota being Cover 2 was right that's exactly what I'm looking for. We can run this defense just fine with 9 guys that can fly to the football. If we’are holding out for that quick pass rusher/run stopper combo we'll be at the bottom of the league in run defense for a long time. That is unless we find our Tommie Harris or Warren Sapp. I just see that being a long shot. At the least we can bring in one run situation DT and pair him up with KW. I could live with that potential. You never want to restrict yourself to certain physicality’s, especially at such a sought after position.
  4. Is Minnesota playing the Cover 2? If so I don't know how we can compare our DT's to the Williams brothers. They just dominate the point of attack, and aren't in the mold of the small speed DT's we seem to be looking at. As for Chicago they have respectable numbers in terms of yards per game, but when it comes to averages they're 15th this year, and were 9th last year. Not exactly catastrophic results but look at the talent level in relation to us. They have a disgusting front 7. The same could be said for the old Tampa Bay defenses that handled they run well. To succeed stopping the run in this defense you can't have average or even good players. You need great players.
  5. I’ve backed DJ all season, and really like him as our coach. Despite that I’ve been concerned about the Cover 2 and its ability to stop the run since the outset. These cover 2 coaches go after the quick guys who are more pass rushers then run stoppers. It's scary knowing how talented the Bears defense is and how they still rank in the bottom half in run defense. How Tony Dungy has one of the most prolific offenses of all time but can’t solve his run issues for the life of him. It's so rare to find a guy who's quick enough to rush the passer but still strong enough to hold up against the run. Warren Sapp comes to mind, not surprisingly those Tampa teams are among the only top 5 run defending teams that played the Cover 2. I really hope Jauron can get away from these small/speed DT's and maybe grab a guy more geared to stop the run for running situations. We can still plug in the speed/penetration guys for passing situations. We might have already passed on Ngata for the reasons I discussed.
  6. Sad to say, but the only way I see Nate staying is if he suffers a stock deflating injury Sunday.
  7. Next time they run the NFL replay add check out the Bengal’s cheerleader they show with Chad Johnson. You only see her for a couple seconds. Good god oh mighty.
  8. I'm the exact same way. I handle pressure in the moment well, and I’m very outgoing. It seems like these only happen when the stress or pressures aren't right in front of my face. It builds over time, eventually culminating in one of these attacks.
  9. Gambling is an extremely stressful activity for most. I've just spent so much time on research that I don't get affected by the issues most people do. I don't follow the games I bet on or deviate from my strategies. To do so would make me an addict more then an investor. I started my research 6 years ago with the long term goals and a business like approach. Each year my income and investment levels have increased. Without the additional income it brings I feel I would be worse off, both personally and financially.
  10. Wow things look great, can't imagine how good it will look once it's finished. I especially like all the formatting options for stats and what not.
  11. I'd need a Red Bull IV for that to be the case.
  12. Therapy can help many people; it helped my Mom deal with the same issues. I believe often times people are too quick to turn to medicine or a therapist, especially when it's related to mental issues. I still feel like I can do a lot for myself right now. I'm very into understanding the mind, and I feel like I understand my mind very clearly. I just don't deal with stress well at all. Circular thinking, hindsight, and obsessive thought patterns play into that. That way of thinking didn't create many problems when I was younger because you just don't get stressed out when you’re a kid or a teenager. As I'm learning stress slips further away from your control as you get older, and I haven't been doing anything to change my thought patterns in relation to this stress. I'm slowly learning how to avoid these pitfalls. Now I realize I must be more proactive in dealing with these issues because they very well could be the underlying cause of these attacks. If I can't make any progress on my own I will turn to other options like therapy or medicine.
  13. Navy- It's interesting you mentioned sleep issues being connected to your problem. I don't have apnea (at least I don't believe I do). I do have a very difficult time going to sleep, and don't sleep enough as a result (probably 5-6 hours a night). I will look into a sleep study. Plenzmd- I'm thinking just knowing what it is will help a lot. You know what can be running threw your mind as this is happening. You can almost convince yourself you’re going to drop dead on the spot. Just knowing that my vitals aren't in jeopardy should reduce the frequency and strength. Chef- The freeway can also be a trigger for me. I figured I wasn't alone; I just wasn't sure how many Men experience this. The doctor said it's genetics (My Mom also has these), stress and anxiety. He said the explanation for them right now is that your mind will become overwhelmed with these issues even if you’re not consciously aware of it. For some people the mind will incorrectly send off defense signals. The result is the Panic Attack, which mirrors the feelings of a life threaning situation to the person going threw it. I never thought of Panic Attacks because I've never felt like this when I was younger. As the Doctor pointed out, I didn't have adult responsibilities until around the time these started. He made a lot of sense. I'm probably going to look into ways at reducing stress. Navy mentioned Yoga; anything along those lines can't be a bad idea. I used to work out a lot, getting back into that couldn’t hurt either. If my own self help methods aren't sufficient I could maybe look into generic drug alternatives until I get insurance. Thanks again for all the responses.
  14. For about 4 years I thought I had something physically wrong with my body. It didn't make much sense, I'm 24, very low body fat, good diet etc. I could be doing nothing then all off a sudden I couldn't catch my breath. I would get dizzy, cold sweats, tingling fingers, and my heart sounded like it was going to explode. These things just seemed to come out of nowhere. I haven't had health insurance so it took until today for me to say I've had enough and get checked out. Turns out I'm having Panic Attacks. It's a relief to hear I have nothing physically wrong, but I still don't understand this enough to control it. In my case they almost always happen when I'm alone, or with my girlfriend. I can't recall a time I got one in a public setting. Without insurance I need to look at ways to improve this condition without medication. I've done some reading online but was wondering if anybody else has experienced this and if they could recommend books, behaviors, or anything else to either reduce the frequency or strength of these attacks. Thank you so much for anything you can share.
  15. Yup. A hard football travels a much shorter distance then a soft football. When I used to do some place kicking we would substitute an old softened ball on kickoffs. That adjustment increased my kickoff average 7 yards from the previous season.
  16. Couldn't agree more.
  17. I still support his decision. Let me also say Jauron knew all this stuff before the decision was made. As fan I guessed we converted around 40% the last two days in these 3rd/4th and short situations. Jauron's a freaking Ivy Leaguer. If a random fan could guess the probabilities that closely I'm sure he had it within a 2-3% of the actual odds in his head.
  18. Here’s another angle to this thread which would be the correct way to look at the probabilities. Either call would require two variables for the Bills to win. If you kick the FG, you take the probability of making the kick, and multiply it by the probability of Buffalo stopping a TEN FG. If we go for it you figure out the probability of converting on fourth down, then the odds of Lindell later making a shorter FG. Here’s a breakdown of what that could look like with different odds. Go for the FG with the Bills having a 95% chance at stopping Tennessee the next drive Kick% Stop% Win% 10%----- 95%------ .0095 20%------95%------.190 30%------95%-------.285 40%------95%------- .380 50%------95%-------.475 60%------95%-------.570 Or Go for the FG with the Bills having a 90% chance at stopping Tennessee the next drive Kick% Stop% Win% 10%----- 90%------ .009 20%------90%------.180 30%------90%-------.270 40%------90%------- .360 50%------90%-------.450 60%------90%-------.540 Or Go for the First down, and make a shorter FG, diffrent odds of that FG are listed. Go for the First down FIRST%---FG%-----WIN% 40.4%------70%------.283 40.4%------75%------.303 40.4%------80%------.323 40.4%------85%------.343 40.4%------90%------.364
  19. Haha, I hit submit when I was changing a thought around. Please go back and read it again. Should make a little more sense. Edit- Damn I'm stupid right now, all my math was f'ed up in the correction post! It's fixed now.
  20. The Bills have converted 19 of 47 3rd downs of 4, 5, and 6 yards this season, a 40.4% clip. So at the minimum Lindell needed to have a 40% shot at making that kick. It's more likely around 50% when you consider Tennessee still had ample time to counter the FG, with the wind, and a guy that's already made a 60 yard game winner. For his career RL is 12-19 from 50 yards out a 63.2% clip. The wind easily took 5 yards off the ball, so that's why I have his 50 yard numbers instead of his 40 yard numbers. If the wind took more then 9 yards off the ball (more then possible) it would equal Lindell’s career long. You can see how close the decision actually was for Jauron. I thought he made the right one at the time, and still do after looking at the probabilities. Edit: I did some more exact probability work below. It appears the bottom line on Lindell’s kick had to be about 35% or better for it to make it a 50/50 proposition.
  21. How can people still be pissed about this? This isn't Tin Cup. We had a 40% chance or more at converting the 4th down. NE had no choice but to kick that FG. The ONLY alternative for NE was a Hail Mary. AV gave it his best shot and made an incredible kick. If NE had as strong an out as we did no way does AV tell BB he can make that kick, and if he did BB wouldn’t have let him anyway.
  22. I know this loss reeked of the same old Bills, I just haven't seen those same old Bills all year. For 14 games we fought our ass off. We had more then a chance at winning 12 of them. It was a dramatic improvement from the amount of games this could be said for in 2005. This happened while being in the bottom 25 in dozens of statistics. Those same old Bills were veteran teams that dominated statistically. They led the league in rushing defense, turnovers, and all the things you would expect to see from a winning team. This team isn't doing any of that, and they started more rookies then any team in football. They have a young improving QB, compared to an old deteriorating one. These Bills have nowhere to go but up while those Bills had nowhere to go but down. I also really like Dick Jauron despite his mishaps in the Tennessee game.
  23. It had to be the most poorly officiated sequence of calls in NFL history. It will never happen again, unless it happens to us.
  24. I agree with your assessments, but why so high on McCargo? It's great to see optimism from posters right now, but I don't see how we have anything that say's he's going to be good or bad. He just didn't get enough reps. Also you took my comments during the Titans game the wrong way. I didn’t think we would finish because we lost the opportunity to do so in the 3rd with great field position and the wind. That's why I was predicting doom in the 4th quarter. I love the long term outlook, and believe this will be a playoff team in 2007. The only reason I'm saying this is because you’re new, and we need optimism from people to combat some of this crazy talk. So stick around for awhile.
  25. Bingo. Jauron would have been the bad guy for not trusting our guys to convert. The debate over that call is just petty hindsight fan BS. If you have a gripe it should be over the indecision of the call, not the call itself. As Exiled pointed out the indecision is what guaranteed either decision would fail.
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