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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I mean, if we can get a great return sure. But you have to figure the injury bug bites at some time. So whatever his role is he will have to contribute and we will need him.
  2. If you played football, don’t tell me you didn’t like a shot at a crack back where they didn’t see you coming. It’s part of the game. It is pointless and higher risk to injury and so was Williams at that time. But the level of hate on this. Sure it’s because we loved Williams but most fans act like it was premeditated. Simple truth to it is he got a dream crack back and acted like most football players would. I wish he wouldn’t have went so high but again, the knock out shot is still very much in most players minds. That’s the mindset very early with the sport.
  3. From some of these responses it sounds like the OP has a history here of some fun stuff. What I think he means is why can't a player with the stats you mentioned elevate his team to the next level (Super Bowl). Reality is, most people don't put Luck in elite status anymore and those are really the only ones that could do it eventually by themselves. For the 99% of the rest of the situations you need a complete team. Luck is getting closer and it still might not be enough. It wasn't for the Bills at a much higher level. I will agree, I do think Luck does have some choke in his game. I would think with a more complete team they should have a group that could go to the Super Bowl. I just don't think he will ever get there, more of a feeling than stats with that.
  4. For Tre to go, we need to have a lot of success as a team. As one poster said about DE’s and sacks, the masses respect INT’s for DB’s. Tre is more of a blanket than a ball hawk. He’s well on the radar of people who really watch football. But if you ask most general fans who Tre White is they would have no idea. With success it will force people to look at the why and clearly the more you look at what he does all around, he’s an exceptional player. I would give Edmunds, Oliver, and Hughes the best chance if we aren’t as successful as a team just based on all 3 being able to get peoples attention with stats. If Oliver ends up being the player we think he is he could even help Hughes go before he does. I really think Oliver will be special but it’s not as if we are coming off some scrub at that position.
  5. Drink a few beers and retake the test
  6. I don't think I'm alone in feeling the way I do. I think many of you feel the same way. It's hard to trust this team. It's hard to trust the QB position. 20 years of psychological warfare, unmet expectations, disappointment. This is one of the most emotionally invested fan bases in the NFL. We have been burned so repetitively we have become split between two groups of people. Ones that can let go of the past be optimistic and move forward, then another group that is just as passionate and loyal but defends themselves emotionally by lowering expectations. I'm part of the latter but always fighting myself to push closer towards the former. I saw things in Allen's statistical profile last year that concerned me a great deal. How often he was running. Accuracy issues. Topics discussed many times on this forum as indicators to be cautious. I spent a lot time watching film on Josh this weekend. From the eyes of an emotionally defeated, lowered expectation, pessimist, this is what I saw. A kid in the shape of a giant outrunning defenders not because he couldn't read progressions or step up in the pocket, but because he was either forced to roll out or more often because the defensive line completely over pursued. He took advantage of mistakes defenses made and put DC's on notice this year. If you want to play pin the ears back and undisciplined in your pass rush he will make you pay. I saw this man child hit the deep middle 20 yard throw like no QB we have had since Bledsoe (who for all his shortcomings delivered that as well as anybody). I saw him often not stepping up in the pocket and delivering the ball awkwardly, but it was not because he was afraid it was because the DL was under his chin. Shockingly, he still delivered ropes all over the field from this position. I saw a player that can make every conceivable throw a QB can make in this league and many the majority of QB's could not. A player that when in cadence and rhythm was decisive and accurate. Somebody fully capable of turning absolutely nothing into not only positive yardage but sometimes a lot more. Oh by the way, a natural leader that inspired his teammates. You would have to have beaten Bills syndrome to the fullest level to not see the same things. Allen is a special player. He carried this offense as rookie void of any talent around him on his back last year. This year he has some weapons. So why not Buffalo, lets do this one more time. I'm on board and will put the past behind me. I think we make the playoffs this season. Then I think we challenge for what we really want in the years to come.
  7. My, my, aren't we a sensitive group. Don't know anything about this guy but it's not exactly contrarian to think a rookie won't start with the type of depth we have on the OL this year. Doesn't mean his fate is doomed if that's the case. Everybody hated the Allen pick. Everybody loved the Ford pick. Show me a TV or Radio personality that gets it right more often than the general public and it might start to matter a bit. If one exists I don't think it's Mr. Brown.
  8. Been on these forums a long time and never made any claims remotely close to this on a draft pick. He will be in the Pro Bowl by year two if he stays healthy.
  9. This collusion between Beane and ESPN must stop. I request an independent panel be formed to determine Beanes involvement in the hiring of one Marcell Louis-Jacques for this position. I would like Mr. Rodak subpoenaed immediately and questioned for his involvement. Living closer to family? Is that really the truth Mr. Rodak? Bills nation must protect the integrity of Bills reporting. Attica! Attica!
  10. Good or bad what do people expect Kyle to say? He’s retired and an avid supporter of the organization. Still very close to many of the players. Whenever the man talks I listen and I listened to this, but going in I knew no way possible it would be negative. Not like Kyle. Too much class. Good luck to him and Allen.
  11. If you played at any level you know it boils down to deception. Void of deception it boils down to timing. I doubt anything less is being taught at the highest level. Obviously past the training god given ability, fast twitch muscles, etc.
  12. I don’t like the notion that refs are not just as much a part of the game as they always were. They call defensive holding on 3rd and 15 in the last two minutes. They start a game winning drive with a holding call. They drastically alter the outcome of every game based on judgement decisions. In the pursuit of perfection, something that will never be attained, we have slowed the game down and made it less enjoyable. More calls are right, just as many remain disputed based on who the viewer is. If a guy looks like he catches the ball and two arms get thrown in the air, damn it, I want to get off my butt in a good mood and grab a beer. Not wait 10 minutes for validation. I understand why replay is in place and I imagine my opinion changes if the Bills got screwed in a critical moment and the play was corrected. But then again isn’t the music city miracle exactly what my point is meant to capture? Most here thought we got screwed. We had replay. What was the outcome on that? It will never be perfect. Introducing pure judgement calls is scary.
  13. I agree with him. It frustrates the hell out of me always having a paused celebration. TD signal used to mean something. Now you get the signal, then wait, wait longer. Replay is still often just as inconclusive and frustrating depending on the outlook of the viewer and what they want. Example, MCM.
  14. Very optimistic, but as many have pointed out, it falls on Allen. If you look at the list of recent Super Bowl champions, outside of Young and Wilson, almost none of them were mobile.At nearly a 100% clip Super Bowl winning QB's won in the pocket. Even in the case of Young and Wilson, Young was still great in the pocket, Wilson was improving and had the best defense of his era backing him up. You could go back to 2001 or 2003 Baltimore Ravens or Tampa Bay Buccaneers teams, but again, two teams that had legendary defenses. Also a time in which it seemed like a truly epic defense could get you there. It's just not like that anymore. All recent Super Bowl winning QB's have won from the pocket. That's all I care about seeing from Josh this season. The last pocket QB we had that could get the ball downfield was Bledsoe and even in his frequent horror show the 2004 Bills losing to Pittsburgh's back ups in the last game of the season to miss the playoffs remains the best Bills team since the drought began.
  15. Wicked accurate off play fakes, just like he was at Wyoming. Gives me confidence in his development. How hard was it for him to establish any timing last’s year that wasn’t off playaction? He was forced out of the pocket in about 2 seconds more often than not.
  16. Don’t confuse my post for a lack of faith in the front office and coaching staff. My subject was actually derived from the exact opposite. The opposite view tends to intrigue me especially if the topic has validity. We have murdered coaches and GM’s for 20 years after the appearance of things moving in the right direction. Clearly if we have success as many anticipate the subject is not relevant. That said what if we don’t? Our recent, two decade history shows a pretty consistent pattern of high expectations being met with compete overhauls in short order. These guys seem to be the best so far, so does that buy them past 2020 with no playoffs? The answer would be no if recent history is any indicator.
  17. What has the fans feelings of trajectory done in the past? Hence why I was intrigued by the subject. I have posted once in 5 months. Sorry to water it down.
  18. So you would say they survive 2020 (two more seasons) if the Bills miss the playoffs both years?
  19. Question is how long does our leadership team get to prove itself? I have no agenda, if you don’t like the timing of the subject move on.
  20. I will spare a long list of reasons. Just using what I feel the pace is set at. It’s almost impossible to see any leadership changes happen after 2019. That said, if we meddle for two years I see the fans out for blood and the leadership doesn’t survive after 2020. Curious if people think they get more time?
  21. Love the pick. You can’t find him behind the line. Fantastic football speed. Low center of gravity. Bounces off defenders. People get way too caught up in his 40. In today’s NFL you aren’t likely to outrun defenses. This guy plays the 0-15 yard game as well as any back in the draft.
  22. Not old enough to have seen him live but I have watched a lot of highlights on him. In my opinion Sayers had the best full speed agility of all time. He could cut at top speed and not lose any speed. People might be quick to argue Barry should get this honor. Barry is certainly the most agile, but he never really had a top gear. He was much more violent with his agility and acceleration. Barry had that wide base and ability to cut no matter what he was doing. He could stop then accelerate faster than anyone in history . Sayers made his cuts in full stride without slowing down at all. Both are two of my favorite backs to watch highlights from.
  23. Brown played at 6-2, 230 pounds. He was solid muscle and ran the 100 meters under 11 seconds at Syracuse. He benefited little from any modern day training and often commented at how little he worked out. Give him the benefit of modern training and he's running in the 4.4's at 240+ with the agility of a deer.
  24. I think the OP has a point. All due respect to Jim, the game he is trying to give Allen advice on is not the same. It’s not even close. Maybe it doesn’t do any harm per say but why are we reading about this.....AGAIN? We know Jim loves football and Buffalo and we love him. But I get where the original poster is coming from. This is like the 3rd-4th straight QB Jim “needed” to speak with. Its a bit undermining to leadership even if the staff would never say it. Its a bit “keep me in the spotlight” even if Bills fans wouldn’t like to say it. If this wasn’t the case why doesn’t Jim privately schedule his conversation? Why do I always hear about his need to speak with our QB’s in the media first.
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