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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Like I said earlier, NFL needs to take the opposite approach of the rest of the leagues. All of which have basically thought of every conceivable way to not let it spread, yet it inevitably does. Plan failed, then they pull back. The NFL will still take similar precautionary measures and do everything possible to eliminate spread, but they have to go in expecting high infection rates. Expecting the potential for some loss of life <= some players will deal with complications that result in loss of life. It's a very low probability outcome, but enough get it, the math guarantees at least some will have serious cases. Coaches, others, also fit into this. Again, is it this that far off from what most businesses and employees are dealing with right now? I watch gas station attendants and grocery store clerks come in contact with 1,000 of people a day for minimum wage. Lots of people face increased risk vs having enough money to live on a daily basis. If the NFL wants to take the same approach and I think they will, then that's a choice they have. I also think, like many employees, the NFLPA and it's players would rather make the money and take the risk. They know most players have a very limited window to earn this type of money and I'm sure the majority would risk infection for the ability to do so.
  2. I saw this, not a death nail, but the writing is on the wall. In order for the NFL to play, they will have to take an open position on players getting infected. That is to say, they will do everything possible to prevent it, but the language they use and approach they take has to be in acceptance that some if not all teams will deal with it. Since the rest of the business world is dealing with similar issues, perhaps not as challenging, but in some sectors, perhaps even more so, I think the NFL will let it ride. If somebody dies, which is possible, if not probable, even at a low fatality rate, lord knows what happens, but again, is this much different than the challenges many Americans face returning to work? Countless employees across the country are working for peanuts and no more protected than the players would be. It’s going to get interesting.
  3. If you factor in QB, I think by 2021, we will have the most dynamic 1-2-3 combo in the league, all pups still. Singletary will be an elite back and Moss is an amazing compliment to his style. Then Josh is the 2nd most effective QB running the ball in the NFL. I'm not saying this group is at that point yet, but that's what I expect by 2021. Any 1-2-3 and the argument can be made for Lamar, but I need to see 2 consecutive years. I'm just not bullish on him yet. So frequently exposed to injury threat and it's always the 2nd year the Defensive coordinators catch up (I don't count his 2018 season as far as DC's scrambling, he was average, 2019, he killed you, if the Central coaches don't catch up they know they can't compete). They will give the rest of the league a blue print prior to the half way mark, maybe sooner.
  4. I'm a white male, my girlfriend is black, my brother is a police officer. I'm not an authority on this topic, I can just share what the hell has been going on the last few days from these various perspectives. My girlfriend is from a predominantly white area, she is highly educated, she has flat out said multiple times she does not know where she fits in society. She feels her own people do not accept her and she will never be fully accepted by white people. When we first started talking about this I had no idea how sensitive the topic was. I mean we joke about race constantly. What I learned from this is if religion and politics could make a baby and form the mecca of all things you don't throw your opinions at recklessly this would be it. I have given up any attempt to FULLY understand how she feels. I never will and never could. I'm a white male. It is that simple. This is not even remotely about a flag to black people, they do not feel in anyway that they're dishonoring former military. If you understand that, great, if you don't understand that, great. All sides of the coin are free to express themselves. Brees is a public figure, he could have chose to stay on the sidelines if he wanted, he chose not to. I'm sure some people are happy he did express his opinion, that said it should not be the least bit surprising the black community roasted him in doing so.
  5. Loved the interview, love Josh. I hope he can learn. A takeaway I had from this which might not be popular is a concern that he can't actually change. He sounds VERY self aware, which I love, without that you don't even have the ability to change, but at some point the change actually has to occur. If I make a mistake and can articulate what it is and why I made it but I keep repeating the mistake....... that's my fear from this interview. I'm not talking about accuracy either more "hero ball" as we saw at the end of the Houston game. His OC was very clear Josh has had multiple opportunities at Wyoming to learn to not play "hero ball". That over the course of the 2017 season, it was basically an entire crash course on the topic. He displayed a look in talking about the Houston game, disappointment/frustration would be the best word to describe the look. Like "Damn it Josh, when are you going to learn". Then he want onto to say Josh spoke with Wyoming QB's on zoom some time after the game, openly talking about the Houston game and acknowledging his mistakes. Ok, so Josh is aware not to play "hero ball" but he was also aware of it prior to the Houston game. It's the 4th quarter of the AFC championship game. Do you trust now is the time he actually learned his lesson? I hope so.
  6. I'm generally a homebody but not to this extent. I would like to get out, do something a little different, enjoy the weather. That said, I still think going to any location with a decent amount of traffic or population density (bars/restaurants) is not a good idea for me right now. I read a lot of articles on drive in's making a comeback and it made a lot of sense. I probably land where a lot of the US does right now, not coiled in fear and not pretending it's spring break either (those seem to be the only things the media is latched onto at the moment). Any external activities that can offer peace of mind with the ability to get out would be highly attractive right now to a lot of people. It's a smart idea, might fail. Still like the thought process.
  7. Good post and yes, we sound like we have similar takes on some things. My two issues, primary issues, campaign finance reform as well as Wall Street reform (Repeal of Glass-Steagall) have led to horrific consequences to the systems overall balance. At one point I identified more with Democrats but still have some Republican views. In time they just both blended into a melting pot of the same BS. As I said, most of which you describe better than me. I have no earthly clue how the US stops this cycle. For me, it's not Democrat or Republican, it's the system. I am the voter you described in why Trump won. Like you, Obama twice, couldn't do Hillary nor Trump. I see similar attitudes playing out among people like ourselves throughout this next election. It's hard to evoke passion to vote based on dislike of the opposite party. I very well could sit this one out again, but it's possible my frustration over the complete mockery of the presidency is enough to cast a vote for somebody I really don't believe in just to prevent somebody who is even worse from winning. As you point out, that is just another vote towards establishment politics which I'm certainly not endorsing. I just hope this pattern of keep blowing it up doesn't land us in an even worse position. As this is occurring, these blow it up presidents are nominating Supreme court justices, creating policy, and lets face it, while not establishment politics, certainly advancing the agenda of income inequality. I love capitalism, but it's dangerous with the level of greed that can come with it and the ability of that greed to infiltrate all forms of the way decisions and policy are made. We have reached a point in which the scales are so deeply tipped, I don't know how we get back.
  8. You tagged my on the last one and I will again concede. You speak much more eloquently than I at how he has won the votes of the disenfranchised. That said, aren't we all just pissed at this point? I mean, we don't know how to break the cycle. So much damn money is floating around it can't be broke. Our solution is basically dropping a second atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Who is the next one up? Is this going to go the way of celebrity presidents? I feel like the movie Idiocracy is playing out before our eyes.
  9. I'm independent, but your first statement......"He's in the White House for a reason". Ok..... Clinton was a god awful candidate and Joe Biden will be next. Masses are A$$es. Trump won the election based on excellent marketing, branding of his name, and further dividing party lines. All the while being afforded the ability to say literally anything because nobody could ever pretend to fact check a human being that embellishes at the rate he does. While having the privileges almost no american receives he managed to fail at almost everything he has ever done outside of a TV show and branding his name. His name is so well branded with success it makes citizens think he has at some point in his life been successful in business, which is not true in any capacity. By any practical measure he is an utterly horrible business man. They actually had to make a fake set for the Apprentice because his actual office was so deplorable it wouldn't work. Moving along, he somehow wins votes from people who don't make a lot of money and are very pissed off about the income disparities in this country. That said, Trump would never help somebody or put measures in play that help people in a sub 75k income bracket. Why these people vote for him I don't know. He's rich and they also want to be rich? Break the status quo and turn it into the WWE? If you make 100k+ I get it. He helps your bottom-line and every candidate pretty much sucks, so if that's the case go with the one who benefits you most. At this point I would just settle for somebody that is presidential and doesn't spend half his life on Twitter.
  10. Trumps a disgrace along with his gathering of poor inbreeds. If you make 100k plus I can tolerate why you might vote for the guy, but that's about it. Joe Biden is a moron limp crotch but at least he will be around smart people, listen, and behave presidential. Unfortunately what I just said means we will likely get 4 more years of twitter king.
  11. As some have pointed out you have to make Andre one, but as far as talent, it's very close. Moulds is extremely underrated and one of my favorite Bills of all time to watch. Really no holes in his game.
  12. Well said. Now the players do have a powerful union. So this could lead to a very ugly situation. As another poster mentioned, I see no practical way to accomplish this by cutting players to get below the number. It would have to be a reduction as a % of the the total cap spent. So if a guy make 16 million, now he makes 8 million. That is unless you want the open market to just take over at which point roster turnover would be inconceivable. Hell, I wonder if teams would even opt to carry a full roster if that's the case.
  13. I don't mind smoking, certainly indulge from time to time. I don't work for a company that does testing and they have a fairly liberal outlook on it. That said if your job was on the line and you had to quit but couldn't. This is marijuana we are talking about. A substance I can use for years straight and stop immediately with no side effects outside mild irritability for a day or two. If you can't stop, I don't think I could ever employee somebody at even 50k a year, let alone several hundred thousand to a million. It's different in the league now, marijuana, so directly, it's not an issue for him anymore. But his past actions show his character likely still is. I wouldn't touch him with somebody else's dixie.
  14. Yes, actually overturned an INT if I recall, Bengals/Browns game at Cleveland.
  15. Dude, I post like 20 times a year at this point. So it really says something if I read what you wrote and felt it was competitive for dumbest things I ever read. I’ve been a manger or director for call centers my whole life and the mantra I preach is “one more”. Lord help me if some competitor finds out a few buzz words I use to motivate my staff. I’ll be ruined. Does secrecy matter? Sure. But only when you have some proprietary procedure that does give you a competitive advantage. I don’t see old Sean discussing things like that and “find a way” is not exactly move the earth material.
  16. This is a pretty awful post. Not the worst ever, but it’s competitive.
  17. Was my favorite game of all time, was a devastated when it got axed. I still have a 360 and the last version of the game and bust it out from time to time. Lots of Mods out there to the game if you want to keep playing it in a more updated way. If you asked most college football players (plenty of articles on this) many were very pissed and found a ton of satisfaction being in the game. I do think we will see a deal cut with the actual universities for team logos and stadium use and or a fully customized game where the community can essentially build whatever they want in the next 2 years. I have no interest in Madden, never really did outside of it's really early years. I did love Front Page Sports Pro Football on the Computer, that was a sim well beyond it's time, I also love the 2k NFL series which is probably among the best football games ever made. Unfortunately EA just swallowed everybody on exclusive rights. No competition. No good products. Just marginal updates each year. Not sure if that's how you feel as well. Vent over.
  18. I for one love the Moss pick and don't find athleticism issues I think some derive from his 40 time. 40's and RB's are for the college game. Even elite RB speed gets marginalized in today's game. How are they within 10-15 yards? With Singletary I knew the answer because I watched a lot of him at FAU. I know the answer with Moss as well. Very explosive, generates incredible torque with his hips and legs. Very athletic. Powerful, powerful dude. I can't imagine having to chase around Singletary's tiny, slippery A$$, never getting to square up and then next in comes another seemingly tiny, oh sheeet...that hurt. I do not like the Frohm pick at all. That was a process pick all the way but we will see. I'm happy with the outcome as a whole. We nailed what was technically our 1st 3 picks from where I sit and the rest at that point are always 50/50.
  19. I think our path is treatment. If you want to hinge this on a vaccine we won’t have a season. If we can get treatments in place that bring the mortality rate down to what amounts to the flu then we likely get somewhere. With how much is to be gained financially from an effective treatment, I’m bullish. I doubt any virus in the history of mankind will have as much money thrown at it as this one in this short a time.
  20. I like yards per play and points. But even then, both stats have shortcomings. You need to really look at several stats as a whole
  21. Same thing I always do, take advantage of public perception and theories that aren't back by any evidence.
  22. When they first brought up March Madness, I didn't think any chance of that happening could occur. If this experience has taught me one thing it's that everybody involved keeps underestimating it's ability to disrupt normal life from work/business to athletics and everything in between. Without a vaccine I think at best we will see a shortened MLB season and likely outright CXL and if that is the case we could be looking at NCAA and NFL being at risk for 2020. Picture how much better it needs to get for us to allow 80,000 people in a stadium?
  23. It was a great trade for us. Our window is with Allen on his rookie contract. We draft a WR #1 and it's a high probability he never becomes as good as Diggs and virtually 100% he won't be as good this year.
  24. I like to see severe contrast between RB's. Somebody like Dillion makes a lot of sense, Just seeing his comps comparing to Henry then the production at BC. He passes the eye test. Dobbins is also a very talented RB. Not as much contrast but dynamic. I would be thrilled with either of them.
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