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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Good to see the ground work being laid.
  2. I never said this entire conversation was about stat lines. It's part of it. Burrow has enjoyed more direct and postseason success which is part of it as well. (Time for somebody to come in and argue Burrow hasn't actually played that well in the postseason statistically while propping up Josh's 2021 performance). I have already heard this song and the 8 other songs like it. I'm actually pretty happy with what Josh has done this year. I don't want to spend time rehashing this conversation.
  3. Nobody is trying to make the argument that winning% is ALL that matters. When the rest of the stats are relative as they're with all of the "best" then yes, winning% matters. Otherwise John Elway and Dan Marino would be best the best of all time. In the history of the NFL winning % in big games has been used to determine the elite from the not elite sinec the leagues inception. So in this context, it matters. It probably matters more than anything else. The stats are all but equal. Burrow has more playoff and one on one success. To say Allen is a clear anything over him is just not close.
  4. You guys had a degree of credibility until you formed and argument around Dan Marino being the best QB of all time. Give me a break. Are we supposed to believe it was the strength of the Patriots and Chiefs teams that led to multiple championships 😂
  5. So we should compare Fran Tarkenton, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino on the same field as Montana, Brady, and Mahomes? Sorry, but that's not how this works. The QB is responsible for leading a team further when evaluating multiple years. Fair or not, that's how this works.
  6. Josh is most the things said in this thread but this is just homer talk In the last two years: Burrow in the playoffs 5-2 vs Allen 2-2 and 1-0 vs Allen Burrow 69.3% vs Allen 63% completion % Burrow 69-26 TD / INT ratio vs Allen 71-29 TD / INT Burrow 22-10 vs Allen 24-9. It's basically a dead heat. Allen rushing yards and total prod vs Burrow completion % and postseason success is the variation and basically up to the beholder as far as separation. To say either has is head and shoulder better is foolish.
  7. I’m not joining this argument because it’s already taken place about a dozen times. But you really need to take some basic math classes. Burrow has 48 starts vs 82 starts for Josh. Which makes most of the stats you’re hand picking still in favor of Burrow on a per game bases.
  8. That sounds like my mom talking about her cat. It’s breathing! Look at her breath. Miraculous breaths of oxygen. Purring. What an amazing creature she is. Look at her sitting there. Existing in this world. The way she exists. So cute.
  9. The responses here are funny. Any human on this planet is free and clear to ask whatever the “F” they want to be compensated. It’s up to the free market to make a decision if that request makes sense or not. Nobody ever got more by asking for less. He is an entertainer. Nothing more. He doesn’t have to show some sort of love for the game because that was the image of his predecessors. If that answer doesn’t work, again, free market.
  10. I mean, it seems like it creates the same general torque on the body as a horse collar. I don’t blame them for wanting to limit it. If it actually works would surprise me. Like horse collars, these tackles are usually a result of angle or position. I don’t think a penalty can stop instincts.
  11. I can think of half a dozen way worse than that, but ya...wow. Further, I don't think we have won one of those games in well over a decade
  12. He just doesn’t care about waiting for a WR to get open. He will get killed waiting for it. Admirable trait but ya, you wonder if he can hold up.
  13. They’re a very physical team that gives the faster soft teams like KC and us a lot of issues
  14. They have three losses and we have two. I think it’s stands at days end.
  15. Slow starter historically. Injury exacerbated that. Awful like play and no mobility the first few weeks
  16. People that wrote off the Bengals are going to be in for a not so good surprise. They’re literally one game back behind us.
  17. It's the NFL, which means any game can become a game. We saw the impact of travel on the Bills in London. Well, they very well could have some jet lag this week. It's not nearly as bad of a set up, but not exactly ideal. If anybody on this planet knows how to game plan against Josh and our offense it should be Dabs. He knows just about every strength and weakness of our roster. Then looking at the run game, Jones got knocked out in the middle of our defense and the Giants are expecting the the return of Barkley. So we should have some element of risk with the run game. This will be a heated one for both sides with the competitive nature of these men. So many familiar faces. We are a stunning -15.5 favorite. It shouldn't be a game but it could turn into one.
  18. Discuss why they should clean house and in three weeks make my case why they're a Super Bowl contender
  19. I don’t think it’s hard to look at our past few years and figure we will probably be somewhere among those teams.
  20. Bill had been dating Linda Holliday since 2007. They recently broke up. Bill seems like a bit of a abnormal introverted personality. Perhaps that situation has impacted him a little more than what one would think? I have no earthly clue. Just speculating. As others have pointed out the roster is trash. He is 100% not tanking. Not with the record in site and his age not doing him any favors.
  21. I have met fellow TBD patron @muppy along with the SD Bills Backers for two games this year. Raiders and Miami. = 2-0 I have watched two others by myself as nationally broadcast games. Jets and Jags. = 0-2 Then I streamed one ( Washington ) 1-0 Sunday I will be alone watching on national TV HOWEVER I will be in another state so I expect different results Lastly, I took my Tre Hockey Academy shirt out for the Miami game, left it on my bed. I have not taken it out in two years. So that’s not good.
  22. I didn’t, but I don’t recall a game at that level. Perhaps he did. I tried to forget those years 😊
  23. I'm thrilled we haven't seen the ill advised throws. I don't wish he decided to be more aggressive. If he did, maybe it works out. Which in my mind is even worse than if it didn't. That would just feed the "it's ok" to be reckless with the ball and that attitude will cost us more than one game. Long term, that's just not what we need. It has to fall on our offense fully executing in those spots. Not Josh winging prayers.
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